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NIH External Directory Data


In the processes developed for administering the NIH External Directory, a wide range of data is collected throughout the various activities. The artifacts involved in these processes include the ED Project Request, the External Directory Service Level Agreement and the External Directory Account Application. Information from these artifacts is stored in a variety of places, including Active Directory®. In the future, additional applications may also store this data. As systems rely on these attributes, it is important to clarify what data is stored in the NIH External Active Directory.

The tables below detail the data attributes that are collected throughout the process models, the source of the data attribute, and the corresponding Active Directory (AD) attribute, where applicable.

External Directory Project Data

Attribute Source Valid Values AD Attribute Example
ED Project Name ED Project Request - - “GAIN”
ED Project Unique Identifier ED Project Request - - “GAIN23”
ED Project Sponsor Given Name ED Project Request - - “John”
ED Project Sponsor Surname ED Project Request - - “Jones”
ED Project Sponsor NED ID ED Project Request - - 123-4567-890
Backup ED Project Sponsor Given Name ED Project Request - - “John”
Backup ED Project Sponsor Surname ED Project Request - - “Jones”
Backup ED Project Sponsor NED ID ED Project Request - - 123-4567-890
ISSO Given Name ED Project Request - - “John”
ISSO Surname ED Project Request - - “Jones”
ISSO NED ID ED Project Request - - 123-4567-890
CIT Account Number ED Project Request - - “ABC1”
Agency Location Code ED Project Request - - 75038928
ED Project Group ED Project Request - projectGroup “External Users”
ED Project Group E-Authentication Level ED Project Request 1,2 groupEauthLevel 2
ED Project Term ED Project Request - - “18 months”
ED Project Administrator ED Project Request - - “John D. Smith”
ED Project E-Authentication Level ED Project Request 1, 2 - 2
CIO Given Name ED Project Request - - “John”
CIO Surname ED Project Request - - “Jones”
Date of Agreement External Directory Service Level Agreement - - 01/01/2006
Type of Agreement External Directory Service Level Agreement “New Agreement”, “Renewal Agreement”, “Modification to Current Year Agreement” - “New Agreeement”
Date Closed External Directory Service Level Agreement - - 09/01/2006
CIO Sign-Off External Directory Service Level Agreement “Yes”, “No” - “Yes”
Agreement to E-Authentication Level External Directory Service Level Agreement “Yes”, “No” - “Yes”

External Directory User Data

Attribute Source Valid Values   AD Attribute Example
User Given Name External Directory Application - givenName "Mary-Lou"
User Middle Name External Directory Application - - "Beth"
User Surname External Directory Application - sn "O'Connell"
Company External Directory Application - company "Harvard"
Street Address External Directory Application - streetAddress "12 Main St."
City External Directory Application - l "Bethesda"
State/Province External Directory Application - st "MD" "Quebec"
Country External Directory Application - countryCode "US"
Postal Code External Directory Application - postalCode "22152" "MK4 1B4"
Email Address External Directory Application - mail "smithj@"
Telephone Number External Directory Application - telephoneNumber "55.1.4365.
2374 x3709"
E-Authentication Level External Directory Application - eAuthLevel 2
ED Project Name External Directory Application - - "GAIN"
ED Project Unique Identifier External Directory Application - projectIdentifier "GAIN23"
Application Status External Directory Application - - "Approved - Account Pending"

Registration Authority (RA) Data

Attribute Source Valid Values AD Attribute Example
RA Given Name Registration Authority - - "Mary-Lou"
RA Middle Name Registration Authority - - "Beth"
RA Surname Registration Authority - - "O'Connell"
Company Registration Authority - - "Harvard
Street Address Registration Authority - - "12 Main St."
City Registration Authority - - "Bethesda"
State/Province Registration Authority - - "MD" "Quebec"
Country Registration Authority - - "US"
Postal Code Registration Authority - - "22152" "MK4 1B4"
Email Address Registration Authority - -
Telephone Number Registration Authority - - "55.1.4365.2374 x3709"
E-Authentication Level Registration Authority - - 2

Time Table

This architecture definition approved on: September 26, 2006

The next review is scheduled in: TBD