Publications - Technical Aspects Of Registry Operations
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In Press
Polednak AP. Improving completeness of data on birthplace of minority patients in cancer registries. Journal of Registry Management.
Gomez SL, Glaser SL. Misclassification of race/ethnicity in a population-based cancer registry. Cancer Causes Control 2006; 17:771-782.
Gomez SL, Glaser SL. Quality of cancer registry birthplace data for Hispanics living in the United States. Cancer Causes Control 2005 16:713-723.
Patel DA, Schwartz AG, Schwartz K. Evaluation of African American and White Racial Classification in Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results cancer registry. Ethnicity and Disease 2005;15(4):713-9.
Polednak A. Collecting information on race, Hispanic ethnicity and birthplace of cancer patients: Policies and practices in Connecticut hospitals. Ethnicity and Disease 2005;15:90-96.
Polednak AP. Obtaining occupation as an indicator of socioeconomic status of patients in a population-based
cancer registry. Journal of Registry Management.
Gomez SL, Glaser SL, Kelsey JL, Lee MM. Bias in the completeness of birthplace data among Asians in a population-based cancer registry. Cancer Causes Control 2004;15:243-253.
Gomez SL, Glaser SL. Quality of birthplace information obtained from death certificates for Hispanics and Asians and Pacific Islanders. Ethnicity Disease 2004;14:292-295.
Gomez SL, Le GM, West DW, Satariano WA, O'Connor L. Hospital policy and practice regarding the collection of data on race, ethnicity, and birthplace. Am J Public Health 2003; 93:1685-88.
Lin SS, Clarke CA, O`Malley CD, Le GM. Studying cancer incidence and outcomes in immigrants: methodologic concerns. American
Journal of Public Health 2002;92(11):1757-1759.
Lin SS, O`Malley CD, Clarke CA, Le GM. Birthplace and survival among Asian women diagnosed with breast cancer in cacner
registry data: the impact of selection bias (letter). Intl J Epidemiol 2002;31(2):511-3.
Lin SS, O'Malley CD, Lui SW. Factors associated with missing birthplace information in a population-based cancer registry. Ethnicity Disease 2001;11:598-605.
Albertsen PC, Walters S, Hanley JA. A comparison of death determinations among men previously diagnosed with prostate cancer and dying in either 1985 or 1995. Journal of Urology 2000;163:519-523.
Hoffman RM, Stone SN, Hunt WC, Gilliland FD, Key CR. Attribution bias in death certificate for men with prostate cancer: 1985-1995. J Investigative Med 2000; 48(2):243.
Stewart SL, Swallen KC, Glaser SL, Horn-Ross PL, West D. Comparison of methods for classifying Hispanic Ethnicity in a Population-based Cancer Registry. American Journal of Epidemiology 1999;149:1063-1071.
Kulldorff M, Athas WF, Feuer EJ, Miller BA, Key CR. Evaluating cluster alarms: a space-time scan statistic and brain cancer in Los Alamos, New Mexico. American Journal of Public Health 1998;88:1377-1380.
Stewart SL, Swallen KC, Glaser SL, Horn-Ross PL, West D. Adjustment of Cancer Incidence Rates for Ethnic Misclassification. Biometrics 1998;54:774-781.
Burhansstipanov L. Cancer among elderly Native Americans. Denver, CO: University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. 1997.
Cobb N, Paisano RE. Cancer mortality among American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States: regional differences in Indian Health Services, 1989-1993. IHS Pub. No. 97-615-23. Rockville, MD: Indian Health Services, 1997.
Swallen KC, West D, Stewart SL, Glaser SL, Horn-Ross PL. Predictors of misclassification of Hispanic ethnicity in a population-based cancer registry. Annuals of Epidemiology 1997;7:200-206.
American Cancer Society. Native American Cancer Conference III: Risk Factors, Outreach, and Intervention Strategies. Cancer 1996;78(7Suppl):1526-1637.
Lanier AP, Kelly J, Smith B, Harpster A, Peters H, Tantilla H, Amadon C, Beckworth D, Key CR, Davidson AM. Alaska Native cancer update: incidence rates 1989 - 1993. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 1996;749-751.
Lanier AP, Kelly J, Smith B, Harpster A, Peters H, Tantilla H, Amadon C, Beckworth D, Key CR, Davidson AM. Cancer in Alaska Natives 1969-1993: 25 Year Report. Alaska Area Native Health Service 1996;August.
West D, Glaser SL, Horn-Ross PL, Stewart SL, Swallen KC. Misclassification of Hispanic Ethnicity in a Cancer Registry Data. American Journal of Epidemiology 1995;110:S52.
Lanier AP, Kelly J, Smith B, Harpster A, Peters H, Tantilla H, Amadon C, Beckworth D, Key CR, Davidson AM. Cancer in the Alaska Native population: Eskimo, Aleut, and Indian incidence 1969-1988. Alaska Medicine 1994;36(1):3-92.