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Home : About NKUDIC : Research Updates : Kidney Disease Fall 2007


Kidney Disease Research Updates
Fall 2007


NIDDK Requests for Applications

Screen shot of the NIH website grants page.
The NIDDK posts funding opportunities and notices on its website at
The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) is seeking responses to the following Requests for Applications (RFAs):

Ancillary Studies in the Natural History of Acute Kidney Injury

Description: The primary objective of this grant is to establish an Acute Kidney Injury Natural History Consortium comprised of three to five participating clinical centers (PCCs) and one data coordinating center. Each PCC will be expected to follow 200 to 600 patients with acute kidney injury and a similar number of control subjects for up to 4 years for the development or worsening of chronic kidney disease and selected cardiovascular complications. The NIDDK will commit $2 million annually for 5 years to support the consortium.

Letter of intent deadline: November 26, 2007
Application deadline: December 20, 2007
For more information:

Identification of Factors Associated with Failure of Arteriovenous Fistulas to Mature in Hemodialysis Patients

Description: This initiative will support a consortium of investigators to conduct a prospective multicenter observational cohort study investigating clinical factors that may be predictive and/or are associated with the failure of newly placed arteriovenous fistulas to mature in patients with end-stage renal disease. The NIDDK will award $3 million per year for 5 years to create this new research program.

Letter of intent deadline: November 20, 2007
Application deadline: December 13, 2007
For more information:

Data Coordinating Center for the HALT-Polycystic Kidney Disease Trials

Description: This initiative will support a data coordinating center for the ongoing HALT-Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Trials, which are currently in the enrollment phase. The HALT-PKD trials are investigating the effectiveness of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system blockade in altering progression of kidney disease in patients with autosomal dominant PKD. The NIDDK will award $1 million per year to support the data coordinating center. The total project period is 5 years.

Letter of intent deadline: November 20, 2007
Application deadline: December 13, 2007
For more information:

NIH Publication No. 08–4531
November 2007




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