Publications - Monitoring Health Behaviors And Risk Factors
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In Press
Abrahamson PE, Tworoger SS, Aiello EJ, Ulrich CM, Gilliland FD, Stanczyk FZ, Baumgartner R, Bernstein L, Sorensen B, Ballard-Barbash R, McTiernan A. Associations between the CYP17, CYP1B1, COMT, and SHBG polymorphisms and serum sex hormones in postmenopausal breast cancer survivors. Breast Cancer Res Treat
Alfano CM, McGregor BA, Bowen DJ, Kuniuki A, Reeve BB, Bowen DJ, Baumgartner KB, Bernstein L, Ballard-Barbash R, Ganz P, McTiernan A. Psychometric Assessment of the Evaluating the Potential Impacts of Cancer Scales among Breast Cancer Survivors. Oncology.
Alfano CM, Smith AW, Irwin M, Bowen DJ, Sorensen B, Reeve B, Meeske KA, Bernstein L, Baumgartner KB, Ballard-Barbash R, Malone K, McTiernan A. Physical activity, long-term symptoms, and health-related quality of life among breast cancer survivors: A prospective analysis. J Cancer Survivorship, Res Pract.
Bowen DJ, Alfano CM, McGregor BA, Kuniyuki A, Bernstein L, Meeske K, Baumgartner KB, Fetherolf J, Reeve BB,Smith AW, Malone K, Ganz P, McTiernan A, Ballard-Barbash R. Possible socioeconomic and ethnic disparities in quality of life in a cohort of breast cancer survivors. Breast Cancer Res Treat.
Hamilton AS, Cockburn MG, Chen X, Deapen D. Factors Associated with the Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine by Cancer Patients in Los Angeles County.
McKean-Cowdin R, Li AX, Bernstein L, Gauderman WJ, Gilliland F. The ADRB3 Trp64Arg variant and obesity in African American breast cancer cases. Int J Obesity.
Meeske K, Smith A, McGregor BA, McTiernan A, Baumgartner KB, Malone KE, Alfano A, Reeve BB, Ballard-Barbash R, Bernstein L. Correlates of fatigue in breast cancer survivors. Qual Life Res.
Singh H, Maskarinec G, Shumay DM. Understanding the Motivation for Conventional and Complementary/Alternative Medicine Use among Men with Prostate Cancer. Integrative Cancer Therapies.
Alfano CM, McGregor BA, Bowen DJ, Kuniuki A, Reeve BB, Bowen DJ, Baumgartner KB, Bernstein L, Ballard-Barbash R, Ganz P, McTiernan A. Psychometric Assessment of the Evaluating the Potential Impacts of Cancer Scales among Breast Cancer Survivors. Oncology 2006;70;190-202.
Alfano CM, McGregor BA, Kuniuki A, Reeve BB, Bowen DJ, Baumgartner KB, Bernstein L, Ballard-Barbash R, Malone K, Ganz PA, McTiernan A. Pyschometric Properties of a Tool for Measuring Hormone-Related Symptoms in Breast Cancer Survivors. Psycho-Oncology 2006;15, 985-1000.
Clarke CA, Purdie DM, Glaser SL. Population attributable risk of breast cancer in white women associated with immediately modifiable risk factors: an analysis using cancer surveillance data. BMC Cancer 2006;6(1):170.
Clarke CA, Uratsu CS, Sleby JV, Kushi LH, Glaser SL, Herrinton LJ. Recent declines in hormone therapy utilization and breast cancer incidence: clinical and population-based evidence (correspondence). J Clin Oncol 2006;24(33):e49-50.
Fan J, McKean-Cowdin R, Bernstein L, Stanczyk FZ, Ballard-Barbash R, McTiernan A, Baumgartner R, Gilliland F. An Association Between a Common Variant (G972R) in the IRS-1 Gene and Sex Hormone Levels in Post-Menopausal Breast Cancer Survivors. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2006;49,323-331.
Gill J, Press M, Patel AV, Bernstein L. Oral contraceptive use and risk of breast carcinoma in-situ. Cancer Cause Control 2006;17:1155-1162.
Irwin ML, Aiello EJ, McTiernan A, Baumgartner RN, Baumgartner KB, Bernstein L, Gilliland FD, Ballard-Barbash R. Pre-diagnosis Physical Activity and Mammographic Density in Breast Cancer Survivors. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2006 Jan;95(2):171-8 Epub 2005 Nov 30
Wayne SJ, Baumgartner K, Baumgartner RN, Bernstein L, Bowen DJ, Ballard-Barbash R. Diet quality is directly associated with quality of life in breast cancer survivors. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2006 96:227-32.
Irwin ML, McTiernan A, Baumgartner RN, Baumgartner KB, Bernstein L, Gilliland FD, Ballard-Barbash R. Changes in body fat and weight after a breast cancer diagnosis: influence of demographic, prognostic, and lifestyle factors. J Clin Oncol 2005;23(4):774-82.
Irwin ML, McTiernan A, Bernstein L, Gillilan FD, Baumgarterner R, Baumgartner K, Ballard-Barbash R. Relationship of Obesity and Physical Activity with C-Peptide, Leptin, and Insulin-Like Growth Factors in Breast Cancer Survivors Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2005 Dec;14(12):2881-8.
Irwin ML, Aiello EJ, McTiernan A, Bernstein L, Gilliland FD, Baumgartner RN, Baumgartner KB, Ballard-Barbash R. Physical activity, body mass index and mammographic density in postmenopausal breast cancer survivors. J Clin Oncol 25; 1061-1066.
Maskarinec G, Zhang Y, Takata Y, Pagano I, Goodman MT, Le Marchand L, Nomura AM, Wilkens LR, Kolonel LN. Prevalence of Breast Cancer Risk Factors in a Multiethnic Population, 1975-2001 (Abstract). Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2005; 14:547.
Baumgartner KB, Hunt WC, Baumgartner RN, Crumley DD, Gilliland FD, McTiernan A, Bernstein L, Ballard-Barbash R. Association of body composition and weight history with breast cancer prognostic markers: divergent pattern for Hispanic and non-Hispanic white women. Am J Epidemiol. 2004 Dec 1; 160(11):1087-97.
Irwin M, McTiernan A, Bernstein L, Gilliland F, Baumgartner R, Baumgartner K, Ballard-Barbash R. Physical activity levels among breast cancer survivors: influence of obesity, ethnicity, age, and stage of disease. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2004 36(9):1484-91.
Maskarinec G, Takata Y, Pagano I, Carlin L, Goodman MT, Le Marchand L, Nomura A, Wilkens L, Kolonel LN. 25-Years Trends and determinants of overweight in a multiethnic population (Oral Presentation). 13th European Congress on Obesity, Prague, 5/2004.
Meeske K, Press M, Patel A, Bernstein L. Impact of reproductive factors and lactation on breast carcinoma in situ risk. Int J Cancer 2004 110: 102-9.
Irwin M, Crumley Ds, McTiernan A, Bernstein L, Baumgartner R, Gilliland F, Kriska A, Ballard-Barbash RM. Physical activity levels before and after a diagnosis of breast carcinoma: the Health, Eating, Activity and Lifestyle (HEAL) study. Cancer 2003;97(7):1746-1757.
McTiernan A, Rajan K, Tworoger S, Irwin M, Bernstein L, Baumgartner R, Gilliland F, Stanczyk F, Yasui Y, Ballard-Barbash RM. Adiposity and sex hormones in postmenopausal breast cancer survivors. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2003;21(10):1961-1966.
Patel A, Press M, Meeske K, Calle E, Bernstein L. Lifetime recreational exercise activity and risk of breast carcinoma in situ. Cancer 2003;98(10):2161-2169.
Wickerham DL, Bryant J,. Runowicz CD, Costantino J, Bernstein L, Fisher B, Wolmark N. Association of tamoxifen and uterine sarcoma. J Clin Oncol 2002; 20:2758-2760.
Blake C, Tsao JL, Wu A, Shibata D. Stepwise deletions of poly-A sequences in mismatch repair deficient colorectal cancers.
American Journal of Pathology 2001;158:1867-1870.
Gilliland FD, Li Y, Baumgartner KB, Crumley D, Samet J. Physical Activity and breast cancer risk in Hispanic and non-Hispanic white women. Am J Epi 2001; 154(5) 442-450.
Maskarinec G, Gotay C, Tatsumura Y, Shumay D Kakai H. Cancer causes and use of complementary and alternative medicine. Cancer Practices. (2001).
Maskarinec G, Gotay C, Tatsumura Y, Shumay D, Kakai H. Perceived cancer causes: use of complementary and alternative therapy.
Cancer Practice 2001;9:183-90.
Maskarinec G, Murphy S, Shumay D, Kakai H. Dietary changes among cancer survivors – A qualitative study. European Journal of Cancer Care 2001;10:12-20.
O'Meara ES, Rossing MA, Daling JR, Elmore JG, Barlow WE, Weiss NS. Hormone replacement therapy after a diagnosis of breast
cancer in relation to recurrence and mortality. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2001;93(10):754-62.
Shumay D, Maskarinec G, Kakai H, Gotay C. Why some cancer patients choose complementary and alternative medicine instead of conventional treatment. The Journal of Family Practice 2001;50:1067-1074.
Yancik R, Wesley MN, Ries LAG, Havlik RJ, Edwards BK, Yates JW. Effect of age and comorbidity in postmenopausal breast
cancer patients aged 55 years and older. Journal of the American Medical Association 2001 Feb 21;285(7):885-92.
Wu AH, Shibata D, Lai MY, Yu MC, Ross RK. Dietary heterocylic amines and microsatellite instability in colon adenocarcinomas.
Carcinogenesis 2001;22(10): 1681-4.
Xiong Z, Wu AH, Bender CM, Tsao JL, Blake C, Shibata D, Jones PA, Yu MC, Ross RK, Laird PL. Mismatch repair deficiency
and CpG island hypermethylation in sporadic colon adenocarcinomas.Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 2001;10:799-803.
Chao A, Gilliland F, Willman C, Joste N, Chen IM, Stone N, Ruschulte J, Viswanatha D, Duncan P, Ming R, Hoffman R, Foucar E, Key C. Patient and tumor characteristics of colon cancers with microsatellite instability: a population based study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2000; 9(6):539-544.
Maskarinec G, Shumay D, Kakai H, Gotay C. Ethnic differences in alternative medicine use among cancer patients. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2000;6:531-8.
Maskarinec G, Shumay D, Tatsumura Y, Tasaki K, Gotay C. Communication about alternative medicine use among cancer survivors. Psycho-Oncology 2000;9:S83.
Maskarinec G, Shumay D, Kakai H, Tatsumura Y, Gotay CC. (2000, September). Communication about alternative medicine use among cancer survivors. Paper presented at the Third World Congress on Psycho-oncology, Melbourne, Australia.
Bernstein L, Deapen D, Cerhan J, Schwartz S, Liff J, McGann-Maloney E, Perlman J, Ford L. Tamoxifen therapy for breast cancer and endometrial cancer risk: modifying effects of estrogen replacement therapy and obesity. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1999;91:1654-62.
Maskarinec G. Alternative medicine use among multiethnic cancer patients. Psycho-Oncology 1999;8:48.
Maskarinec G, Shumay D, Kakai H, Gotay C. Alternative Medicine use among multiethnic cancer patients. PanAmerican Congress of Psychosocial & Behavioral Oncology, New York 1999.
Maskarinec G, Shumay, D, Kakai, H, Gotay, CC, (1999, October). Alternative medicine use among multiethnic cancer patients. Poster presented at the Pan-American Congress of Psychosocial and Behavioral Oncology, New York, NY.
Bernstein L, Cerhan J, Schwartz S, Liff J, Perlman J, Ford L. The combined effects of ERT, obesity and tamoxifen therapy for breast cancer on endometrial cancer risk. Eur J Cancer Prevention 1998;34:S46.
Chao A, Gilliland F, Joste NE, Viswanatha D, Willman C, Key CR. A population based study of microsatellite instability in colon cancer. Epidemiology 1998;147:28.
Yancik R, Wesley MN, Ries LA, Havlik RJ, Long S, Edwards B, Yates JW. Comorbidity and age as predictors of risk for early
mortality in male and female colon cancer patients: a population based study. Cancer 1998;82:2123-2134.
Bernstein L, Ross R, Deapen D, Lynch C, Cerhan J, Schwartz S, Liff J. Tamoxifen therapy and risk of endometrial cancer following breast cancer. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 1997;6:S47.
Yancik R. Cancer burden in the aged - an epidemiologic and demographic overview. Cancer 1997;80:1273-1283.
Lewis CM, Neuhausen SL, Daley Dk H, Swensen J, Burt RW, Cannon-Albright LA, Skolnick MH. Genetic heterogeneity and unmapped
genes for colorectal cancer. Cancer Research 1996;56:1382-88.
Yancik R, Havlik RJ, Wesley MN. Cancer and comorbidity in older patients: a descriptive profile. Annuals of Epidemiology
Havlik RJ, Yancik R, Long S, Ries L, Edwards B. The National Institute on Aging and the National Cancer Institute SEER
collaborative study on comorbidity and early diagnosis of cancer in the elderly. Cancer 1994 Oct 1;74(7 Suppl):2101-6.