Thursday, September 6, 2001

NIH Principal Administrative Officers


Richard Freed, NIAID

Myra Thomas, ARC-DCEG, NCI

Marsh Hennings, NIAMS

Cathy Ng, ARC, NCI

Carroll Hanson, NHLBI

Brenda Sandler, NIAAA

Carol Smith, NINDS

Ana Ferreira, NINR

Linda Adams, NHGRI

Susan Harrelson, NIDDK

Mary Slagle, NEI

John Savannah, ORS

Linda Ray, CC

Olive Childers, OD/OIR

Robert Dennis, NIMH

Edie Smith, CIT

Pam Pearson-Green, NIMH

Meeting of Principal Administrative Officers (closed session)

Bob Dennis opened the meeting and introduced the first topic.


I. NIAID's Orientation web site - Richard Freed

Beth Schmidt Stewart and Katy Perry made an overview presentation of the on-line orientation

program that is nearly ready to become active. It was developed for them by a contractor. It was

designed for use by non-FTE recruits and new employees. Users are given e-mail accounts,

along with an ID and password, allowing for access world wide. It includes indicators for

completed sections, so the AO can track progress and completion. Various sections include

information on the community, travel, parking permits, ID cards, ethics, training, Personnel

mechanisms, etc. Once active, NIAID will consider any requests by other ICs to tap into the

same program.


II. From the Office of the Deputy Director for Intramural Research - Olive Childers

A draft of the FY2001 Biennial Intramural Self Assessment of Management Controls was

handed out. Comments were invited by September 14, to allow changes to be made before it is

distributed to the SDs for review.

Also handed out were materials on Intramural Professional Designations. These designations are

required. For AD employees this has not been a problem, but it is not possible to get these titles

into the system for GS employees. It was suggested that the New Business System and

PeopleSoft be alerted to this need, so adjustments can be made to new systems.


III. Succession Planning for the IAO Group - Bob Dennis

Bob Dennis indicated his intention to retire in January, and there was discussion of the process of

selecting successors. It was agreed that Co-Chairs should be considered Chair-Elect, and that

there should be a procedure for selecting Co-Chairs. It was unanimously agreed that the current

Co-Chair, Richard Freed, should become Chair, and that there should be a written procedure for

that process. Richard and Bob will draft a procedure for succession, and mail it to the members

for consideration.


IV. IAO Work Group on Administrative Positions - Bob Dennis

Based on the work done by the work group, Bob Dennis presented a mock-up of the web pages

that will be incorporated into the DDIR Administrative Sourcebook. Some general principles

were agreed to: Keep it simple; avoid maintenance by not linking to other sites that are already

known to the administrative community; provide tables of IC information and sample documents

for Principal AOs on password-protected pages. There was not strong support for any of the

proposed logos.


V. The International Women's Club - Mireille Lapeyre, President

Ms. Lapeyre presented handouts and information for acclimating foreign visitors. Their

organization is affiliated with the R&W Association, and provides information to foreign visitors

and their families. Materials include information on community topics such as shopping and

child care, and a variety of interest groups designed to make families feel welcome and to adjust

to the culture here. They have a web site at : .


Open Discussion

A-76 - There was discussion of the new effort to identify vacancies that might be included in the

competitive process. Some are looking at positions in services that are now being paid for, such

as janitorial services, tissue culture, etc. There was a question whether cost comparisons should

include retirement packages, which could not be confirmed, and will be researched. It was

suggested that it would be economical for NIH to provide central studies of NIH-wide

professions that would be slated as appropriate for competition. Alternatively, ICs with common

positions could combine forces, to reduce duplication and ensure consistency of cost

comparisons. It is expected that the EOs will consider this topic at the lunch meeting this week.

It was also suggested that Rob Weymouth and Tim Wheeles be invited to discuss this topic at the

next IAO meeting in October.


The next meeting is scheduled for October 4, 2001.