Methodological Issues - Health Status
Understanding the influence of health status and comorbid conditions on all aspects of screening, diagnosis,
treatment, and recurrence of cancer is vital. Research on health status as it relates to cancer incidence, prevalence,
and survival is an essential element in improving patients' overall experience of care and ultimately, to improving
their outcomes.
RRSS investigators are conducting studies to:
- assess and evaluate sources of data on health status;
- assess the utility of Medicare claims to identify cancer recurrence;
- develop a survey to specifically assess patients' experience of cancer care;
- evaluate the scientific and practical implications of using different sources of information on co-morbid
conditions among patients diagnosed with cancer.
Registries Funded to Conduct these Studies
Los Angeles
Northern California Cancer Center (SF-OAK)
Key Findings
All studies in this section are ongoing and papers are in the publication process
Future Use
Findings from these studies will inform researchers of the quality of the data collected from various sources.
The survey instruments developed will be used to assess and improve the quality of care and identify the unmet
needs of patients diagnosed with cancer.