U S National Institutes of Health John E Fogarty International Center Home Page

Host Institutions

FY 2009

  1. Japanese national, public or private universities
  2. Inter-university research institutes
  3. Other research institutes or scientific research organizations actively engaged in research, including national laboratories, independent administrative institutions, public research corporations, nonprofit organizations, and prefectural research institutes. (The institutions listed below are examples. As other organizations may be eligible as host institutions, please inquire to JSPS in advance).

National Laboratories

National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management
National Research Institute of Police Science, Japan
National Institute of Public Health
National Center for Child Health and Development
National Institute of Science and Technology Policy
Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
National Institute for Minamata Disease
National Research Institute of Fire and Disaster
National Institute for Longevity Sciences, NCGC
Meteorological Research Institute, JMA
National Cancer Center
National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry (NCNP)
National Institute of Infectious Diseases
National Cardiovascular Center
Research Institute, National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities
International Medical Center of Japan
National Institute of Health Sciences
Geographical Survey Institute (Geography & Crustal Dynamics Research Center)
National Institute of Population and Social Security Research
Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department
National Institute for Educational Policy Research

Independent Administrative Institutions

National Center for University Entrance Examinations
National Institute of Multimedia Education
National Institution for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation
Center for National University Finance and Management
National Institute for Materials Science
National Maritime Research Institute
Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry
Port and Airport Research Institute
National Research Institute of Brewing (NRIB)
National Traffic Safety and Environment Laboratory
Electronic Navigation Research Institute
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Japan Agency for marine-Earth Science and Technology
National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences
National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention
National Institute or Radiological Sciences
National Institute for Environmental Studies
Building Research Institute
Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
National Institute of Health and Nutrition
Forest Tree Breeding Center
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
National Women's Education Center, Japan
National Museum of Nature and Science
National Institute for Japanese Language
National Institutes for Cultural Heritage, Tokyo National Museum
National Institutes for Cultural Heritage, Kyoto National Museum
National Institutes for Cultural Heritage, Nara National Museum
National Institutes for Cultural Heritage, Kyushu National Museum
National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo
National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Nara
National Museum of Art, Tokyo National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo
National Museum of Art, Tokyo National Museum of Western Art
National Museum of Art, Tokyo National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto
National Museum of Art, Tokyo National Museum of Art, Osaka
National Institute of Special Needs Education
Fisheries Research Agency
Public Works Research Institute
National Agriculture and Food Research Organization
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)
Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
National Agency for the Advancement of Sports and Health


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Fogarty International Center
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