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Agent Name Lanthanum
CAS Number 7439-91-0
Formula La
Major Category Metals
Category Rare Earth Metals
Description White, malleable metal that oxidizes in air; [Merck Index]
Sources/Uses Used as a calcium antagonist in biology research; Used in optical glass; [ChemIDplus] Natural isotopes are stable La-139 (99.9%) and radioactive La-138 (0.09%); Derived from the minerals monazite, bastnaesite, and cerite; [Merck Index] Used in carbon lighting, optical glasses, metal alloys, lighter flints, electronic vacuum tubes, electron microscopes, hydrogen sponge alloys, petroleum cracking catalysts, gas lantern mantles, dating of rocks and ores, medications (phosphate binder), biological tracers, and scintillators; [Wikipedia] Used to make carbon lighting, alkali-resistant glass, optical glass, and nodular caste iron; [Reference #1]
Comments Low to moderate acute toxicity rating; [Reference #1] See "RARE EARTH METALS."
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Exposure Assessment
Explanatory Notes mp = 920 deg C; [Merck Index]
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Last updated: September, 2008