Publications - Monitoring Screening Practices
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The Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium (BCSC) initiative was developed based on lessons learned in part from the pilots studies conducted under the RRSS studies mechanism. The BCSC now has a separate web site with BCSC publications.
Carney PA, Geller BM, Moffett H, Ganger M, Sewell M, Barlow WE, Stalnaker N, Taplin SH, Sisk C, Ernster VL, Wilkie HA, Yankaskas B, Poplack SP, Urban N, West MM, Rosenberg RD, Michael S, Mercurio TD, Ballard-Barbash R. Current medicolegal and confidentiality issues in large, multicenter research programs. American Journal of Epidemiology 2000;152:371-8.
Gilliland FD, Joste N, Stauber PM, Hunt WC, Rosenberg R, Redlich G, Key CR. Biologic characteristics of interval and screen-detected breast cancers. J Natl Cancer Inst 2000; 92(9):743-9.
Chao A, Gilliland F, Hunt WC, Bulterys M, Becker T, Key CR. Increasing incidence of colon and rectal cancer among Hispanics and American Indians in New Mexico (United States), 1969-94. Cancer Causes and Control 1998;9:137-144.
Rosenberg RD, Hunt WC, Williamson MR, Gilliland FD, Wiest PW, Kelsey CA, Key CR, Linver MN. Effects of age, breast density, ethnicity, and estrogen replacement therapy on screening mammographic sensitivity and cancer stage at diagnosis: Review of 183,134 screening mammograms in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Radiology 1998; 209(2):511-8.
Ballard-Barbash R, Taplin SH, Yankaskas BC, Ernster VL, Rosenberg RD, Carney PA, Barlow WE, Geller BM, Kerlikowske K, Edwards BK, Lynch CF, Urban N, Chrvala CA, Key CR, Poplack SP, Worden JK, Kessler LG. Breast cancer surveillance consortium: a national mammography screening and outcomes database. American Journal of Roentgenology 169:1001-1008, 1997.
Hoffman RM, Herman CJ, Gilliland F. Practice variation for colorectal and prostate cancer screening among primary care physicians in New Mexico. Journal of General Internal Medicine 1997;12:109.
Ming RH, Weiss B, Deflice J, Blessing L, Gilliland F, Chao A. First-degree relatives of patients with colon cancer have a high incidence of colorectal adenomas. Gastroenterology 1997;112:A616.
Rosenberg RD, Lando JF, Hunt WC, Darling RR, Williamson MR, Linver MN, Gilliland FD, Key CR. The New Mexico Mammography Project, Screening Mammography Performance in Albuquerque, N.M, 1991 to 1993. Cancer 1996 78(8): 1731-1739.