Publications - Patterns of Care/Quality of Care
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In Press
Hamilton AS, Cockburn MG, Chen X, Deapen D. Factors Associated with the Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine by Cancer Patients in Los Angeles County.
Hoffman RM, Barry MJ, Stanford JL, Hamilton AS, Hunt WC, Collins MM. Health Outcomes in Older Men with Localized Prostate Cancer. Am J Med
McCorkle R, Tang ST, Greenwald H, Holcombe G, Lavey M. Factors related to depressive symptoms among long-term survivors of cervical cancer. Health Care for women International.
Singh H, Maskarinec G, Shumay DM. Understanding the Motivation for Conventional and Complementary/Alternative Medicine Use among Men with Prostate Cancer. Integrative Cancer Therapies.
Harlan LC, Clegg LX, Abrams J, Stevens JL, Ballard-Barbash R. Community-Based use of Chemotherapy and Hormonal Therapy for Early-Stage Breast Cancer: 1987-2000. J Clin Oncol 2006 Feb 20;24(6):872-7
Harlan LC, Greene AL, Clegg LX, Mooney M, Stevens JL, Brown ML. Insurance Status and the use of Guideline Therapy in the Treatment of Selected Cancers. J Clin Oncol 2005 Dec 20;23(36):9079-88
Klabunde CN, Reeve BB, Harlan LC, Davis WW, Potosky AL. Do patients consistently report comorbid conditions over time? Med Care 2005 Apr;43(4):391-400.
Penson DF, McLerran D, Feng Z, Li L, Albertsen PC, Gilliland FD, Hamilton A, Hoffman RM, Stephenson RA, Potosky AL and Stanford JL. 5-year urinary and sexual outcomes after radical prostatectomy. Journal of Urology 2005 May; 173(5): 1701-5
Stephenson RA, Mori M, Hsieh Y-C, Beer TM, Stanford JL, et al. Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction Following Therapy for Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer. J Urol 2005;174:646-650
Trimble EL, Harlan LC, Clegg L, Stevens JL. Pre-operative imaging, surgery and adjuvant therapy for women diagnosed with cancer of the corpus uteri in community practice in the United States. Gynecological Oncology 2005;96:741-8.
Trimble EL, Harlan LC, Clegg L, Cornelison T. Untreated Cervical Cancer in the United States. Gynecological Oncology 2005;96:271-7.
Hedderson MM, Patterson RE, Neuhouser ML, Schwartz S, Bowen D, Standish LJ, Marshall L. Sex differences in motives for use of alternative medicine among cancer patients. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 2004;10(5):58-64.
Johnson TK, Gilliland FD, Hoffman RM et al. Racial/Ethnic differences in functional outcomes in the 5 years after diagnosis of localized prostate cancer. J Clin Oncol 2004 22:4193-201.
Polednak AP. Chemotherapy of nonelderly breast cancer patients by poverty rate of area of residence in Connecticut. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2004;83:245-248.
Polednak AP. Obesity and comorbidity from hospital records for population-based studies of breast cancer prognosis. Journal of Registry Management 2004;31:75-78.
Polednak AP. Surveillance for hospitalizations with infection-related diagnoses after chemotherapy among breast cancer patients diagnosed before age 65 years. Chemotherapy 2004;50:157-161.
Potosky AL, Davis W, Hoffman RM, Stanford J, Stephenson R, Penson D, Harlan LC. Five-year outcomes after prostatectomy or radiotherapy for prostate cancer. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2004;96(18):1358-67.
Potosky AL, Saxman S, Wallace RB, Lynch CF. Population variations in the initial treatment of non-small-cell lung cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2004 Aug 15;22(16):3261-8.
Harlan LC, Clegg LX, Trimble EL. Trends in surgery and chemotherapy for women diagnosed with ovarian cancer in the United States. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2003;21:3488-94.
Hoffman RM, Harlan LC, Klabunde CN, Gilliland F, Stephenson R, Hunt W, Potosky AL. Racial differences in initial treatment for clinically localized prostate cancer. Results from the prostate cancer outcomes study. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2003;18(10):845-853.
Hoffman RM, Hunt WC, Gilliland FD, Stephenson RA, Hamilton AS, Stone SN, Potosky AL. Satisfaction with treatment decisions for clinically localized prostate cancer. Cancer 2003; 97:1653-62.
Hoffman RM, Stone SN, Hunt WC, Key CR, Gilliland FD. Effects of misattribution in assigning cause of death on prostate cancer mortality rates. Ann Epidemiol 2003; 13:450-4.
Patterson RE, Neuhouser ML, Hedderson MM, Schwartz S, Standish LJ, Bowen D. Changes in diet, physical activity, and supplement use among adults diagnosed with cancer. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 2003;103(3):323-328.
Penson D, Feng Z, Kuniyuki A, McClearran D, Albertsen PC, Deapen D, Gilliland F, Hoffman RM, Stephenson R, Potosky AL, Stanford J. General quality of life 2 years following treatment for prostate cancer: what influences outcomes? Results from the prostate cancer outcomes study. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2003;21(6):1147-1154.
Shavers VL, Harlan LC, Stevens J. Racial/ethnic presentation, treatment and survival from breast cancer among women under age 35. Cancer 2003 Jan 1;97(1):134-47.
Shavers VL, Harlan LC, Winn D. Racial/ethnic patterns of care for cancers of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, sinuses and salivary glands. Cancer Metastasis Reviews 2003;22:25-38.
Snyder C, Harlan LC, Knopf K, Potosky A, Kaplan R. Patterns of care for treatment of bladder cancer. Journal of Urology 2003;169:1697-1701.
Harlan LC, Abrams J, Warren JL, Clegg L, Stevens J, Ballard-Barbash R. Adjuvant therapy for breast cancer: practice patterns of community physicians. J Clin Oncol 2002;20:1809-17.
Mariotto A, Feuer EJ, Harlan LC, Wun LM, Johnson KA, Abrams J. Trends in use of adjuvant multi-agent chemotherapy and tamoxifen for breast cancer in the United States: 19751999. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2002;94:162634.
Patterson RE, Neuhouser ML, Hedderson MM, Schwartz S, Standish LJ, Bowen D, Marshall L. Alternative medicine use by cancer patients: prevalence, predictors, and costs. Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine 2002;8(4):477-485.
Potosky AL, Harlan LC, Kaplan RS, Johnson KA, Lynch CF. Age, sex, and racial differences in the use of standard adjuvant therapy for colorectal cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2002 Mar 1;20(5):1192-1202.
Potosky AL, Reeve Bs, Clegg L, Hoffman RM, Stephenson R, Albertsen PC, Gilliland F, Stanford J. Quality of Life Following Localized Prostate Cancer Treated Initially with Androgen Deprivation Therapy or No Therapy. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2002;94:430-437.
Prehn AW, Topol B, Stewart S, Glaser SL, O'Connor L, West DW. Differences in treatment patterns for localized breast cancer among Asian/Pacific Islander women. Cancer 2002; 2269-75.
Warren J, Harlan LC, Fahey A, Virnig B, Freeman J, Klabunde CN, Cooper G, Knopf K. Utility of the SEER-Medicare data to identify chemotherapy use. Medical Care 2002;40(8 Suppl):IV-55-61.
Wyant DK, Doebbeling B, Woolson R, Rausch MS, Lynch C. To what extent do mammography rates explain factors associated with differences in tumor stage at diagnosis for breast cancer in an insured population? 2002 Annual Research Meeting, Academy for Health Services Research and Health Policy, Washington DC, June 23-25, 2002.
Clegg, L, Potosky AL, Harlan LC, Hankey B, Hoffman R, Stanford J, Hamilton AS. Comparison of self-reported initial treatment with medical records: Results for the Prostate Cancer Outcomes Study. Journal of American Epidemiology 2001; 154: 582-587.
Hamilton A, Stanford J, Gilliland F, Albertsen P, Stephenson R, Hoffman R, Eley B, Harlan L, and Potosky A, Health Outcomes after External Beam Radiation Therapy for Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer: Results from the Prostate Cancer Outcomes Study. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2001; 19(9): 2517-26.
Harlan LC, Potosky AP, Gilliland FD, Hoffman R, Albertsen, PC, Hamilton A, Eley JW, Stanford JL, Stephenson RA. Factors Associated with Initial Therapy for Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer: Results from the Prostate Cancer Outcomes Study. Journal of the National Cancer Institute2001; 93:1864-1871.
Hoffman RM, Gilliland FD, Eley JW, Harlan LC, Stephenson RA, Stanford JL, Albertsen PC, Hunt WC, Potosky AL. Racial and Ethnic Differences in Advanced-Stage Prostate Cancer: the Prostate Cancer Outcomes Study. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2001;93:388-395.
Maskarinec G, Gotay C, Tatsumura Y, Shumay D, Kakai H. Cancer causes and use of complementary and alternative medicine. Cancer Practices. 2001.
Maskarinec G, Gotay C, Tatsumura Y, Shumay D, Kakai H. Perceived cancer causes: use of complementary and alternative therapy. Cancer Practice 2001;9:183-90.
Maskarinec G, Murphy S, Shumay D, Kakai H. Dietary changes among cancer survivors – A qualitative study. European Journal of Cancer Care 2001;10:12-20.
Neuhouser ML, Patterson RE, Schwartz S, Hedderson MM, Bowen D, Standish LJ. Use of Alternative medicine by children with cancer in Washington State. Preventive Medicine 2001;33:347-354.
Polednak A. How frequent is post-mastectomy breast reconstruction? A study linking two statewide databases. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2001;108:73-77.
Polednak A. Type of breast reconstructive surgery among breast cancer patients. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2001;108:1600-1603.
Potosky AL, Knopf K, Clegg LX, Albertsen PC, Stanford JL, Hamilton AS, Gilliland FD, Eley JW, Stephenson RA, Hoffman RM. Quality-of-life outcomes after primary androgen deprivation therapy: Results from the Prostate Cancer Outcomes Study Journal of Clinical Oncology 2001; 19(17)3750-57.
Shumay D, Maskarinec G, Kakai H, Gotay C. Why some cancer patients choose complementary and alternative medicine instead of conventional treatment. The Journal of Family Practice 2001;50:1067-1074.
Albertsen PC, Hanley JA, Harlan LC, Gilliland F, Hamilton AS, Liff HM, Stanford HL, Stephenson R. The Positive Yield of Imaging Studies in the Evaluation of Men with Newly Diagnosed Prostate Cancer: A Population-Based Analysis. Journal of Urology 2000;163:1138-1143.
Legler JM, Potosky AL, Gilliland FD, Eley JW, Stanford JL. Validation study of retrospective recall of disease-specific function. Medical Care 2000;38(8):847-857.
Maskarinec G, Shumay D, Kakai H, Gotay C. Ethnic differences in alternative medicine use among cancer patients. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2000;6:531-8.
Maskarinec G, Shumay D, Kakai H, Tatsumura Y, Gotay CC. (2000, September). Communication about alternative medicine use among cancer survivors. Paper presented at the Third World Congress on Psycho-oncology, Melbourne, Australia.
Maskarinec G, Shumay D, Tatsumura Y, Tasaki K, Gotay C. Communication about alternative medicine use among cancer survivors. Psycho-Oncology 2000;9:S83.
Potosky AL, Legler J, Albertsen PC, Stanford JL, Gilliland FD, Hamilton AS, Eley JW, Stephenson RA, Harlan LC. Health Outcomes After Prostatectomy or Radiotherapy For Prostate Cancer: Results from the Prostate Cancer Outcomes Study. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2000; 92(19):1582-92.
Stanford J, Feng Z, Hamilton AS, Gilliland F, Stephenson R, Eley JW, Albertsen PC, Harlan LC, Potosky AL. Urinary and sexual function after radical prostatectomy for clinically localized prostate cancer: The Prostate Cancer Outcomes Study. Journal of the American Medical Association 2000;283(3):354-360.
Wilson RT, Adams-Cameron M, Amir-Fazli, AM, Burhansstipanov L., Roubidoux MA, Warren J, Cobb, N, Lynch CF, Key CR. Racial/ethnic differences in female breast cancer treatment patterns using SEER-Medicare linked data: New Mexico and Arizona, 1987-1996. Presented at the 198th Meeting of the American Public Health Association, November 2000.
Wilson RT, Dick JF, Cobb N. Caution in using electronic data to track cancer screening and other preventive services. Presented at the 198th Meeting of the American Public Health Association, November 2000.
Gilliland F, Hoffman RM, Hamilton AS, Albertsen PC, Eley JW, Harlan LC, Stanford J, Hunt WC, Potosky AL. Predicting extracapsular extension of prostate cancer in men treated with radical prostatectomy: results from the population based Prostate Cancer Outcomes Study. Journal of Urology 1999;162(4):1341-45.
Hoffman RM, Gilliland FD. A population-based survey of prostate cancer screening in New Mexico. Journal of Community Health 1999; 24: 409-19.
Maskarinec G. Alternative medicine use among multiethnic cancer patients. Psycho-Oncology 1999;8:48.
Maskarinec G, Shumay D, Kakai H, Gotay C. Alternative medicine use among multiethnic cancer patients. PanAmerican Congress of Psychosocial & Behavioral Oncology, New York 1999.
Maskarinec G, Shumay D, Kakai H, Gotay CC, (1999, October). Alternative medicine use among multiethnic cancer patients. Poster presented at the Pan-American Congress of Psychosocial and Behavioral Oncology, New York, NY.
Polednak A. Comorbidity and mortality of breast cancer patients diagnosed before age 65. Journal of Registry Management 1999;16:71-74.
Potosky AL, Harlan LC, Stanford J, Gilliland F, Hamilton AS, Albertsen PC, Eley JW, Liff J, Deapen D, Stephenson R, Legler JM, Ferrans CE, Talcott JA, Litwin MS. Prostate cancer practice patterns and quality of life: the Prostate Cancer Outcomes Study. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1999;91(20):1719-1724.
Gilliland FD, Hunt WC, Key CR. Trends in the survival of American Indian, Hispanic, and Non-Hispanic white cancer patients in New Mexico and Arizona, 1969-1994. Cancer 1998 82(9):1769-83.
Gilliland FD, Key CR. Prostate cancer in American Indians, New Mexico, 1969 to 1994. Journal of Urology. 1998 159(3):893-7.
Hoffman RM, Blume P, Gilliland F. Prostate-Specific Antigen Testing Practices and Outcomes in a Primary Care Clinic. Journal of General Internal Medicine 1998;13:106-10.
Polednak A, Shevchenko IP. Hospital charges for terminal care of cancer patients dying before age 65. Journal of Health Care Finance 1998;25:26-34.
Munoz KA, Harlan LC, Trimble EL. Patterns of care for women with ovarian cancer in the United States. Journal of Clinical Oncology 1997;15:3408-15.
Ramsey SD, Etzioni R, Troxel A. Optimizing sampling strategies for estimating quality-adjusted life years. Medical Decision Making 1997;17(4):431-438.
Gurney JG, Davis S, Severson . Trends in cancer incidence among children in the U.S. Cancer 1996;78(3):532-541.
Gurney JG, Severson, Davis S. Incidence of cancer in children in the United States: gender-, race-, and 1-year age-specific rates by histologic type. Cancer 1995;75(8):2186-2195.
Harlan LC, Abrams J, Warren J, Clegg L, Stevens J, Ballard-Barbash RM. Five-year outcomes after prostatectomy or radiotherapy for prostate cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology 1995 Jan;13(1):93-100.
Gurney JG, Davis S, Severson . The influence of subsequent neoplasms on incidence trends in childhood cancer. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 1994;3:349-351.