Office of Evaluation and Inspections Reports
Subject Index: E
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Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT)
- Medicaid Managed Care and EPSDT (OEI-05-93-00290; 5/97)
- Children's Dental Services Under Medicaid: Access and Utilization (OEI-09-93-00240; 4/96)
- Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment--Performance Measurement (OEI-07-90-00130; 8/92)
Educational Resource Centers
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Educational Resource Centers (OEI-04-92-00900; 3/96)
Electronic Data
- State Medicaid Agencies' Initiatives on Health Information Technology and Health Information Exchange (OEI-02-06-00270)
- HIPAA Readiness: Administrative Simplification for Medicare Part B Providers (OEI-09-02-00422;06/03)
- HIPAA Readiness: Administrative Simplification for Medicare Part A Providers (OEI-09-02-00421; 05/03)
- HIPAA Readiness: Administrative Simplification (1) (OEI-09-02-00420; 03/03)
- HIPAA Readiness: Administrative Simplification (2) (OEI-09-02-00423; 03/03)
- Encouraging Physicians to Use Paperless Claims (OEI-01-94-00230; 5/96)
- Electronic Data Interchange and Paperless Processing: Issues and Challenges (OEI-12-93-00080; 3/94)
- Electronic Media Claims and Contractors' For-Profit Subsidiaries (OEI-12-91-01410; 7/92)
Electronic Funds Transfer
- Electronic Funds Transfer for Medicaid Providers (OEI-01-91-00821; 6/92)
- Point-of-Service Claims Management Systems for Medicaid (OEI-01-91-00820; 5/92)
- Medicare Hospice Beneficiaries: Services and Eligibility (OEI-04-93-00270; 4/98)
- State Income and Eligibility Verification Systems: State Profiles (OEI-06-92-00081; 10/94)
- State Income and Eligibility Verification Systems: Summary of Literature (OEI-06-92-00082; 10/94)
- Reforms Are Needed In State Income and Eligibility Verification Systems (OEI-06-92-00080; 7/94)
- Medicare Entitlement Age (OEI-07-91-01600; 8/93)
- AFDC Pre-Eligibility Verification Measures (OEI-04-91-00100; 8/93)
- AFDC Pre-Eligibility Fraud Investigative Units (OEI-04-91-00101; 3/95)
- Catalogue of Automated Front-End Eligibility Verification Techniques (OAI-12-85-00051; 9/85)
- Eligibility Errors Resulting in Misspent Funds in the Medicaid Program (OAI-04-87-00014; 5/88)
Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA)
- The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act: Survey of Hospital Emergency Departments (OEI-09-98-00220; 1/01)
- The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act: The Enforcement Process (OEI-09-98- 00221; 1/01)
Emergency Preparedness
- Laboratory Preparedness for Pandemic Influenza (OEI-04-07-00670)
- Emergency Response to Hurricane Katrina: Use of the Government Purchase Card (OEI-07-06-00150; 5/07)
- The Commissioned Corps’ Response to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita (OEI-09-06-00030; 2/07)
Emergency Rooms
- Medicare's Reimbursement for Interpretations of Hospital Emergency Room X-Rays (OEI-02-89-01490; 7/93)
- Specialty Coverage in Hospital Emergency Departments (OEI-01-91-00771; 8/92)
- Use of Emergency Rooms by Medicaid Recipients (OEI-06-90-00180; 3/92)
- Controlling Emergency Room Use: State Medicaid Reports (OEI-06-90-00181; 3/92)
Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)
- see also: Insurance
- Effect of ERISA on State Insurance Laws (OEI-12-91-01420; 8/91)
Employer Group Health Insurance (EGHP)
- see also: Insurance
- Medicaid Payments of Premiums for Employer Group Health Insurance (OEI-04-91-01050; 5/94)
Employment Programs
- see also: Job Opportunities and Basic Skills (JOBS)
- Employment Programs for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (OEI-07-98-00260; 8/99)
- Medicare Coverage of Endoscopic Examination of the Lower Gastrointestinal Tract (OAI-02-88-00090;5/89)
End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
- Medicare Reimbursement for End Stage Renal Disease Drugs: Third Quarter 2006 (OEI-03-06-00590)
- Availability of Quality of Care Data in the Medicare End Stage Renal Disease Program (OEI-05-05-00300)
- Home Dialysis Payment Vulnerabilities (OEI-07-01-00570; 05/03)
- Clinical Performance Measures for Dialysis Facilities Building on the Experiences of the Dialysis Corporations (OEI-01-99-00052; 01/02)
- Clinical Performance Measures for Dialysis Facilities Practices of the Major Dialysis Corporations Supplemental Report # 1 (OEI-01-99-00053; 01/02)
- Clinical Performance Measures for Dialysis Facilities Lessons Learned by the Major Dialysis Corporations and Implications for Medicare: Supplemental Report # 2 (OEI-01-99-00054; 01/02)
- Problems Pervade the Renal Beneficiary and Utilization System, (OEI-07-01-00250; 2/02)
- External Quality Review of Dialysis Facilities: A Call for Greater Accountability (OEI-01-99-00050; 6/00)
- External Quality Review of Dialysis Facilities: Two Promising Approaches (OEI-01-99-00051; 6/00)
- Medicare Reimbursement of End Stage Renal Disease Drugs (OEI-03-00-00020; 6/00)
- Effects of the Prospective Payment System on Access to Skilled Nursing Facilities for Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease (OEI-02-99-00402 10/99)
- "Know Your Number" Brochure: Perspectives of Dialysis Patients (OEI-06-95-00320; 1/97)
- "Know Your Number" Brochure: Experiences of Dialysis Facilities (OEI-06-95-00321; 1/97)
- Ambulance Services for Medicare End-Stage Renal Disease Beneficiaries: Medical Necessity (OEI-03-90-02130; 8/94)
- Ambulance Services for Medicare End-Stage Renal Disease Beneficiaries: Payment Practices (OEI-03-90-02131; 8/94)
- Non-Emergency Transportation for Dialysis Patients (OEI-03-90-02132; 8/94)
- Medicare as a Secondary Payment Source: End-Stage Renal Disease (OAI-07-86-00092; 1/88)
- The Access of Dialysis Patients to Kidney Transplantation (OAI-01-86-00107; 3/87)
Enteral Nutrition
- see also: Medical Devices and Equipment
- Medicare Payments for Enteral Nutrition (OEI-03-02-00700; 03/04)
- Medicare Payments for Enteral Nutrition Therapy Equipment and Supplies (OEI-06-92-00866; 5/97)
- Enteral Nutrition Therapy: Medical Necessity (OEI-03-94-00022; 6/97)
- Payments for Enteral Nutrition: Medicare and Other Payers (OEI-03-94-00021; 5/96)
- Enteral Nutrient Payments in Nursing Homes (OEI-06-92-00861; 3/96)
- Coverage of Enteral Nutrition Therapy: Medicare and Other Payers (OEI-03-94-00020; 5/95)
Estate Recovery
- National Institutes of Health’s Handling of Allegations Concerning Conflict of Interest and Ethics Violations (OEI-03-07-00220)
- Outside Activities of Senior-Level NIH Employees (OEI-01-04-00150)
- Outside Activities of FDA Employees (OEI-01-04-00400)
- Indian Health Service: A Management Evaluation of Program Integrity and Ethics Functions (OEI-04-97-00060; 11/98)
- Ethics in Government (OEI-02-90-00710; 5/90)
Excluded Physicians
- Providers Opting Out of Medicare Prior to Program Exclusion (OEI-04-99-00590;12/00)
- Medicare Payments to OIGExcluded Physicians (OEI-07-98-00380; 8/00)
Explanation of Medicare Part B Benefits (EOMB)
- Understanding Medical Benefits: The Explanation of Medicare Part B Benefits (OEI-01-93-00120;4/95)
External Quality Review Organizations (EQRO)
- Lessons Learned from Medicaid's Use of External Quality Review Organizations (OEI-01-98-00210;9/98)