Society for Judgment and Decision Making


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Judgment and Decision Making, SJDM's journal
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Mailing list

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Beattie Award
Einhorn Award

SJDM history

SJDM book series

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The Society for Judgment and Decision Making is an interdisciplinary academic organization dedicated to the study of normative, descriptive, and prescriptive theories of decision. Its members include psychologists, economists, organizational researchers, decision analysts, and other decision researchers. The Society's primary event is its Annual Meeting at which Society members present their research. It also publishes the journal Judgment and Decision Making.

2008-2009 Executive board

Michael Birnbaum (, Past President
Dan Ariely (, President
Valerie Reyna (, President-Elect
Bud Fennema (, Secretary-Treasurer
Jon Baron (, Webmaster
Dan Goldstein (, Newsletter Editor
Julie Downs (, Conference Coordinator
Craig McKenzie, (, 2009 Program Committee Chair
Barbara Mellers (, Elected member 2006-2009
Dan Goldstein (, Elected member, 2007-2010
George Wu (, Elected member, 2008-20011

Upcoming SJDM meetings

2009 - Boston, MA (Nov 21-23, roughly)
2010 - St. Louis, MO

Some current news

Decision Science News always has the latest.

Video recordings of the 2008 SJDM/SMDM symposia

The 2008 annual meetings of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM) and the Society for Medical Decision Making (SMDM) included a "symposium exchange". A symposium by SJDM members was presented at SMDM 2008 (Pennsylvania, PA) and a symposium by SMDM members was presented at SJDM 2008 (Chicago, IL). Support for these symposia was provided by the National Science Foundation (grants SES-0817831 and SES-0820329 to Alan Schwartz and J. Sanford Schwartz).

Videorecordings of the symposia are now available.

News from the European Association for Decision Making (EADM)

EADM has a new website.

And a new President's column, "Does anyone know what's going on out there?", about the current financial crises, by Robin Hogarth.

Other upcoming meetings

The 4th Annual Judgment and Decision Making Pre-Conference at the meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) will be held February 5, 2009 in Tampa, FL. Poster presentation submissions and registration can be made via the website:
Web page maintained by Jonathan Baron; image by Gaëlle Villejoubert.