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Offset Agreements
- Use of Medicare Offset Agreements and Exclusions for National Health Service Corps and HealthEducation Assistance Loan Defaulters (OEI-02-91-00550; 12/91)
- Exceptions to Wage Withholding for Child Support (OEI-07-91-01220; 3/94)
Older Americans Act
- see also: Aging
- Cost Sharingfor Older Americans Act Services (OEI-02-04-00290; 09/06)
- Cost Sharing Under the Older Americans Act (OEI-05-95-00170; 5/96)
- Administration on Aging Stewardship of Title III of the Older Americans Act: The Methodology (OEI-02-91-01510;3/92)
- Community Systems Development Under the Older Americans Act (OAI-03-86-00038; 6/87)
Ombudsman Programs
- see also: Aging
- Long Term Care Ombudsman Program: Complaints Trends (OEI-02-98-00350; 3/99)
- Long Term Care Ombudsman Program: Overall Capacity (OEI-02-98-00351; 3/99)
- Ombudsman Output Measures (OEI-02-90-02121; 6/91)
- Successful Ombudsman Programs (OEI-02-90-02120; 6/91)
- Effective Ombudsman Programs: Six Case Studies (OEI-02-90-02122; 6/91)
Operation Restore Trust (ORT)
- see also: Medical Devices and Equipment | Home Health | Nursing Homes | Skilled Nursing Facilities
- Medical Equipment Suppliers: Assuring Legitimacy (OEI-04-96-00240; 12/97)
- Medicare Hospital Discharge Planning (OEI-02-94-00320; 12/97)
- Portable Imaging Services: Nursing Home Perspectives (OEI-09-95-00091; 11/97)
- Portable Imaging Services: A Costly Option (OEI-09-95-00090; 11/97)
- Prescription Drug Use In Nursing Homes - Report 1 - An Introduction Based on Texas (OEI-06-96-00080;11/97)
- Prescription Drug Use In Nursing Homes - Report 2 - An Inside View by Consultant Pharmacists (OEI-06-96-00081;11/97)
- Prescription Drug Use In Nursing Homes - Report 3 - A Pharmaceutical Review and Inspection Recommendations (OEI-06-96-00082; 11/97)
- Hospice Patients in Nursing Homes (OEI-05-95-00250; 9/97)
- Medicare Payments for Pressure Reducing Support Services (OEI-02-95-00370; 6/97)
- Medicare Beneficiary Satisfaction with DMERC Services (OEI-02-96-00200; 6/97)
- How HMOs Manage Home Health Services (OEI-04-95-00080; 6/97)
- Home Health: Problem Providers and Their Impact on Medicare (OEI-09-96-00110; 7/97)
- Operating Practices of High-Cost and Low-Cost Home Health Agencies (OEI-04-93-00261; 2/97)
- Operating Practices of Low Cost Home Health Agencies: Seven Case Studies (OEI-04-93-00263; 2/97)
- Medicaid Payments for Incontinence Supplies (OEI-03-94-00771; 11/95)
- Medicare Payments for Enteral Nutrition Therapy Equipment and Supplies (OEI-06-92-00866; 5/97)
- Enteral Nutrition Therapy: Medical Necessity (OEI-03-94-00022; 6/97)
- Payments for Enteral Nutrition: Medicare and Other Payers (OEI-03-94-00021; 5/96)
- Medicare Reimbursement for Parenteral Nutrition (OEI-03-96-00230; 7/97)
- Operation Restore Trust Activities (OEI-12-96-00020; 11/95)
- Questionable Medicare Payments for Wound Care Supplies (OEI-03-94-00790; 10/95)
- Marketing of Wound Care Supplies (OEI-03-94-00791; 10/95)
- Wound Care Supplies: ORT Data (OEI-03-94-00792; 10/95)
- Medicare Payments for Mental Health Services in Nursing Facilities (OEI-02-91-00860; 5/96)
- Medicare Payments for Mental Health Services in Nursing Facilities: ORT State Data (OEI-02-91-00861;5/96)
- Part B Services in Nursing Homes--An Overview (OEI-06-92-00865; 3/96)
- Nonprofessional Services in Skilled Nursing Facilities (OEI-06-92-00864; 6/95)
- Durable Medical Equipment Payments in Nursing Homes (OEI-06-92-00862; 3/96)
- Enteral Nutrient Payments in Nursing Homes (OEI-06-92-00861; 3/96)
- Operation Restore Trust's Texas Nursing Home Database (OEI-06-95-00220; 5/96)
- Medicare Home Health: Eliminating Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (OEI-09-96-00290; 7/96)
- Medicare Beneficiary Satisfaction With and Understanding of Home Health Services (OEI-04-93-00143;11/95)
- Questionable Practices Involving Nebulizer Drug Therapy (OEI-03-94-00391; 3/97)
- Payments for Prescription Drugs Used with Nebulizers (OEI-03-94-00390; 2/96)
- A Comparison of Albuterol Sulfate Prices (OEI-03-94-00392; 6/96)
- Suppliers' Acquisition Costs for Albuterol Sulfate (OEI-03-94-00393; 6/96)
- The Physician's Role in Home Health Care (OEI-02-94-00170; 6/95)
- Home Health Agencies: Alternative Coverage and Payment Policies (OEI-12-94-00180; 5/95)
- Variation Among Home Health Agencies in Medicare Payments for Home Health Services (OEI-04-93-00260;7/95)
- Geographical Variation in Visits Provided by Home Health Agencies (OEI-04-93-00262; 9/95)
- Coverage of Enteral Nutrition Therapy: Medicare and Other Payers (OEI-03-94-00020; 5/95)
- State Licensure and Discipline of Optometrists (OAI-01-88-00582; 2/89)
Organs and Organ Transplants
- Medicare-Approved Heart Transplant Centers (OEI-01-02-00520; 03/04)
- Variation in Organ Donation Among Transplant Centers (OEI-01-02-00210; 05/03)
- Organ Donor Registries: A Useful, but Limited, Tool (OEI-01-01-00350; 02/02)
- Informed Consent in Tissue Donation: Expectations and Realities (OEI-01-00-00440; 1/01)
- Oversight of Tissue Banking (OEI-01-00-00441; 1/01)
- Medicare Conditions of Participation for Organ Donation: An Early Assessment of the New DonationRule (OEI-01-99-00020; 8/00)
- Fostering Equity in Patient Access to Transplantation: Local Access to Liver Transplantation (OEI-01-99-00470;8/99)
- Fostering Equity in Patient Access to Transplantation: Differences in Waiting Times for Livers (OEI-01-99-00210; 5/99)
- Fostering Equity in Patient Access to Transplantation: Differences in Waiting Times for Kidneys (OEI 01-99-00211; 5/99)
- Racial and Geographic Disparity in the Distribution of Organs for Transplantation (OEI-01-98-00360;6/98)
- Organ Procurement Organizations and Tissue Recovery (OEI-01-91-00250; 5/94)
- Addressing Increased Organ Acquisition Costs (OEI-01-88-01331; 10/91)
- The Distribution of Organs for Transplantation: Expectations and Practices (OEI-01-89-00550; 3/91)
- Organ Acquisition Costs (OAI-01-86-00108; 9/87)
- The Access of Dialysis Patients to Kidney Transplantation (OAI-01-86-00107; 3/87)
- The Access of Foreign Nationals to U.S. Cadaver Organs (OAI-01-86-00074; 8/86)
Orphan Drug Act, The
- The Orphan Drug Act: Implementation and Impact (OEI-09-00-00380; 05/01)
- Medicare Losses Resulting from Early Payments for Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (OEI-03-99-00620; 6/00)
- Medicare Payments for Orthotics: Inappropriate Payments (OEI-02-99-00120; 3/00)
- Medicare Payments for Orthotics: Carrier Perspectives (OEI-02-99-00121; 3/00)
- Medicare Allowed Charges for Orthotic Body Jackets (OEI-04-97-00391; 3/00)
- Medicare Orthotics (OEI-02-95-00380; 11/97)
- Medicare Payments for Orthotic Body Jackets (OEI-04-97-00390; 9/99)
- Medicare Payments for Orthotic Body Jackets (OEI-04-92-01080; 6/94)
- Marketing of Orthotic Body Jackets (OEI-04-92-01081; 3/94)
- see also: Surgery
- Payment for Procedures in Outpatient Departments and Ambulatory Surgical Centers (OEI-05-00-00340;01/03)
- Oversight of Outpatient Surgery (OEI-07-91-00690; 4/92)
- Impact of Regulating Outpatient Surgery (OEI-07-91-01470; 4/92)
- Outpatient Surgery: Medicare Payments for Unnecessary and Poor Quality Cataracts (OEI-09-88-01005;8/91)
- Outpatient Surgery: Medicare Payments for Unnecessary and Poor Quality Gastrointestinal Endoscopies (OEI-09-88-01006; 8/91)
- Reimbursement for Outpatient Facility Services (OEI-09-88-01003; 7/91)
- Outpatient Surgery: Medical Necessity and Quality of Care (OEI-09-88-01000; 3/91)
- Patient Satisfaction with Outpatient Surgery: A National Survey of Medicare Beneficiaries (OAI-09-88-01002;1/90)
- Medicare Reimbursement for Outpatient Laboratory Services (OAI-04-88-01080; 3/89)
- Medicare Outpatient Psychiatric Services (OAI-09-86-00056; 11/85)
- see also: Medical Devices and Equipment
- Beneficiary Awareness of Medicare Fraud: A Follow-up (OEI-09-00-00590; 11/01)
- 24-Month Performance Data for Senior Medicare Patrol Projects (OEI-02-97-00523; 9/99)
- The Administration on Aging's Health Care Fraud and Abuse Programs: 18-Month Outcomes (OEI-02-99-00110;8/99)
- Implementation of the Administration on Aging's Health Care Fraud and Abuse Programs (OEI- 02-99-00111;8/99)
- Beneficiary Awareness of Medicare Fraud (OEI-12-97-00440; 1/98)
- The National Marrow Donor Program: Progress in Minority Recruitment (OEI-01-95-00120; 12/96)
- In-Hospital Voluntary Paternity Acknowledgment Programs: Effective Practices in Parent Outreach (OEI-06-95-00163; 8/97)
- see also: Medical Devices and Equipment
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Its Use and Appropriateness (OEI-06-99-00090; 10/00)
- Usage and Documentation of Home Oxygen Therapy (OEI-03-96-00090; 8/99)
- Trends in Home Oxygen Use (OEI-03-91-00710; 8/91)
- Oxygen Concentrator Services (OEI-03-91-01710; 11/94)
- Oxygen Concentrator Reimbursement: Medicare and the Department of Veterans Affairs (OEI-03-91-00711;8/91)
- Medicare Reimbursement for At-Home Oxygen Care (OAI-04-87-00017; 12/87)