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Title: Studies on the Ozyorsk population: dosimetry.
Author: Khokhryakov VV, Drozhko EG, Glagolenko YV, Rovny SI, Vasilenko EK, Suslov A, Anspaugh LR, Napier BA, Bouville A, Khokhryakov VF, Suslova KG, Romanov SA
Journal: Radiat Environ Biophys 41(1):33-35
Year: 2002
Month: March

Abstract: The Mayak Children's Cohort (MCC) is composed of 72,185 persons who lived in Ozyorsk for at lest 1 year before they were 15 years of age. The city of Ozyorsk is located near the Mayak complex, the first Russian nuclear facility. During the early years of operation (first operational in 1948), when the filtration of nuclear releases was imperfect, the population was exposed to routine radioactive atmospheric releases. This is an initial report on the dosimetry reconstruction. Paper estimates the total atmospheric release of I131 as 15,000 TBq (roughly half the estimated release from the US Hanford facility). Meteorological information, contamination of pasture and foods, and food consumption in Ozyorsk are considered.