Robin Humphreys : NIDDK

Scientific Programs

Robin Humphreys

Dr. Robin Humphreys received his Ph.D. from Baylor College of Medicine where he investigated the mechanism of ductal outgrowth and branching during puberty. He joined our lab in 1996 to explore the role of the transcription factor Stat3 in the remodeling of mammary tissue during involution and identified biochemical mechanisms of the remodelling process. In addition Robin identifiedd Stat5 as a cell survival factor in mammary tumorigenesis. This finding was based on experiments where he inactivated Stat5a in mice, which overexpressed TGF-alpha in mammary epithelium.

In 2001 Robin took a position at Human Genome Sciences (HGS) in Rockville, Maryland where he heads a research group. Email:

Publications while at LGP

PubMed search

1. Humphreys, R.C., Bierie, B., Zhao, L., Raz, R., Levy, D. and Hennighausen L. (2002). Deletion of Stat3 blocks mammary gland involution and extends functional competence of the secretory epithelium in the absence of lactogenic stimuli. Endocrinology 143:3641-3650.

2. Humphreys, R.C. and Hennighausen, L. (2000) Transforming growth factor alpha and mouse models of human breast cancer. Oncogene, 19, 1085-1091.

3. Humphreys, R.C. and Hennighausen, L., (1999). Signal Transducer and Activator of transcription 5a (Stat5a) Regulates Mammary Epithelial Cell Survival and Tumorigenesis. Cell, Growth and Differentiation, 10, 685-694.

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