Publications - Linking Databases
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Davila JA, Brooks JM, Pendergast JF, Chrischilles EA. The effect of physician characteristics and their practice environment on surgical referral patterns for early-stage breast cancer in Iowa. American Journal of Medical Quality 2004;19(6):266-73.
Brooks J, Chrischilles E, Scott S, Chen-Hardee S. Was breast conserving surgery underutilized for early stage breast cancer? Instrumental variables evidence for stage II patients from Iowa. Health Services Research 2003;38:1385-1402.
Pagano I, Morita S, Dhakal S, Hundahl S, Maskarinec G. Time dependent ethnic convergence in colorectal cancer survival in Hawaii. BioMedCentral Cancer 2003; 3:5.
Maskarinec G, Dhakal S, Yamashiro G, Issel B. The use of breast conserving surgery: linking insurance claims with tumor registry data. BMC Cancer 2002;2:3.
Wyant DK, Doebbeling B, Woolson R, Rausch MS, Lynch C. To what extent do mammography rates explain factors associated with differences in tumor stage at diagnosis for breast cancer in an insured population? 2002 Annual Research Meeting, Academy for Health Services Research and Health Policy, Washington DC, June 23-25, 2002.
Barlow W, Taplin SH, Yoshida Cs, Buist Ds, Seger Ds, Brown ML. A cost comparison of mastectomy versus breast conserving therapy for early-stage breast cancer. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2001;93(6):447-55.
Polednak A. How frequent is post-mastectomy breast reconstruction? A study linking two statewide databases. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2001;108:73-77.
Polednak A. Type of breast reconstructive surgery among breast cancer patients. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2001;108:1600-1603.
Brooks JM, Chrischilles E, Scott S, Ritho J, Chen-Hardee S. Information gained from linking SEER Cancer Registry Data to
state-level hospital discharge abstracts. Medical Care 2000 Nov;38(11):1131-40.
Fireman BH, Fehrenbacher L, Gruskin EP, Ray GT. Cost of cancer care for patients in clinical trials. J Natl Cancer Inst 2000 92(2):136-142.
Doebbeling BN, Wyant D, McCoy KD, Riggs S, Wagner D, Wilson RT, Woolson R, Lynch C. Linked insurance-tumor registry database
for health services research. Medical Care 1999;37:1105-1115.
Polednak A. Comorbidity and mortality of breast cancer patients diagnosed before age 65. Journal of Registry Management 1999;16:71-74.
Rushton G, West MM. Women with localized breast cancer selecting mastectomy treatment, Iowa, 1991-1996. Public Health Reports 1999;114:370-373.
Wyant DK, Doebbeling BN, McCoy KD. Variation in treatment of breast cancer for urban and rural privately insured women in Iowa. Abstracts of the 16th Annual Meeting of the Association for Health Services Research, Chicago, IL, June 27-29, 1999.
Doebbeling BN, Wyant D, McGuire S, Wagner D, Wilson RT, McCoy K, Lynch C. Linked Blue Cross/Blue Shield - tumor registry database for breast cancer health services research. Abstracts of the 15tth Annual Meeting of the Association for Health Services Research, Abstract #461, page 266, Washington, DC, June 21, 1998.
Polednak A, Shevchenko IP. Hospital charges for terminal care of cancer patients dying before age 65. Journal of Health Care Finance 1998;25:26-34.
Fireman B, Quesenberry C, Somkin C. Cost of Care for Cancer in a Health Maintenance Organization. Health Care Finance Review 1997;18(4):51-76.
Lin DY, Feuer EJ, van Ballegooijen M. Estimating Medical Costs From Incomplete Follow-up Data. Biometrics 1997;53:419-434.
Polednak A, Shevchenko IP, Flannery JT. Estimating cancer incidence using a hospital discharge database versus a tumor registry. Journal of Registry Management 1997;24:25-28.
Platz CE, Cohen MB, Jones M P, Olson, D B, Lynch C F. Is microstaging of early invasive cancer of the urinary bladder possible
or useful? Modern Pathology 1996 Nov;9(11):1035-9.
Polednak A, Shevchenko IP, Flannery JT. Estimating breast cancer treatment charges in Connecticut. Connecticut Medicine 1996;60:263-267.
van Ballegooijen M, Urban N, Baker M. Estimating the costs Attributable to a Disease with Application to Ovarian Cancer. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 1996;49:95-103.
Taplin SH, Barlow W, Urban N. Stage, Age, or Co-morbidity and the Direct Costs of Colon, Prostate, and Breast Cancer Care. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1995;87(6):417-426.