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Title: Attributable risk of lung cancer in lifetime nonsmokers and long-term ex-smokers (Missouri, United States).
Author: Alavanja MC, Brownson RC, Benichou J, Swanson C, Boice JD, Jr.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 6(3):209-216
Year: 1995
Month: May

Abstract: A population-based, case-control study of incident lung cancer among women in Missouri (United States) who were lifetime nonsmokers and long-term ex-smokers was conducted between 1986 and 1992. The study included 618 lung cancer cases and 1,402 population-based, age matched controls. Information on lung-cancer risk factors was obtained by interviewing cases, next-of-kin of cases (36 percent and 64 percent of the cases, respectively) and controls. Year-long radon measurements also were sought in every dwelling occupied for the previous five to 30 years. Population attributable risks (PAR) for specific risk factors were computed for all subjects, for lifetime nonsmokers, for long-term ex-smokers, by histologic cell type (i.e., adenocarcinoma cf nonadenocarcinoma) and for direct interviews with case (for living cases) and for next-of-kin interviews (for dead cases or cases too ill to complete an interview). The mean age at lung cancer diagnosis was 71 years, and nearly 50 percent of the lung cancers were histologically confirmed adenocarcinomas. Almost 40 percent of all lung cancers among lifetime nonsmokers and almost 50 percent of lung cancers among all subjects could be explained by the risk factors under study. Dietary intake of saturated fat and nonmalignant lung disease were the two leading identified risk factors for lung cancer among the lifetime nonsmokers, followed by environmental tobacco smoke, and occupational exposures to known carcinogens. A small nonsignificant risk was found for study subjects exposed to median domestic radon concentration of 4 pCi/l (25-year time-weight average).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS).