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NHLBI Women's Health Initiative
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Estrogen-Alone Study

Estrogen-Plus-Progestin Study





WHI Background and Overview

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WHI Community Prevention Study

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Updated 3/4/08

  • Behavioral, Quality of Life, and Lifestyle

  • Calcium and Vitamin D/Bone

  • Cancer

  • Cardiovascular

  • Cognition and Dementia

  • Design and Methods

  • Diet

  • Hormone Therapy

  • Other

  • Pelvic Prolapse and Urinary Incontinence

    Behavioral, Quality of Life, and Lifestyle

    1. Brennan RM, Wactawski-Wende J, Crespo CJ, Dmochowski J. "Factors Associated with Treatment Initiated after Osteoporosis Screening." Am J Epidemiol 2004;160:475-483.
    2. Bush RA, Langer RD. "The Effects of Insurance Coverage and Ethnicity on Mammography Utilization in a Postmenopausal Population." West J Med 1998;Apr;168(4):236-240.
    3. Evenson KR, Wilcox S, Pettinger M, Brunner R, King AC, McTiernan A. "Vigorous Leisure Activity through Women's Adult Life: The Women's Health Initiative Observational Cohort Study." Am J Epidemiology 2002;156:945-953.
    4. Gold R, Michael YL, Whitlock EP, Hubbell FA, Mason ED, Rodriguez BL, Safford MM, Sarto GE. "Race/Ethnicity, Socioeconomic Status, and Lifetime Morbidity Burden in the Women's Health Initiative." Journal of Women's Health 2006;15(10):1161-1173.
    5. Hopkins, Burrows B, Bowen D, Tinker l. "Labeling as a Predictor of Dietary Maintenance." J Nutr Edu 2001;33:278-283.
    6. Hsia J, Kemper E, Sofaer S, Bowen D, Kiefe C, Zapka J, Mason E, Lillington L, Limacher L. "Is Insurance a More Important Determinant of Healthcare Access Than Perceived Health? Evidence from the Women's Health Initiative." Journal of Women's Health; Gender-Based Medicine 2000;9(8):881-889.
    7. Hsia J, Kemper E, Kiefe C, Zapka J, Sofaer S, Pettinger M, Bowen D, Limacher M, Lillington L, Mason E. "The Importance of Health Insurance as a Determinant of Cancer Screening: Evidence from the Women's Health Initiative." Preventive Medicine 2000;31:261-270.
    8. Hsia J. Wu L, Allen C, Oberman A, Lawson WE, Torrens J, Safford M, Limacher MC, Howard BV. "Physical Activity and Diabetes Risk in Postmenopausal Women." Am J Prev Med 2005;28(1):19-25.
    9. Kearney MH, Rosal MC, Ockene JK, Churchill LC. "Influences on Older Women's Adherence to a Low-Fat Diet in the Women's Health Initiative." Psychosom Med 2002;64(3):450-457.
    10. Kripke DF, Brunner R, Freeman R, Hendrix S, Jackson RD, Masaki K, Carter RA. "Sleep Complaints of Postmenopausal Women." Clinical Journal of Women's Health 2001;1:244-252.
    11. McTiernan A, Kooperberg C, White E, Wilcox S, Adams-Campbell LL, Woods N, Ockene J. "Recreational Physical Activity and the Risk of Breast Cancer in Postmenopausal Women: The Women's Health Initiative Cohort Study." JAMA 2003;290:1331-1336.
    12. Messina CR, Lane DS, Glanz K, West DS, Taylor V, Frishman W, Powell L. "Relationship of Social Support and Social Burden to Repeated Breast Cancer Screening in the Women's Health Initiative." Health Psychology 2004;23(6):582-594.
    13. Mossavar-Rahmani Y, Garland CF, Caan B, Hebert JR, Wodarski LA, Vitolins MZ, Himes JH, Parker LM. "Yogurt Consumption is Associated with Healthy Behavior in Postmenopausal Women." Clinical Journal of Women's Health 2002;2(3):128-134.
    14. Shikany JM. "Fat Intake in Husbands of Participants in the Dietary Modification Component of the Women's Health Initiative." Nutr Res 2002;22:577-586.
    15. Smoller JW, Pollack MH, Wassertheil-Smoller S, Barton B, Hendrix SL, Jackson RD, Dicken T, Oberman A, Sheps DS. "Prevalence and Correlates of Panic Attacks in Postmenopausal Women." Arch Intern Med 2003;163:2041-2050.
    16. Tinker LF, Perri MG, Patterson RE, Bowen DJ, McIntosh M, Parker LM, Sevick MA, Wodarski LA. "The Effects of Physical and Emotional Status on Adherence to a Low-Fat Dietary Pattern in the Women's Health Initiative." J Am Diet Assoc 2002;102:789-800.
    17. Wilcox S, Everson KR, Aragaki A, Wassertheil-Smoller S, Mouton CP, Loevinger BL. "The Effects of Widowhood on Physical and Mental Health, Health Behaviors, and Health Outcomes: The Women's Health Initiative." Health Psychology 2003;22(5):513-522.
    18. Yost KJ, Haan MN, Levine RA, Gold EB. "Comparing SF-36 Scores Across Three Groups of Women with Different Health Profiles." Quality of Life Research 2005;14:1251-1261.

    Calcium and Vitamin D/Bone

    1. Barondess DA, Singh M, Hendrix SL, Nelson DA. "Radiographic Measurements, Bone Mineral Density and the Singh Index in the Proximal Femur of White and Black Postmenopausal Women." Clin J Women's Health 2001;1(5):253-258.
    2. Bonds DE, Larson JC, Schwartz AV, Strotmeyer ES, Robbins J, Rodriguez BL, Johnson KC, Margolis KL. "Risk of Fracture in Women with Type 2 Diabetes: The Women's Health Initiative Observational Study." J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2006;91(9):3404-3410.
    3. Caan B, Neuhouser M, Aragaki A, Lewis CB, Jackson R, LeBoff MS, Margolis KL, Powell L, Uwaifo G, Whitlock E, Wylie-Rosett J, LaCroix A. "Calcium Plus Vitamin D Supplementation and the Risk of Postmenopausal Weight Gain." Arch Intern Med 2007;167:893-902.
    4. Chen Z, Pettinger MB, Ritenbaugh C, LaCroix AZ, Robbins J, Caan BJ, Barad DH, Hakim IA. "Habitual Tea Consumption and Risk of Osteoporosis: A Prospective Study in the Women's Health Initiative Observational Cohort." Am J Epidemiol 2003;158:772-781.
    5. Chen Z, Maricic M, Bassford TL, Pettinger M, Ritenbaugh C, Lopez AM, Barad DH, Bass M, LeBoff MS. "Fracture Risk Among Breast Cancer Survivors: Results from the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study." Arch Intern Med 2005;165:552-558.
    6. Chen Z, Maricic M, Pettinger M, Ritenbaugh C, Lopez AM, Barad DH, Gass M, LeBoff MS, Bassford TL. "Osteoporosis and Rate of Bone Loss among Postmenopausal Survivors of Breast Cancer." Cancer 2005;104:1520-1530.
    7. de Boer IH, Kestenbaum B, Siscovick DS, Weiss NS, Tinker LF, Connelly S, Curb JD, Howard BV, Larson JC, Manson JE, Margolis KL. "Calcium Plus Vitamin D Supplementation and the Risk of Incident diabetes Mellitus in the Women's Health Initiative." Diabetes Care 2008 Jan 30 Epub.
    8. Hsia J, Heiss G, Ren H, Allison M, Dolan NC, Greenland P, Heckbert SR, Johnson KC, Manson JE, Sidney S, Trevisan M, for the Women's Health Initiative Investigators. "Calcium/Vitamin D Supplementation and Cardiovascular Events." Circulation 2007;115:846-854.
    9. Jackson R, LaCroix A, Cauley J, McGowan J. "The WHI CaD Trial: Overview and Baseline Characteristics of Participants." Ann Epidemiol 2003;13:S98-S106.
    10. Jackson RD, LaCroix AZ, Gass M, et al. "The Women's Health Initiative Trial of Calcium plus Vitamin D Supplementation on Risk for Fractures." NEJM 2006;354:669-683.
    11. Jeffcoat MK, Lewis CE, Reddy MS, Wang CY, Redford M. "Post-Menopausal Bone Loss and It's Relationship to Oral Bone Loss." Periodontol 2000 2001;23(1):94-102.
    12. LaCroix AZ, Cauley JA, Pettinger M, Hsia J, Bauer DC, McGowan J, Chen Z, Lewis CE, McNeeley SG, Passaro MD, Jackson RD. "Statin Use, Clinical Fracture, and Bone Density in Postmenopausal Women: Results from the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study." Ann Internal Med 2003;139:97-104.
    13. McLeod, KM, McCann SE, Horvath PJ, Wactawski-Wende J. "Predictors of Change in Calcium Intake in Postmenopausal Women after Osteoporosis Screening." J Nutr 2007 Aug;137(8):1968-1973.
    14. Nelson DA, Barondess DA, Hendrix SL, Beck TJ. "Cross-Sectional Geometry, Bone Strength and Bone Mass in the Proximal Femur in African-American and White Postmenopausal Women." J Bone Miner Res 2000;15(10):1992-1997.
    15. Robbins J, Aragaki AK, Kooperberg C, Watts N, Wactawski-Wende J, Jackson RD, LeBoff MS, Lewis CE, Chen Z, Stefanick ML, Cauley J. "Factors associated with 5-Year Risk of Hip Fracture in Postmenopausal Women." JAMA 2007;298(20):2389-2398.
    16. Spangler L, Scholes D, Brunner RL, Robbins J, Reed SD, Newton KM, Melville JL, LaCroix AZ. "Depressive Symptoms, Bone Loss, and Fractures in Postmenopausal Women." J Gen Intern Med 2008 Feb 20 [Epub ahead of print].
    17. Wactawski-Wende J, Kotchen JM, Anderson GL, et al. "Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation and Colorectal Cancer in Postmenopausal Women: The Women's Health Initiative Clinical Trial." NEJM 2006;354:684-696.
    18. Wampler NS, Chen Z, Jacobsen C, Henderson JA, Howard BV, Rossouw JE. "Bone Mineral Density of American Indian and Alaska Native Women Compared with Non-Hispanic White Women: Results from the Women's Health Initiative Study." Menopause 2005;12(5):536-544.
    19. Wolf RL, Cauley JA, Pettinger M, Jackson R, LaCroix A, Leboff MS, Lewis CE, Nevitt MC, Simon JA, Stone KL, Wactawski-Wende J. "Lack of a Relation Between Vitamin and Mineral Antioxidants and Bone Mineral Density: Results from the Women's Health Initiative." Am J Clin Nutr 2005;82:581-588.


    1. Abel EL, Hendrix SL, McNeeley GS, O'Leary ES, Mossavar-Rahmani Y, Johnson SR, Kruger M. "Use of Electric Blankets and Association with Prevalence of Endometrial Cancer." European Journal of Cancer Prevention 2007;16:243-250.
    2. Allison M, Garland C, Chlebowski R, Criqui M, Langer R, Wu L, Roy H, McTiernan A, Kuller L. "The Association between Aspirin Use and the Incidence of Colorectal Cancer in Women." Am J Epidemiol 2006;164:567-575.
    3. Cauley JA, McTiernan A, Rodabough RJ, LaCroix A, Bauer DC, Margolis KL, Paskett ED, Vitolins MZ, Furberg CD, Chlebowski RT. "Statin Use and Breast Cancer: Prospective Results From the Women's Health Initiative." JNCI 2006;98(10):700-707.
    4. Chlebowski RT, Pettinger M, Stefanick ML, Howard BV, Mossavar0Rahmani Y, McTiernan A. "Insulin, Physical Activity, and Caloric Intake in Postmenopausal Women: Breast Cancer Implications." JCO Nov 15 2004;4507-4513.
    5. Chlebowski RT, Chen Z, Anderson GL, Rohan T, Aragaki A, Lane D, Dolan NC, Paskett ED, McTiernan A, Hubbell FA, Adams-Campbell LL, Prentice R. "Ethnicity and Breast Cancer: Factors Influencing Differences in Incidence and Outcome." JNCI 2005;97(6):439-448.
    6. Cui Y, Page DL, Chlebowski RT, Hsia J, Hubbell FA, Johnson KC, Rohan TE. "Cigarette Smoking and Risk of Benign Proliferative Epithelial Disorders of the Breast in the Women's Health Initiative." Cancer Causes Control 2007;18(4):431-438.
    7. Cui Y, Page DL, Chlebowski RT, Beresford SA, Hendrix SL, Lane DS, Rohan TE. "Alcohol and Folate Consumption and Risk of Benign Proliferative Epithelial Disorders of the Breast." Int J Cancer 2007;121(6):1346-1351.
    8. Gain MH, Constantino JP, Pee D, Bondy M, Newman L, Selvan M, Anderson GL, Malone KE, Marchbanks PA, McCaskill-Stevens W, Norman SA, Simon MS, Spirtas R, Ursin G, Bernstein L. "Projecting Individualized Absolute Invasive Breast Cancer Risk in African American Women." J Natl Cancer Inst 2007;99:1782-1792.
    9. Harris RE, Chlebowski RT, Jackson RD, Frid DJ, Ascenseo JL, Anderson G, Loar A, Rodabough RJ, White E, McTiernan A. "Breast Cancer and Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs: Prospective Results from the Women's Health Initiative." Cancer Research 2003;63:6096-6101.
    10. Luo J, Margolis KL, Adami HO, Lopez AM, Lessin L, Ye W; for the Women's Health Initiative Investigators. "Body Size, Weight Cycling, and Risk of Renal Cell Carcinoma among Postmenopausal Women: The Women's Health Initiative." Am J Epidemiol 2007;166(7):752-759.
    11. Michaud DS, Wolpin B, Giovannucci E, Liu S, Cochrane B, Manson JE, Pollack MN, Ma J, Fuchs CS. "Prediagnostic Plasma C-Peptide and Pancreatic Cancer Risk in Men and Women." Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2007;16(10):2101-2109.
    12. Morimoto LM, White E, Chen Z, Chlebowski RT, Hays J, Kuller L, Lopez AM, Manson J, Margolis KL, Muti PC, Stefanick ML, McTiernan A.  "Obesity, Body Size, and Risk of Postmenopausal Breast Cancer: The Women's Health Initiative." Cancer Causes and Control 2002;13:741-751.
    13. Paskett ED, Reeves KW, Rohan TE, Allison MA, Williams CD, Messina CR, Whitlock E, Sata A, Hunt JR. "Association Between Cigarette Smoking and Colorectal Cancer in the Women's Health Initiative." J Natl Cancer Inst 2007;99:1729-1735.
    14. Rosenberg CA, Greenland P, Khandekar J, Loar A, Ascensao J, Lopez AM. "Association of Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer with Second Malignancy." Cancer Jan 1, 2004;100(1):130-138.
    15. Rosenberg CA, Khandekar J, Greenland P, Rodabough RJ, McTiernan A. "Cutaneous Melanoma in Postmenopausal Women after Nonmelanoma Skin Carcinoma." Cancer 2006;106(3):654-663.
    16. Yasmeen S, Romano PS, Pettinger M, Johnson SR, Hubbell FA, Lane DS, Hendrix SL. "Incidence of Cervical Cytological Abnormalities With Aging in the Women's Health Initiative." Obstet Gynecol 2006;108(2):410-419.


    1. Howard BV, Criqui MH, Curb JD, Rodabough R, Safford MM, Santoro N, Wilson AC, Wylie-Rossett J. "Risk Factor Clustering in the Insulin Resistance Syndrome and its Relationship to Cardiovascular Disease in Postmenopausal White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian/Pacific Islander Women." Metabolism 2003;3:362-371.
    2. Howard BV, Kuller L, Langer R, Manson JE, Allen C, Assaf A, Cochrane BB, Larson JC, Lasser N, Rainford M, Van Horn L, Stefanick ML, Trevisan M. "Risk of Cardiovascular Disease by Hysterectomy Status, With and Without Oophorectomy: The Women's Health Initiative Observational Study." Circulation 2005;111:1462-1470.
    3. Hsia J, Barad D, Margolis K, Rodabough R, McGovern PG, Limacher MC, Oberman A, Smoller S. "Usefulness of Prior Hysterectomy as an Independent Predictor of Framingham Risk Score (The Women's Health Initiative)." Am J Cardiol 2003;92:264-269.
    4. Hsia J, Aragaki A, Bloch M, LaCroix AZ, Wallace R. "Predictors of Angina Pectoris Versus Myocardial Infarction from the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study." Am J Cardiol 2004; 93:673-678.
    5. Hsia J, Klouj A, Prasad A, Burt J, Adams-Campbell L, Howard BV. "Progression of Coronary Calcification in Healthy Postmenopausal Women." BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2004;4:21:
    6. Hsia J, Margolis KL, Eaton CB, Wenger NK, Allison M, Wu L, LaCroix AZ, Black HR, for the Women's Health Initiative Investigators. "Prehypertension and Cardiovascular Disease Risk in the Women's Health Initiative." Circulation 2007;115:855-860.
    7. Hsia J, Heiss G, Ren H, Allison M, Dolan NC, Greenland P, Heckbert SR, Johnson KC, Manson JE, Sidney S, Trevisan M, for the Women's Health Initiative Investigators. "Calcium/Vitamin D Supplementation and Cardiovascular Events." Circulation 2007;115:846-854.
    8. Khurana C, Rosenbaum CG, Howard BV, Adams-Campbell L, Detrano R, Klouj A, Hsia J. "Coronary Calcification in Black Women and White Women." Am Heart J 2003;145:724-729.
    9. Kim CK, McGorray SP, Bartholomew BA, March M, Dicken T, Wassertheil-Smoller S, Curb JD, Oberman A, Hsia J, Gardin J, Wong ND, Barton B, McMahon RP, Sheps DS. "Depressive Symptoms and Heart Rate Variability in Postmenopausal Women." Arch Intern Med 2005;165:1239-1244.
    10. Klein R, Deng Y, Klein BEK, Hyman L, Seddon J, Frank RN, Wallace RB, Hendrix SL, Kuppermann BD, Langer RD, Kuller L, Brunner R, Johnson KC, Thomas AM, Haan M. "Cardiovascular Disease, Its Risk Factors and Treatment, and Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Women's Health Initiative Sight Exam Ancillary Study." Am J Ophthalmol 2007;143(3):473-483.
    11. Manson JE, Greenland P, LaCroix AZ, Stefanick ML, Mouton CP, Oberman A, Perri MG, Sheps DS, Pettinger MB, Siscovick DS. "Walking Compared with Vigorous Exercise for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Events in Women." N Engl J Med 2002;347:716-725.
    12. Margolis KL, Manson JE, Greenland P, Rodabough RJ, Bray PF, Safford M, Grimm RH, Howard BV, Assaf AR, Prentice R. "Leukocyte Count as a Predictor of Cardiovascular Events and Mortality in Postmenopausal Women." Arch Intern Med 2005;165:500-508.
    13. McTigue K, Larson JC, Valoski A, Burke G, Kotchen J, Lewis CE, Stefanick ML, VanHorn L, Kuller L. "Mortality and Cardiac and Vascular Outcomes in Extremely Obese Women." JAMA 2006;296:79-86.
    14. Miller KA, Siscovick DS, Sheppard L, Shepherd K, Sullivan JH, Anderson GL, Kaufman JD. "Long-Term Exposure to Air Pollution and Incidence of Cardiovascular Events in Women." NEJM 2007;356(5):447-458.
    15. Oberman A, Prineas RJ, Larson JC, LaCroix A, Lasser NL. "Prevalence and Determinants of Electrocardiographic Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Among a Multiethnic Population of Postmenopausal Women (The Women's Health Initiative)." Am J Cardiol 2006;97:512-519.
    16. Pradhan A, LaCroix AZ, Langer RD, Trevisan M, Lewis CE, Hsia JA, Oberman A, Kotchen JM, Ridker PM. "Tissue Plasminogen Activator Antigen and D-Dimer as Markers for Atherothrombotic Risk Among Healthy Postmenopausal Women." Circulation 2004;110:292-300.
    17. Rautaharju PM, Kooperberg C, Larson JC, LaCroix A. "Electrocardiographic Abnormalities That Predict Coronary Heart Disease Events and Mortality in Postmenopausal Women: The Women's Health Initiative." Circulation 2006;113(4):473-480.
    18. Rautaharju PM, Kooperberg C, Larson JC, LaCroix A. "Electrocardiographic Predictors of Incident Congestive Heart Failure and All-Cause Mortality in Postmenopausal Women: The Women's Health Initiative." Circulation 2006;113(4):481-489.
    19. Rautaharju PM, Prineas RJ, Kadish A, Larson JC, Hsia J, Lund B. "Normal Standards for QT and QT Subintervals Derived from a Large Ethnically Diverse Population of Women Aged 50 to 79 Years: The Women's Health Initiative." Am J Cardiol 2006;97:730-737.
    20. Robinson JG, Wallace R, Limacher M, Sato A, Cochrane B, Wassertheil-Smoller S, Ockene JK, Blanchette PL, Ko MG. "Elderly Women Diagnosed with Nonspecific Chest Pain May be at Increased Cardiovascular Risk." Journal of Women's Health 2007;15(10):1151-1160.
    21. Smoller JW, Pollack MH, Wassertheil-Smoller S, Jackson RD, Oberman A, Wong ND, Sheps D. "Panic Attacks and Risk of Incident Cardiovascular Events among Postmenopausal Women in the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study." Arch Gen Psychiatry 2007;64:1153-1160.
    22. Wassertheil-Smoller S, Anderson G, Psaty BM, Black HR, Manson J, Wong N, Francis J, Grimm R, Kotchen T, Langer R, Lasser N. "Hypertension and Its Treatment in Postmenopausal Women: Baseline Data from the Women's Health Initiative." Hypertension 2000;36:780-789.
    23. Wassertheil-Smoller S, Shumaker S, Ockene J, Talavera GA, Greenland P, Cochrane B, Robbins J, Aragaki A, Dunbar-Jacob J. "Depression and Cardiovascular Sequelae in Postmenopausal Women: The Women's Health Initiative (WHI)." Arch Intern Med. 2004;164:289-298.
    24. Wassertheil-Smoller S, Psaty B, Greenland P, Oberman A, Kotchen T, Mouton C, Black H, Aragaki A, Trevisan M. "Association Between Cardiovascular Outcomes and Antihypertensive Drug Treatment in Older Women." JAMA 2004;292:2849-2859.

    Cognition and Dementia

    1. Espeland MA, Gu L, Masaki KH, Langer RD, Coker LH, Stefanick ML, Ockene J, Rapp SR. "Association between Reported Alcohol Intake and Cognition: Results from the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study." Am J Epidemiol 2005;161:228-238.
    2. Espeland MA, Rapp SR, Robertson J, Granek I, Murphy C, Albert M, Bassford T. "Benchmarks for Designing Two-Stage Studies Using Modified Mini-Mental State Examinations: Experience from the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study." Clinical Trials 2006;3:99-106.
    3. Rapp S, Espeland M, Hogan P, Jones B, Dugan E.  "Baseline Experience with Modified Mini Mental State Exam: The Women's Health Initiative Memory Study (WHIMS)." Aging and Mental Health 2003;7(3):217-223.
    4. Rapp S, Espeland M, Shumaker S, Henderson V, Brunner R, Manson J, Gass M, Stefanick M, Lane D, Hays J, Johnson K, Coker L, Dailey M, Bowen D. "Effect of Estrogen Plus Progestin on Global Cognitive Function in Postmenopausal Women: The Women's Health Initiative Memory Study: A Randomized Controlled Trial." JAMA 2003;289:2663-2672.
    5. Resnick SM, Maki PM, Rapp SR, Espeland MA, Brunner R, Coker LH, Granek IA, Hogan P, Ockene JK, Shumaker SA. "Effects of Combination Estrogen Plus Progestin Hormone Treatment on Cognition and Affect." J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2006;91:1802-1810.
    6. Resnick SM, Coker LH, Maki PM, Rapp SR, Espeland MA, Shumaker SA. "The Women's Health Initiative Study of Cognitive Aging (WHISCA): A Randomized Clinical Trial of the Effects of Hormone Therapy on Age-Related Cognitive Decline." Clinical Trials 2004;1:440-450.
    7. Shumaker SA, Reboussin BA, Espeland MA, Rapp SR, McBee WL, Dailey M, Bowen D, Terrell T, Jones BN. "The Women's Health Initiative Memory Study (WHIMS): A Trial of the Effect of Estrogen Therapy in Preventing and Slowing the Progression of Dementia". Control Clin Trials 1998;Dec;19(6):604-621.
    8. Shumaker S, Legault C, Thal L, Wallace R, Ockene J, Hendrix S, Jones III B, Assaf A, Jackson R, Kotchen JM, Wassertheil-Smoller S, Wactawski-Wende J. "Estrogen Plus Progestin and the Incidence of Dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment in Postmenopausal Women: The Women's Health Initiative Memory Study: A Randomized Controlled Trial." JAMA 2003;289:2651-2662.
    9. Shumaker S, Legault C, Kuller L, Rapp S, Thal L, Lane D, Fillit H, Stefanick M, Hendrix S, Lewis CB, Masaki K, Coker L. "Conjugated Equine Estrogens and Incidence of Probable Dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment in Postmenopausal Women." JAMA 2004;291:2947-2958.

    Design and Methods

    1. Anderson GL, Manson J, Wallace R, Lund B, Hall D, Davis S, Shumaker S, Wang C, Stein E, Prentice R. "Baseline Monograph - Implementation of the WHI Study Design." Ann Epidemiol 2003;13:S5-S17.
    2. Chen Z, Kooperberg C, Pettinger MB, Bassford T, Cauley JA, LaCroix AZ, Lewis CE, Kipersztok S, Borne C, Jackson R. "Validity of Self-Report for Fractures Among a Multiethnic Cohort of Postmenopausal Women: Results from the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study and Clinical Trials." Menopause 2004;11(3):264-274.
    3. Cochrane BB, Lund B, Anderson S, Prentice R (2003). "The Women's Health Initiative: Aspects of Management and Coordination." In J. W. Hawkins, L. A. Haggerty (Eds.): Diversity in Health Care Research: Strategies for Multisite, Multidisciplinary, and Multi-Ethnic Projects (pp. 181-207). New York:Springer.
    4. Curb JD, McTiernan A, Heckbert SR, Kooperberg C, Stanford J, Nevitt M, Johnson KC, Proulx-Burns L, Pastore L, Criqui M, Daugherty S. "Outcomes Ascertainment and Adjudication Methods in the Women's Health Initiative." Ann Epidemiol 2003;13:S122-S128.
    5. Fouad MN, Corbie-Smith G, Curb D, Howard BV, Mouton C, Simon M, Talavera G, Thompson J, Wang CY, White C, Young R. "Special Populations Recruitment for the Women's Health Initiative: Successes and Limitations." Controlled Clinical Trials 2004;25:325-352.
    6. Freedman L, Anderson G, Kipnis V, Prentice R, Wang CY, Rossouw J, Wittes J, DeMets D. "Approaches to Monitoring the Results of Long-Term Disease Prevention Trials: Examples from the Women's Health Initiative." Controlled Clinical Trials 1996;17:509-525.
    7. Gorfine, Hsu, Prentice. "Estimation of Dependence between Paired Correlated Failure Times in the Presence of Covariate Measurement Error." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) 2003;65(3):643.
    8. Hays J, Hunt J, Hubbell A, Anderson G, Limacher M, Allen C, Rossouw J. "The WHI Recruitment Methods and Results." Ann Epidemiol 2003;13:S18-S77.
    9. Hebert JR, Patterson RE, Gorfine M, Ebbeling CB, St. Jeor ST, Chlebowski RT. "Differences between Estimated Caloric Requirements and Self-Reported Caloric Intake in the Women's Health Initiative." Ann Epidemiol 2003;13(9):629-637.
    10. Heckbert S, Kooperberg C, Safford M, Psaty B, Hsia J, McTiernan A, Gaziano M, Frishman W, Curb JD. "Comparison of Self-Report, Discharge Diagnosis, and Adjudication of Cardiovascular Events in the WHI." Am J Epidemiol 2004;160:1152-1158.
    11. Johnson SR, Anderson GL, Barad DH, Stefanick ML. "The Women's Health Initiative: Rationale, Design, and Progress Report." Journal of the British Menopause Society 1999;5:155-159.
    12. Larkey LK, Staten LK, Ritenbaugh C, Hall RA, Buller DB, Bassford T, Altimari BR. "Recruitment of Hispanic Women to the Women's Health Initiative: The Case of Embajadoras in Arizona." Controlled Clinical Trials 2002;23:289-298.
    13. Levine DW, Shumaker SA, Naughton MJ, Kaplan RM, Kripke DF, Bowen DJ. "Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance of the Women's Health Initiative Insomnia Rating Scale." Psychological Assessment 2003;15(2):123-136.
    14. Levine DW, Kaplan RM, Kripke DF, Bowen DJ, Naughton MJ, Shumaker SA. "Reliability and Validity of the Women's Health Initiative Insomnia Rating Scale." Psychological Assessment 2003;15(2):137-148.
    15. Levine DW, Dailey ME, Rockhill B, Tipping D, Naughton MJ, Shumaker SA. "Validation of the Women's Health Initiative Insomnia Rating Scale in a Multicenter Controlled Clinical Trial." Psychosomatic Medicine 2005;67:98-104.
    16. Matthews KA, Shumaker SA, Bowen DJ, Langer RD, Hunt JR, Kaplan RM, Klesges RC, Ritenbaugh C. "Women's Health Initiative. Why now? What is it? What's new?" American Psychologist 1997;52:101-116.
    17. McTiernan A, Rossouw J, Manson J, Franzi C, Taylor V, Carleton R, Johnson S, Nevitt M. "Informed Consent in the Women's Health Initiative Clinical Trial and Observational Study." Journal of Women's Health 1995;4:519-529.
    18. Mossavar-Rahmani Y, Henry H, Rodabough R, Bragg C, Brewer A, Freed T, Kinzel L, Pedersen M, Soule O, Vosburg S. "Additional Self-Monitoring Tools in the Dietary Modification Component of the Women's Health Initiative." J Am Diet Assoc 2004;104:76-85.
    19. Patterson RE, Kristal AR, Coates RJ, Tylavsky FA, Ritenbaugh C, Van Horn L, Caggiula AW, Snetselaar L. "Low-Fat Diet Practices of Older Women: Prevalence and Implications for Dietary Assessment." Journal of the American Dietetic Association 1996;96:670-679.
    20. Patterson RE, Kristal AR, Tinker LF, Carter RA, Bolton MP, Agurs-Collins T. "Measurement Characteristics of the Women's Health Initiative Food Frequency Questionnaire." Ann Epidemiol 1999;Apr;9(3):178-187.
    21. Prentice RL, Anderson G, Cummings S, Freedman LS, Furberg C, Henderson M, Johnson SR, Kuller L, Manson J, Oberman A, Prentice RL, Rossouw JE. "Design of the Women's Health Initiative Clinical Trial and Observational Study." Controlled Clinical Trials 1998;19:61-109.
    22. Prentice R, Rossouw JR, Johnson, SR, Freedman LS, McTiernan A. "The Role of Randomized Controlled Trial's in Assessing the Benefits and Risks of Long-Term Hormone Replacement Therapy: Example of the Women's Health Initiative." Menopause, 1996;3:71-76.
    23. Rossouw JE, Finnegan LP, Harlan WR, Pinn VW, Clifford C, McGowan JA. "The Evolution of the Women's Health Initiative: Perspectives from the NIH." Journal of the American Medical Women's Association 1995;50:50-55.
    24. Rossouw JE, Hurd S. "The Women's Health Initiative: Recruitment Complete--Looking Back and Looking Forward." J Women's Health 1999;Jan-Feb;8(1):3-5.
    25. Rossouw JE, Anderson GL, Oberman A. "Baseline Monograph - Forword." Ann Epidemiol 2003;13:S1-S4.
    26. Tinker LF, Burrows ER, Henry H, Patterson R, Rupp J, Van Horn L. "The Women's Health Initiative: Overview of the Nutrition Components." In: Nutrition and Women's Health, D.A. Krummel and P.M. Kris-Etherton eds., Gaithersburg, MD, Aspen Publishers, pp. 510-542, 1996.
    27. Wang CY, Anderson G, Prentice R. "Estimation of the Correlation Between Nutrient Intake Measures Under Restricted Sampling." Biometrics 1999;55:711-717.
    28. Wilcox S, Shumaker SA, Bowen DJ, Naughton MJ, Rosal MC, Ludlam SE, Dugan E, Hunt JR, Stevens S. "Promoting Adherence and Retention to Clinical Trials in Special Populations: A Women's Health Initiative Workshop." Controlled Clinical Trials 2001;22(3):279-289.
    29. Yasmeen S, Romano PS, Pettinger M, Chlebowski RT, Robbins JA, Lane DS, Hendrix SL. "Frequency and Predictive Value of a Mammographic Recommendation for Short-Interval Follow-Up." J Natl Cancer Inst 2003;95:429-436.


    1. Beresford SAA, Johnson KC, Ritenbaugh C et al. "Low-Fat Dietary Pattern and Risk of Colorectal Cancer: The Women's Health Initiative Randomized Controlled Dietary Modification Trial." JAMA 2006;295:643-654.
    2. Bowen DJ, Ehret C, Pederson M, Snetselaar L, Johnson M, Tinker L, Hollinger D, Lichty I, Bland K, Sivertsen D, Ocken D, Staats L, Beedoe JW. "Results of an Adjunct Dietary Intervention Program in the Women's Health Initiative." JADA 2002;102:1631-1637.
    3. Casso D, White E, Patterson RE, Agurs-Collins T, Kooperberg C, Haines PS. "Correlates of Serum Lycopene in Older Women." Nutrition and Cancer 2000;36:163-169.
    4. Glanz K, Murphy S, Moyan J, Evensen D, Curb JD. "Improving Dietary Self-Monitoring and Adherence with Hand-Held Computers: A Pilot Study." AJHP 2006;20(3):165-170.
    5. Howard BV, Manson JE, Stefanick ML, Beresford SA, Frank G, Jones B, Rodabough RJ, Snetselaar L, Thomson C, Tinker L, Vitolins M, Prentice R. "Low-Fat Dietary Pattern and Weight Change Over 7 Years: The Women's Health Initiative Dietary Modification Trial." JAMA 2006;295:39-49.
    6. Howard BV, Van Horn L, Hsia J, et al. "Low-Fat dietary Pattern and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: The Women's Health Initiative Randomized Controlled Dietary Modification Trial." JAMA 2006;295:655-666.
    7. Hsia J, Rodabough R, Rosal M, Cochrane B, Howard BV, Snetselaar L, Frishman WH, Stefanick ML. "Compliance with National Cholesterol Education Program Dietary and Lifestyle Guidelines among Older Women with Self-Reported Hypercholesterolemia: The Women's Health Initiative." Am J Med 2002;113:384-392.
    8. Manson JE, Lewis CE, Kotchen JM, Allen C, Johnson KC, Stefanick M, Foreyt J, Klesges R, Tinker L, Noonan E, Perri M, Hall D. "Ethnic, Socioeconomic, and Lifestyle Correlates of Obesity in U.S. Women: The Women's Health Initiative." Clinical Journal of Women's Health 2001;1(5)225-234
    9. Neuhouser M, Tinker LF, Thomson C, Caan B, Van Horn L, Snetselaar L, Parker LM, Patterson RE, Robinson-O'Brien R, Beresford SAA, Shikany JM. "Development of a Glycemic Index Database for Food Frequency Questionnaires Used in Epidemiologic Studies." J Nutr 2006;136:1604-1609.
    10. Patterson R, Caan B, Kristal A, Lillington L, Mossavar-Rahmani Y, Rodabough R, Simon M, Snetselaar L, Van Horn L. "Changes in Food Sources of Dietary Fat in Response to Intensive Low-Fat Dietary Intervention: Early Results from the Women's Health Initiative." JADA April 2003;103:454-459.
    11. Prentice RL, Caan B, Chlebowski R, et al. "Low-Fat Dietary Pattern and Risk of Invasive Breast Cancer: The Women's Health Initiative Randomized Controlled Dietary Modification Trial." JAMA 2006;295:629-642.
    12. Prentice RL, Thomson CA, Caan B, Hubbell FA, Anderson GL, Beresford SAA, Pettinger M, Lane DS, Lessin L, Yasmeen S, Singh B, Khandekar J, Shikany JM, Satterfield S, Chlebowski RT. "Low-Fat Dietary Pattern and Cancer Incidence in the Women's Health Initiative Dietary Modification Randomized Controlled Trial." J Natl Cancer Inst 2007;99:1534-1543.
    13. Ritenbaugh C, Patterson R, Chlebowski R, Caan B, Tinker L, Howard B, Ockene J. "The WHI DM Trial: Overview and Baseline Characteristics of Participants." Ann Epidemiol 2003;13:S87-S97.
    14. Women's Health Initiative Study Group. "Dietary Adherence in the Women's Health Initiative Dietary Modification Trial." J Am Diet Assoc April 2004;104(4):654-658.

    Hormone Therapy

    1. Anderson GL, Judd HL, Kaunitz AM, Barad DH, Beresford SAA, Pettinger M, Jiu J, McNeeley SG, Lopez AM. "Effects of Estrogen Plus Progestin on Gynecologic Cancers and Associated Diagnostic Procedures: The Women's Health Initiative Randomized Trial." JAMA 2003;290:1739-1748.
    2. Anderson GL, Chlebowski RT, Rossouw JE, Rodabough RJ, McTiernan A, Margolis KL, Aggerwal A, Curb JD, Hendrix SL, Hubbell FA, Khandekar J, Lane DS, Lasser N, Lopez AM, Potter J, Ritenbaugh C. "Prior Hormone Therapy and Breast Cancer Risk in the Women's Health Initiative Randomized Trial of Estrogen Plus Progestin." Maturitas 2006;55:103-115.
    3. Barad D, Kooperberg C, Wactawski-Wende J, Liu J, Hendrix SL, Watts NB. "Prior Oral Contraception and Postmenopausal Fracture: A Women's Health Initiative Observational Cohort Study." Fertil Steril 2005;84(2):374-383.
    4. Barnabei VM, Cochrane BB, Aragaki AK, Nygaard I, Williams RS, McGovern PG, Young RL, Wells EC, O'Sullivan MJ, Chen B, Schenken R, Johnson SR. "Menopausal Symptoms and Treatment-Related Effects of Estrogen and Progestin in the Women's Health Initiative." Obstet Gynecol 2005;105:1063-73.
    5. Bonds D, Lasser N, Qi L, Brzyski R, Caan B, Heiss G, Limacher MC, Liu JG, Mason E, Oberman A, O'Sullivan MJ, Phillips LS, Prineas RJ, Tinker L. "The Effect of Conjugated Equine Oestrogen on Diabetes Incidence: The Women's Health Initiative Randomised Trial." Diabetologia 2006;49:459-468.
    6. Brunner RL, Gass M, Aragaki A, Hays J, Granek I, Woods N, Mason E, Brzyski R, Ockene J, Assaf A, LaCroix A, Matthews K, Wallace R. "Effects of Conjugated Equine Estrogen on Health-Related Quality of Life in Postmenopausal Women with Hysterectomy: Results from the Women's Health Initiative Randomized Clinical Trial." Arch Intern Med 2005;165:1976-1986.
    7. Cauley JA, Robbins J, Chen Z, Cummings SR, Jackson RD, LaCroix AZ, LeBoff M, Lewis CE, McGowan J, Neuner J, Pettinger M, Stefanick ML, Wactawski-Wende J, Watts NB. "Effects of Estrogen Plus Progestin on Risk of Fracture and Bone Mineral Density." JAMA 2003;290(13):1729-1738.
    8. Chen Z, Bassford T, Green SB, Cauley JA, Jackson RD, LaCroix AZ, Leboff M, Stefanick ML, Margolis KL. "Postmenopausal Hormone Therapy and Body Composition--A Substudy of the Estrogen Plus Progestin Trial of the Women's Health Initiative." Am J Clin Nutr 2005;82:651-6.
    9. Chlebowski R, Hendrix SL, Langer RD, Stefanick M, Gass M, Lane D, Rodabough R, Gilligan MA, Cyr M, Thomson C, Khandekar J, Petrovitch H, McTiernan A. "Influence of Estrogen Plus Progestin on Breast Cancer and Mammography in Healthy Postmenopausal Women: the Women's Health Initiative Randomized Trial." JAMA 2003;289:3243-3253.
    10. Chlebowski RT, Kim JA, Col NF. "Estrogen Deficiency Symptom Management in Breast Cancer Survivors in the Changing Context of Menopausal Hormone Therapy." Seminars in Oncology (December) 2004;30(6):776-788.
    11. Chlebowski RT, Wactawski-Wende J, Ritenbaugh C, Hubbell FA, Ascensao J, Rondabough RJ, Rosenberg CA, Taylor VM, Harris R, Chan C, Adams-Campbell LL, White E. "Estrogen plus Progestin and Colorectal Cancer in Postmenopausal Women." N Engl J Med 2004;350:991-1004.
    12. Chlebowski RT, Anderson GL, Lane DS, Aragaki AK, Rohan T, Yasmeen S, Sarto G, Rosenberg CA, Hubbell FA, for the Women's Health Initiative Investigators. "Predicting Risk of Breast Cancer in Postmenopausal Women by Hormone Receptor Status." J Natl Cancer Inst 2007;99:1695-1705.
    13. Chlebowski RT, Anderson G, Pettinger M, Lane D, Langer RD, Gillian MA, Walsh BW, Chen C, McTiernan A, for the Women's Health Initiative Investigators. "Estrogen Plus Progestin and Breast Cancer Detection by Means of Mammography and Breast Biopsy." Arch Intern Med. 2008;168(4):370-377.
    14. Cirillo D, Wallace R, Rodabough R, Greenland P, LaCroix A, Limacher M, Larson J. "Effect of Estrogen Therapy on Gallbladder Disease." JAMA 2005;293(3):330-339.
    15. Cirillo DJ, Wallace RB, Wu LL, Yood RA. "Effect of Hormone Therapy on Risk of Hip and Knee Replacement in the Women's Health Initiative." Arthritis & Rheumatism 2006;54(10):3194-3204.
    16. Curb JD, Prentice RL, Bray PF, Langer RD, Van Horn L, Barnabei VM, Bloch MJ, Gyr MG, Gass M, Lepine L, Rodabough RJ, Sidney S, Uwaifo GI, Rosendaal FR. "Venous Thrombosis and Conjugated Equine Estrogen in Women Without a Uterus." Arch Intern Med 2006;166:772-780.
    17. Cushman M, Kuller L, Prentice R, Rodabough R, Psaty B, Stafford R, Sidney S, Rosendaal F. "Estrogen Plus Progestin and Risk of Venous Thrombosis." JAMA 2004;292(13):1573-1580.
    18. Espeland M, Rapp S, Shumaker S, Brunner R, Manson J, Sherwin B, Hsia J, Margolis K, Hogan P, Wallace R, Dailey M, Freeman R, Hays J. "Conjugated Equine Estrogens and Global Cognitive Function in Postmenopausal Women." JAMA 2004;291:2959-2968.
    19. Haan MN, Klein R, Klein BE, Deng Y, Blythe LK, Seddon JM, Musch DC, Kuller LH, Hyman LG, Wallace RB. "Hormone Therapy and Age-Related Macular Degeneration: The Women's Health Initiative Sight Exam Study." Arch Ophthalmol 2006;124:988-992.
    20. Hays J, Ockene J, Brunner R, Kotchen J, Manson J, Patterson R, Aragaki A, Shumaker S, Brzyski R, LaCroix A, Granek I, Valanis B. "Effects of Estrogen plus Progestin on Health-Related Quality of Life." NEJM May 2003;348:1839-54.
    21. Heiss G, Wallace R, Anderson GL, Aragaki A, Beresford SAA, Brzyski R, Chlebowski RT, Gass M, LaCroix A, Manson JE, Prentice RL, Rossouw J, Stefanick ML, for the WHI Investigators. "Health Risks and Benefits 3 Years After Stopping Randomized Treatment With Estrogen and Progestin." JAMA 2008;299(9):1036-1045.
    22. Hendrix S, Prentice R. "WHI Response to Goodman, Goldzieher and Ayala's Critique of the Women's Health Initiative Report on the Risks and Benefits of Estrogen Plus Progestin." Menopausal Medicine 2003;11:1-4.
    23. Hendrix SL, Cochrane BB, Nygaard IE, Handa VL, Barnabei VM, Iglesia C, Aragaki A, Naughton MJ, Wallace RB, McNeeley SG. "Effects of Estrogen With and Without Progestin on Urinary Incontinence." JAMA 2005;293(8):935-948.
    24. Hendrix SL, Wassertheil-Smoller S, Johnson KC, Howard BV, Kooperberg C, Rossouw JE, Trevisan M, Aragaki A, Baird AE, Bray PF, Buring JE, Criqui MH, Herrington D, Lynch JK, Rapp SR, Torner J. "Effects of Conjugated Equine Estrogen on Stroke in the Women's Health Initiative." Circulation 2006;113:2425-2434.
    25. Hsia J, Criqui MH, Rodabough RJ, Langer RD, Resnick HE, Phillips LS, Allison M, Bonds DE, Masaki K, Caralis P, Kotchen JM. "Estrogen Plus Progestin and the Risk of Peripheral Arterial Disease: The Women's Health Initiative." Circulation February 10, 2004;109(5):620-626.
    26. Hsia J, Langer RD, Manson JE, Kuller L, Johnson KC, Hendrix SL, Pettinger M, Heckbert SR, Greep N, Crawford S, Eaton CB, Kostis JB, Caralis P, Prentice R. "Conjugated Equine Estrogens and Coronary Heart Disease: The Women's Health Initiative." Arch Intern Med 2006;166:357-365.
    27. Hsia J, Criqui MH, Herrington DM, Manson JE, Wu L, Heckbert SR, Allison M, McDermott MM, Robinson J, Masaki K. "Conjugated Equine Estrogens and Peripheral Arterial Disease Risk: The Women's Health Initiative." Am Heart J 2006;152:170-176.
    28. Hsia J, Manson JE, Pettinger M, Choe JG, Langer RD, Limacher M, Oberman A, Ockene J, O'Sullivan MJ, Robinson J. "Impact of Cyclooxygenase Inhibitors in the Women's Health Initiative Hormone Trials: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Trial." PLoS Clinical Trials 2006;1(5): {Epub ahead of print].
    29. Jackson RD, Wactawski-Wende J, LaCroix AZ, Pettinger M, Yood RA, Watts NB, Robbins JA, Lewis CE, Beresford SAA, Ko MG, Naughton MJ, Satterfield S, Bassford T. "Effects of Conjugated Equine Estrogen on Risk of Fractures, and BMD in Postmenopausal Women with Hysterectomy: Results from the Women's Health Initiative Randomized Trial." JBMR 2006;21:817-828.
    30. Kadish, Greenland P, Limacher M, Frishman, Daugherty, Parker, Schwartz. "Hormone Replacement Therapy and the QT Interval." Ann of Noninvasive Electrocardiology Oct 2004;9(4):366-374.
    31. Kooperberg C, Cushman M, Hsia J, Robinson J, Aragaki A, Lynch J, Baird A, Johnson K, Kuller L, Beresford S, Rodriguez B. "Can Biomarkers Identify Women at Increased Stroke Risk? The Women's Health Initiative Hormone Trials." PLoS Clin Trials 2007;2(6): e28. doi:10.1371/journal.pctr.0020028[Epub ahead of print].
    32. Kuller, LH. "Hormone Replacement Therapy and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease." Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2003;23:11-16.
    33. Langer RD, Pradhan AD, Lewis CE, Manson JE, Rossouw JE, Hendrix SL, LaCroix AZ, Ridker PM. "Baseline Associations Between Postmenopausal Hormone Therapy and Inflammatory, Haemostatic, and Lipid Biomarkers of Coronary Heart Disease: The Women's Health Initiative Observational Study." Thromb Haemost 2005;93:1108-1116.
    34. Manson JE, Hsia J, Johnson KC, Rossouw JE, Assaf AR, Lasser NL, Trevisan M, Black HR, Heckbert SR, Detrano R, Strickland OL, Wong ND, Crouse JR, Stein E, Cushman M. "Estrogen plus Progestin and the Risk of Coronary Heart Disease." N Engl J Med 2003;349:523-34.
    35. Manson JE, Allison MA, Rossouw JE, Carr JJ, Langer RD, Hsia J, Kuller LH, Cochrane BB, Hunt JR, Ludlam SE, Pettinger MB, Gass M, Margolis KL, Nathan L, Ockene JK, Prentice RL, Robbins J, Stefanick ML, for the WHI and WHI-CACS Investigators. "Estrogen Therapy and Coronary-Artery Calcification." NEJM 2007;356:2591-2602.
    36. Margolis KL, Bonds DE, Rodabough RJ, Tinker L, Phillips LS, Allen C, Bassford T, Burke G, Torrens J, Howard BV. "Effect of Oestrogen plus Progestin on the Incidence of Diabetes in Postmenopausal Women: Results from the Women's Health Initiative Hormone Trial." Diabetologia 2004;47(7) :1175-1187.
    37. McTiernan A, Martin CF, Peck JD, Aragaki AK, Chlebowski RT, Pisano ED, Wang CY, Brunner RL, Johnson KC, Manson JE, Lewis CE, Kotchen JM, Hulka BS. "Estrogen-Plus-Progestin Use and Mammographic Density in Postmenopausal Women: Women's Health Initiative Randomized Trial." J Natl Cancer Inst 2005;97:1366-76.
    38. Modugno F, Kip KE, Cochrane B, Kuller L, Klug TL, Rohan TE, Chlebowski RT, Lasser N, Stefanick ML. "Obesity, Hormone Therapy, Estrogen Metabolism and Risk of Postmenopausal Breast Cancer." Int J Cancer 2006;118:1292-1301.
    39. Ockene JK, Barad DH, Cochrane BB, Larson JC, Gass M, Wassertheil-Smoller S, Manson JE, Barnabei VM, Lane DS, Brzyski RG, Rosal MC, Wylie-Rosett J, Hays J. "Symptom Experience After Discontinuing Use of Estrogen Plus Progestin." JAMA 2005;294:183-193.
    40. Pal L, Hailpern SM, Santoro NF, Freeman R, Barad D, Kipersztok S, Barnabei VM, Wassertheil-Smoller S. "Association of Pelvic Organ Prolapse and Fractures in Postmenopausal Women: Analysis of Baseline Data from the Women's Health Initiative Estrogen Plus Progestin Trial." Menopause 2008;15(1):59-66.
    41. Pradhan AD, Manson JE, Rossouw JE, Siscovick DS, Mouton CP, Rifai N, Wallace RB, Jackson RD, Pettinger MB, Ridker PM. "Inflammatory Biomarkers, Hormone Replacement Therapy, and Incident Coronary Heart Disease: Prospective Analysis From the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study." JAMA 2002;288:980-987.
    42. Prentice RL. "Postmenopausal Hormone Therapy in Relation to Cardiovascular Disease and Cognition." Proceedings of the Forty Seventh Study Group of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2004.
    43. Prentice RL, Langer R, Stefanick ML, Howard BV, Pettinger M, Anderson G, Barad D, Curb JD, Kotchen J, Kuller L, Limacher M, Wactawski-Wende J. "Combined Postmenopausal Hormone Therapy and Cardiovascular Disease: Toward Resolving the Discrepancy between Observational Studies and the Women's Health Initiative Clinical Trial." Am J Epidemiol 2005;162:1-11.
    44. Prentice RL, Langer RD, Stefanick ML, Howard BV, Pettinger M, Anderson GL, Barad D, Curb JD, Kotchen J, Kuller L, Limacher M, Wactawski-Wende J. "Combined Analysis of Women's Health Initiative Observational and Clinical Trial Data on Postmenopausal Hormone Treatment and Cardiovascular Disease." Am j Epidemiol 2006;163(7):589-599.
    45. Rossouw JE. "Estrogens for Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease: Putting the Breaks on the Bandwagon." Circulation 1996;94:2982-2985.
    46. Rossouw, JE, Prentice RL, Manson JE, Wu LL, Barad D, Barnabei VM, Ko M, LaCroix AZ, Margolis KL, Stefanick ML. "Postmenopausal Hormone Therapy and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease by Age and Years Since Menopause." JAMA 2007;297:1465-1477.
    47. Stefanick M, Cochrane B, Hsia J, Barad D, Liu J, Johnson S. "The WHI Postmenopausal Hormone Trials." Ann Epidemiol 2003;13:S78-S86.
    48. Stefanick ML, Prentice RL, Anderson G, Gass M, Manson JE, Hendrix SL, Vista-Deck D, McNeeley G. "Reanalysis of the Women's Health Initiative Oral Contraceptive Data Reveals No Evidence of Delayed Cardiovascular Benefit." Fertility and Sterility April 2005;83(4):853-854.
    49. Stefanick ML, Anderson GL, Margolis KL, Hendrix SL, Rodabough RJ, Paskett ED, Lane DS, Hubbell FA, Assaf AR, Sarto GE, Schenken RS, Yasmeen S, Lessin L, Chlebowski RT. "Effects of Conjugated Equine Estrogens on Breast Cancer and Mammography Screening in Postmenopausal Women With Hysterectomy." JAMA 2006;295(14):1647-1657.
    50. Wassertheil-Smoller S, Hendrix SL, Limacher M, Heiss G, Kooperberg C, Baird A, Kotchen T, Curb JD, Black H, Rossouw JE, Aragaki A, Safford M, Stein E, Laowattana S, Mysiw WJ. "Effect of Estrogen Plus Progestin on Stroke in Postmenopausal Women: The Women's Health Initiative: A Randomized Trial." JAMA 2003;289:2673-2684.
    51. Wassertheil-Smoller S, Kooperberg C, McGinn AP, Kaplan RC, Hsia J, Hendrix SL, Manson JE, Berger JS, Kuller LH, Allison MA, Baird AE. "Lipoprotein-Associated Phospholipase A2, Hormone Use, and the Risk of Ischemic Stroke in Postmenopausal Women." Hypertension 2008;51:1-8.
    52. Women's Health Initiative Steering Committee. "Effects of Conjugated Equine Estrogen in Postmenopausal Women with Hysterectomy: The Women's Health Initiative Randomized Controlled Trial." JAMA 2004;291(14):1701-1712.
    53. Writing Group for the Women's Health Initiative Investigators. "Risks and Benefits of Estrogen Plus Progestin in Healthy Postmenopausal Women." JAMA 2002;288:321-333.


    1. Abel EL, Hendrix SO, McNeeley SG, Johnson KC, Rosenberg CA, Mossavar-Rahmani Y, Vitolins M, Kruger M. "Daily Coffee Consumption and Prevalence of Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer in Caucasian Women." Eur J Cancer Prev 2007 Oct;16(5):446-452.
    2. Assaf A, Carleton R, Miller M, Coccio E. "Estimating Normal Hemogram Values for Postmenopausal Women." Clinical Journal of Women's Health 2000;1(1):23-28.
    3. Barad D, Kooperberg C, Wactawski-Wende J, Liu J, Hendrix SL, Watts NB. "Prior Oral Contraception and Postmenopausal Fracture: Awomen's Health Initiative Observational Cohort Study." Fertil Steril 2005;84(2):374-384.
    4. Brennan RM, Genco RJ, Wilding GE, Hovey KM, Trevisan M, Wactawski-Wende J. "Bacterial Species in Subgingival Plaque and Oral Bone Loss in Postmenopausal Women." J Periodontol 2007;78(6):1051-1061.
    5. Hall WD, Pettinger M, Oberman A, Watts NB, Johnson KC, Paskett ED, Limacher MC, Hayes J. "Risk Factors for Kidney Stones in Older Women in the Southern United States." Am J Med Sci 2001;322(1):1-7
    6. Howard BV. "The Women's Health Initiative: A Potential Resource for Future Studies of Autoimmune Diseases." Autoimmunity 2004;37(4):265-268.
    7. Howard BV, Adams-Campbell L, Allen C, Black H, Passaro M, Rodabough RJ, Rodriguez BL, Safford M, Stevens VJ, Wagenknecht LE. "Insulin Resistance and Weight Gain in Postmenopausal Women of Diverse Ethnic Groups." International J Obesity Aug 2004;28:1039-1047.
    8. Hsu Y, Niu T, Song Y, Tinker L, Kuller LH, Liu S. "Genetic Variants in the UCP2-UCP3 Gene Cluster and Risk of Diabetes Mellitus in the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study." Diabetes Epub 2008 Jan 25.
    9. Jackson M, Berman N, Huber M, Snetselaar L, Granek I, Boe K, Milas C, Spivak J, Chlebowski RT. "Research Staff Turnover and Participant Adherence in the Women's Health Initiative." Controlled Clinical Trials 2003;24:422-435.
    10. Jaramillo SA, Felton D, Andrews LA, Desiderio L, Hallarn RK, Jackson SD, Coker LH, Robinson JG, Ockene JK, Espeland MA, for the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study Research Group. "Enrollment in a Brain Magnetic Resonance Study: Results From the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study (WHIMS-MRI)" Acad Radiol 2007;14(5):603-612.
    11. Langer R, White E, Lewis C, Kotchen J, Hendrix S, Trevisan M. "The WHI Observational Study: Baseline Characteristics of Participants and Reliability of Baseline Measures." Ann Epidemiol 2003;13:S107-S121.
    12. LaRowe TL, Mares JA, Snodderly DM, Klein ML, Wooten BR, Chappell R, for the CAREDS Macular Pigment Study Group. "Macular Pigment Density and Age-Related Maculopathy in the Carotenoids in Age-Related Eye Disease Study." Ophthalmology Sept 12, 2007. [Epub ahead of print]
    13. Liu S, Tinker L, Song Y, Rifai N, Bonds DE, Cook NR, Heiss G, Howard BV, Hotamisligil GS, Hu FB, Kuller LH, Manson JE. "A prospective Study of Inflammatory Cytokines and Diabetes Mellitus in a Multiethnic Cohort of Postmenopausal Women." Arch Intern Med 2007;167(15):1676-1685.
    14. McGinn AP, Kaplan RC, Verghese J, Rosenbaum DM, Psaty BM, Baird AE, Lynch JK, Wolf PA, Kooperberg C, Larson JC, Wassertheil-Smoller S. "Walking Speed and Risk of Incident Ischemic Stroke Among Postmenopausal Women." Stroke 2008 Feb 21 [Epub ahead of print].
    15. McTiernan A, Wu L, Barnabei VM, Chen C, Hendrix S, Modugno f, Rohan T, Stanczyk FZ, Wang CY, for the Women's Health Initiative Investigators. "Relation of Demographic Factors, Menstrual History, Reproduction and Medication Use to Sex Hormone Levels in Postmenopausal Women." Breast Cancer Res Treat 2008;108(2):217-231.
    16. Mouton CP, Rovi S, Furniss K, Lasser NL. "The Associations Between Health and Domestic Violence in Older Women: Results of a Pilot Study." Journal of Women's Health and Gender-Based Medicine 1999;6(9):1173-1179.
    17. Mouton C, Rodabough R, Robi S, Hunt J, Talamantes M, Brzyski R, Burge S. "Prevalence and 3-Year Incidence of Abuse Among Postmenopausal Women." Am J of Public Health 2004;94:605-612.
    18. Pradhan AD, Manson JE, Hendrix SL, Johnson KC, Waenknecht LE, Haan MN, Weidner G, LaCroix AZ, Cook NR. "Cross-Sectional Correlates of Fasting Hyperinsulinaemia in Post-Menopausal Women of Different Ethnic Origin." Diabet Med 2006;23:77-85.
    19. Shikany JM, Patterson RE, Agurs-Collins T, Anderson G. "Antioxidant Supplement Use in Women's Health Initiative Participants." Preventive Medicine 2003;36:379-387.
    20. Valanis BG, Bowen DJ, Bassford T, Whitlock E, Charney P, Carter RA. "Sexual Orientation and Health: Comparisons in the Women's Health Initiative Sample." Archives of Family Medicine. Sept-Oct 2000;9(9):843-53.
    21. White E, Kristal A, Shikany J, Wilson A, Chen C, Mares-Perlman J, Masaki K, Caan B. "Correlates of Serum Alpha- and Gamma-Tocopherol in the Women's Health Initiative." Annals of Epidemiology 2001;11:136-144.
    22. Woods NF, LaCroix AZ, Gray SL, Aragaki A, Cochrane BB, Brunner RL, Masaki K, Murry A, Newman AB. "Frailty: Emergence and Consequences in Women Aged 65 and Older in the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study." J Am Geriatr Soc 2005;53:1321-1330.

    Pelvic Prolapse and Urinary Incontinence

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