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MRI References

The Pioneers of NMR and Magnetic Resonance in Medicine . . . The Story Of MRI by Mattson and Simon. Bar-Ilan University Press, Israel

Recent Books Providing An Overview Or Introduction To Cardiac MRI

The list below represents a small sample of books that provide an overview or introduction to cardiovascular MRI. They are not arranged in any particular order. Links to the publishers are also provided and in many cases these links can be used to order the listed books on-line. Several new books on cardiac MRI are under preparation and will be added to the list below as soon as they are published.

Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Cardiology Clinics volume 16(2) edited by Michael H. Crawford, W.B. Saunders Company (Philadelphia), March 1998

Cardiac Radiology

Radiologic Clinics of North America, volume 37(2) edited by L. Boxt, Saunders (Philadelphia), 1999

Magnetic Resonance of the Heart and Great Vessels: Clinical Applications

J. Bogaert, University of Leuven, Belgium;
A.J. Duerinckx, West Los Angeles Veterans Affairs MC, Los Angeles, CA;
F.E. Rademakers, University of Leuven, Belgium (Eds.)

Contents: Techniques for Cardiac MRI.- Cardiac Anatomy.- Congenital Heart Disease.- Pericardial Diseases.- Myocardial Diseases.- Cardiac

Function.- Myocardial Viability.- Myocardial Perfusion.- Myocardial Metabolism.- Cardiac Masses.- Valvular Heart Disease.- Coronary Arteries:

How I Do Image Them?- Great Vessels of the Chest.- Interventional Cardiovascular MRI.- General Conclusions and Future Perspectives.- Subject

Index - List of Contributors.

Springer Verlag, NY
1999. Approx. 433 pp. 14 figs. 12 tabs.
Hardcover $189.00
ISBN 3-540-63448-7

A book on cardiac imaging in general with extensive coverage of cardiac MRI Diagnostic Imaging In Clinical Cardiology
By Joao A.C. Lima, MD, FACC, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
ISBN 1853173096 , Mosby ; 1998.
From the Mosby WWW site:

"For the clinical cardiologist and internist managing patients with cardiovascular disease, this book provides top information on cardiac imaging. It addresses cardiovascular disease from the clinical cardiologist's point of view. The practitioner is supplied with examples of the pivotal images from which he or she can make the correct diagnosis and select specific management options. High quality images give full details of which modality is best for a particular cardiac disorder. "

ISBN: 1853173096
Price: $169.00

Cardiovascular Applications of Magnetic Resonance

American Heart Association Monograph Series
Edited by
Gerald M. Pohost, MD
Director, Division of Cardiovascular Diseases and Center for NMR Research and Development, University of Alabama at Birmingham,
Birmingham, AL
480 pp., 217 illus., 22 tables, 0-87993-548-0
Price: $86.00

Published with the cooperation of the American Heart Association as part of its monograph series, this book was created to address the present and future utility of magnetic resonance approaches as applied to the assessment of the heart and blood vessels. It provides timely information on the clinical and basic aspects of magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging and their applications to the cardiovascular system.



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Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute