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Research and Training Opportunities at the National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services
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Industry vs Academe vs Government:
Choosing a Path
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Comparing Opportunities | A Life in Academe | Life in the Private Sector | Working in Government

We also have information on Noncompete and Nondisclosure Agreements, which are common in industry but may also be seen in Academic and Government research situations.

Comparing Opportunities
  • Career Development Resources, Association of Women Surgeons. Includes articles on private practice, surgical subspecialties, and much more.
  • Careers in Dentistry [PDF], American Dental Association -- discusses Practice Ownership, Federal Dental Services, Public Health, and Dental Research
  • Making Informed Career Decisions, Howard Hughes Medical Institute [PDF] -- discusses flexibility in science careers as fields change and new fields open up.
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A Life in Academe
We have additional information on Developing Your Academic Career.

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Life in the Private Sector
We have additional information on Managing a Career in the Private Sector.

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Working in Government
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September 10, 2008 (sva)