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Advisory Board & Committees

Transcript, Video & Meeting Presentations - SACATM 6/18-19, 2008

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June 18-19, 2008

8:30 a.m. - 5:45 p.m. EDT


The transcript of this meeting is available here.


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Agenda for June 18, 2008

Time Topic (Speaker)
8:30 Introductions (Dr. James Freeman, ExxonMobil Biomedical Sciences, Inc., SACATM Chair)
8:40 Welcome and Opening Remarks (Dr. John Bucher, NIEHS, Dr. Marilyn Wind, CPSC)
9:00 Welcome and NICEATM-ICCVAM Update (Dr. William Stokes, NIEHS )
9:35 Regulatory Acceptance and Availability of ICCVAM-Recommended Alternative Test Methods (Dr. William Stokes)
  • Presentation
  • Public Comments
  • SACTM Discussion (Dr. Freeman)
10:05 BREAK
10:25 Overview of NICEATM-ICCVAM Five-Year Plan (Dr. Wind)
  • Public Comments
  • SACATM Discussion (Dr. Freeman)
11:25 National Research Council Report: Toxicity Testing in the 21st Century (Dr. Kim Boekelheide, Brown University)
12:25 LUNCH
1:25 Federal Agency Research, Development, Translation, and Validation Activities Relevant to the NICEATM-ICCVAM Five-Year Plan (presentations followed by 5 minute Q&A sessions)
3:15 BREAK

Agenda for June 19, 2008

Time Topic (Speaker)
8:30 Introductions (Dr. James Freeman, ExxonMobil Biomedical Sciences, Inc., SACATM Chair)
  Continued from Day 1 (Dr. Roger McClellan, SACATM member) 
8:40 Report on the Independent Scientific Peer Review: Validation Status of New Versions and Applications of the Murine Local Lymph Node Assay (LLNA), a Test Method for the Assessing the Contact Dermatitis Potential of Chemicals and Products
  • Introduction and Overview of the Proposed Methods and Applications (Dr. Wind)
  • Overview of the Panel Report (Dr. Michael Luster, West Virginia University, Panel Chair)
  • Public Comments
  • SACATM Discussion (Dr. Freeman)
10:35 BREAK
10:50 Report on the ICCVAM-NICEATM-ECVAM-JaCVAM Scientific Workshop on Acute Chemical Safety Testing: Advancing In Vitro Approaches and Humane Endpoints for Systemic Toxicity Evaluations
12:15 LUNCH
1:15 Nominations to ICCVAM: NTP Rodent Bioassay for Carcinogenicity (Dr. Raymond Tice, NIEHS)
  • Presentation
  • Public Comments
  • SACATM Discussion (Dr. Freeman)
2:00 Proposal for International Cooperation on Alternative Test Methods (ICATM) (Dr. Stokes)
  • Presentation
  • Public Comments
  • SACATM Discussion (Dr. Freeman)
3:00 BREAK
3:20 Updates
4:00 Other Business (Dr. Freeman )