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Kidney Disease Research Updates
Fall 2007


NIDDK Unveils Website Makeover

Screen shot of NIDDK home page.Dynamic graphics and an enhanced layout define the redesigned website launched by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK).

The NIDDK’s website reformat is aimed at best directing the site’s users—scientists, health care professionals, and the general public—to the topics and sections they seek.

While the fundamental architecture of information remained stable in the redesign process, the committee advancing the design sought to update the website’s look and feel and improve the immediate success of information seekers.

“Our new design should save researchers, health professionals, and the public valuable time finding important scientific and consumer health information,” said NIDDK Director Griffin P. Rodgers, M.D. “We are continually striving to make our resources more readily available to a wider audience and in the latest formats. The website plays a key role in helping to disseminate this information.”

The NIDDK website, which receives nearly 2 million visits per month, scored an 83 out of 100 possible points on the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) for March to June 2007, making it a top-performing site. The ACSI measures the performance of about 200 private-sector companies and many government agencies. Visitors rate government websites on various components of overall satisfaction, such as ease of search and navigation, look and feel, functionality, and content. Ratings are converted to a score on a 100-point scale using ACSI methodology.

The website features a reference collection, an interactive health tools portal, an image library, and portals containing health information in Spanish.

To visit the site, go to

NIH Publication No. 08–4531
November 2007




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