[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 45, Volume 1]
[Revised as of October 1, 2007]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 45CFR74.91]

[Page 249-268]
                        TITLE 45--PUBLIC WELFARE
                           AND HUMAN SERVICES
                           Subpart F_Disputes
Sec. 74.91  Alternative dispute resolution.

    HHS encourages its awarding agencies and recipients to try to 
resolve disputes by using alternative dispute resolution (ADR) 
techniques. ADR often is effective in reducing the cost, delay and 
contentiousness involved in appeals and other traditional ways of 
handling disputes. ADR techniques include mediation, neutral evaluation 
and other consensual methods. Information about ADR is available from 
the HHS Dispute Resolution Specialist at the Departmental Appeals Board, 
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC 20201.

               Appendix A to Part 74--Contract Provisions

    All contracts awarded by a recipient, including small purchases, 
shall contain the following provisions as applicable where the cost of 
the contract is treated as a direct cost of an award:
    1. Equal Employment Opportunity-- All contracts shall contain a 
provision requiring compliance with E.O. 11246, ``Equal Employment 
Opportunity,'' as amended by E.O. 11375, ``Amending Executive Order 
11246 Relating to Equal Employment Opportunity,'' and as supplemented by 
regulations at 41 CFR part 60, ``Office of Federal Contract Compliance 
Programs, Equal Employment Opportunity, Department of Labor.''
    2. Copeland ``Anti-Kickback'' Act (18 U.S.C. 874 and 40 U.S.C. 
276c)-- All contracts and subgrants in excess of $2,000 for construction 
or repair awarded by recipients and subrecipients shall include a 
provision for compliance with the Copeland ``Anti-Kickback'' Act, 18 
U.S.C. 874, as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations, 29 CFR 
part 3, ``Contractors and Subcontractors on Public Building or Public 
Work Financed in Whole or in Part by Loans or Grants from the United 
States.'' The Act provides that each contractor or subrecipient shall be 
prohibited from inducing, by any means, any person employed in the 
construction, completion, or repair of public work, to give up any part 
of the compensation to which he is otherwise entitled. The recipient 
shall report all suspected or reported violations to the Federal 
awarding agency.
    3. Davis-Bacon Act, as amended (40 U.S.C. 276a to a-7)-- When 
required by Federal program legislation, all construction contracts 
awarded by the recipients and subrecipients of more than $2000 shall 
include a provision for compliance with the Davis-Bacon Act, 40 U.S.C. 
276a to a-7, and as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations, 29 
CFR part 5, ``Labor Standards Provisions Applicable to Contracts 
Governing Federally Financed and Assisted Construction.'' Under this 
Act, contractors shall be required to pay wages to laborers and 
mechanics at a rate not less than the minimum wages specified in a wage 
determination made by the Secretary of Labor. In addition, contractors 
shall be required to pay wages not less than once a week. The recipient 
shall place a copy of the current prevailing wage determination issued 
by the Department of Labor in each solicitation and the award of a 
contract shall be conditioned upon the acceptance of the wage 
determination. The recipient shall report all suspected or reported 
violations to the HHS awarding agency.
    4. Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. 327-
333)-- Where applicable, all contracts awarded by recipients in excess 
of $100,000 for construction contracts and for other contracts that 
involve the employment of mechanics or laborers shall include a 
provision for compliance with sections 102 and 107 of the Contract Work 
Hours and Safety Standards Act, 40 U.S.C. 327-333, as supplemented by 
Department of Labor regulations, 29 CFR part 5. Under section 102 of the 
Act, each contractor shall be required to compute the wages of every 
mechanic and laborer on the basis of a standard work week of 40 hours. 
Work in excess of the standard work week is permissible provided that 
the worker is compensated at a rate of not less than 1\1/2\ times the 
basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in the work 
week. Section 107 of the Act is applicable to construction work and 
provides that no laborer or mechanic shall be required to work in 
surroundings or under working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous 
or dangerous. These requirements do not apply to the purchases of 
supplies or materials or articles ordinarily available on the open 
market, or contracts for transportation or transmission of intelligence.

[[Page 250]]

    5. Rights to Inventions Made Under a Contract or Agreement-- 
Contracts or agreements for the performance of experimental, 
developmental, or research work shall provide for the rights of the 
Federal Government and the recipient in any resulting invention in 
accordance with 37 CFR part 401, ``Rights to Inventions Made by 
Nonprofit Organizations and Small Business Firms Under Government 
Grants, Contracts and Cooperative Agreements,'' and any further 
implementing regulations issued by HHS.
    6. Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.) and the Federal Water 
Pollution Control Act as amended (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.)-- Contracts 
and subgrants of amounts in excess of $100,000 shall contain a provision 
that requires the recipient to agree to comply with all applicable 
standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act, 
42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq., and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as 
amended 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq. Violations shall be reported to the HHS 
and the appropriate Regional Office of the Environmental Protection 
    7. Byrd Anti-Lobbying Amendment (31 U.S.C. 1352)-- Contractors who 
apply or bid for an award of more than $100,000 shall file the required 
certification. Each tier certifies to the tier above that it will not 
and has not used Federal appropriated funds to pay any person or 
organization for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or 
employee of any Federal agency, a member of Congress, officer or 
employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in 
connection with obtaining any Federal contract, grant or any other award 
covered by 31 U.S.C. 1352. Each tier shall also disclose any lobbying 
with non-Federal funds that takes place in connection with obtaining any 
Federal award. Such disclosures are forwarded from tier to tier up to 
the recipient. (See also 45 CFR part 93).
    8. Debarment and Suspension (E.O.s 12549 and 12689)-- Certain 
contracts shall not be made to parties listed on the nonprocurement 
portion of the General Services Administration's ``Lists of Parties 
Excluded from Federal Procurement or Nonprocurement Programs'' in 
accordance with E.O.s 12549 and 12689, ``Debarment and Suspension.'' 
(See 45 CFR part 76.) This list contains the names of parties debarred, 
suspended, or otherwise excluded by agencies, and contractors declared 
ineligible under statutory authority other than E.O. 12549. Contractors 
with awards that exceed the simplified acquisition threshold shall 
provide the required certification regarding their exclusion status and 
that of their principals prior to award.

[59 FR 43760, Aug. 25, 1994, as amended at 61 FR 11747, Mar. 22, 1996; 
62 FR 41878, Aug. 4, 1997]

                  Appendixes B-D to Part 74 [Reserved]

 Appendix E to Part 74--Principles for Determining Costs Applicable to 
   Research and Development Under Grants and Contracts With Hospitals

                          i. purpose and scope

    A. Objectives. This appendix provides principles for determining the 
costs applicable to research and development work performed by hospitals 
under grants and contracts with the Department of Health and Human 
Services. These principles are confined to the subject of cost 
determination and make no attempt to identify the circumstances or 
dictate the extent of hospital participation in the financing of a 
particular research or development project. The principles are designed 
to provide recognition of the full allocated costs of such research work 
under generally accepted accounting principles. These principles will be 
applicable to both proprietary and non-profit hospitals. No provision 
for profit or other increment above cost is provided for in these 
principles. However, this is not to be interpreted as precluding a 
negotiated fee between contracting parties when a fee is appropriate.
    B. Policy guides. The successful application of these principles 
requires development of mutual understanding between representatives of 
hospitals and of the Department of Health and Human Services as to their 
scope, applicability and interpretation. It is recognized that:
    1. The arrangements for hospital participation in the financing of a 
research and development project are properly subject to negotiation 
between the agency and the hospital concerned in accordance with such 
Government-wide criteria as may be applicable.
    2. Each hospital, possessing its own unique combination of staff, 
facilities and experience, should be encouraged to conduct research in a 
manner consonant with its own institutional philosophies and objectives.
    3. Each hospital in the fulfillment of its contractual obligations 
should be expected to employ sound management practices.
    4. The application of the principles established herein shall be in 
conformance with the generally accepted accounting practices of 
    5. Hospitals receive reimbursements from the Federal Government for 
differing types of services under various programs such as support of 
Research and Development (including discrete clinical centers) Health 
Services Projects, Medicare, etc. It is essential that consistent 
procedures for determining reimbursable costs for similar services be 
employed without regard to program differences. Therefore, both the 
direct and

[[Page 251]]

indirect costs of research programs must be identified as a cost 
center(s) for the cost finding and step-down requirements of the 
Medicare program, or in its absence the Medicaid program.
    C. Application. All operating agencies within the Department of 
Health and Human Services that sponsor research and development work in 
hospitals will apply these principles and related policy guides in 
determining the costs incurred for such work under grants and cost-
reimbursement type contracts and subcontracts. These principles will 
also be used as a guide in the pricing of fixed-price contracts and 

                        ii. definitions of terms

    A. Organized research means all research activities of a hospital 
that may be identified whether the support for such research is from a 
federal, non-federal or internal source.
    B. Departmental research means research activities that are not 
separately budgeted and accounted for. Such work, which includes all 
research activities not encompassed under the term organized research, 
is regarded for purposes of this document as a part of the patient care 
activities of the hospital.
    C. Research agreement means any valid arrangement to perform 
federally-sponsored research or development including grants, cost-
reimbursement type contracts, cost-reimbursement type subcontracts, and 
fixed-price contracts and subcontracts.
    D. Instruction and training means the formal or informal programs of 
educating and training technical and professional health services 
personnel, primarily medical and nursing training. This activity, if 
separately budgeted or identifiable with specific costs, should be 
considered as a cost objective for purposes of indirect cost allocations 
and the development of patient care costs.
    E. Other hospital activities means all organized activities of a 
hospital not immediately related to the patient care, research, and 
instructional and training functions which produce identifiable revenue 
from the performance of these activities. If a non-related activity does 
not produce identifiable revenue, it may be necessary to allocate this 
expense using an appropriate basis. In such a case, the activity may be 
included as an allocable cost (See paragraph III D below.) Also included 
under this definition is any category of cost treated as 
``Unallowable,'' provided such category of cost identifies a function or 
activity to which a portion of the institution's indirect cost (as 
defined in paragraph V. A.) are properly allocable.
    F. Patient care means those departments or cost centers which render 
routine or ancillary services to in-patients and/or out-patients. As 
used in paragraph IX B.23, it means the cost of these services 
applicable to patients involved in research programs.
    G. Allocation means the process by which the indirect costs are 
assigned as between:
    1. Organized research,
    2. Patient care including departmental research.
    3. Instruction and training, and
    4. Other hospital activities.
    H. Cost center means an identifiable department or area (including 
research) within the hospital which has been assigned an account number 
in the hospital accounting system for the purpose of accumulating 
expense by department or area.
    I. Cost finding is the process of recasting the data derived from 
the accounts ordinarily kept by a hospital to ascertain costs of the 
various types of services rendered. It is the determination of direct 
costs by specific identification and the proration of indirect costs by 
    J. Step down is a cost finding method that recognizes that services 
rendered by certain nonrevenue-producing departments or centers are 
utilized by certain other nonrevenue producing centers as well as by the 
revenue-producing centers. All costs of nonrevenue-producing centers are 
allocated to all centers which they serve, regardless of whether or not 
these centers produce revenue. Following the apportionment of the cost 
of the nonrevenue-producing center, that center will be considered 
closed and no further costs are apportioned to that center.
    K. Scatter bed is a bed assigned to a research patient based on 
availability. Research patients occupying these beds are not physically 
segregated from nonresearch patients occupying beds. Scatter beds are 
geographically dispersed among all the beds available for use in the 
hospital. There are no special features attendant to a scatter bed that 
distinguishes it from others that could just as well have been occupied.
    L. Discrete bed is a bed or beds that have been set aside for 
occupancy by research patients and are physically segregated from other 
hospital beds in an environment that permits an easily ascertainable 
allocation of costs associated with the space they occupy and the 
services they generate.

                        iii. basic considerations

    A. Composition of total costs. The cost of a research agreement is 
comprised of the allowable direct costs incident to its performance plus 
the allocable portion of the allowable indirect costs of the hospital 
less applicable credits. (See paragraph III-E.)
    B. Factors affecting allowability of costs. The tests of 
allowability of costs under these principles are:
    1. They must be reasonable.
    2. They must be assigned to research agreements under the standards 
and methods provided herein.

[[Page 252]]

    3. They must be accorded consistent treatment through application of 
those generally accepted accounting principles appropriate to the 
circumstances (See paragraph I-E.5.) and
    4. They must conform to any limitations or exclusions set forth in 
these principles or in the research agreement as to types or amounts of 
cost items.
    C. Reasonable costs. A cost may be considered reasonable if the 
nature of the goods or services acquired or applied, and the amount 
involved therefor reflect the action that a prudent person would have 
taken under the circumstances prevailing at the time the decision to 
incur the cost was made. Major considerations involved in the 
determination of the reasonableness of a cost are:
    1. Whether or not the cost is of a type generally recognized as 
necessary for the operation of the hospital or the performance of the 
research agreement,
    2. The restraints or requirements imposed by such factors as arm's 
length bargaining, federal and state laws and regulations, and research 
agreement terms and conditions,
    3. Whether or not the individuals concerned acted with due prudence 
in the circumstances, considering their responsibilities to the 
hospital, its patients, its employees, its students, the Government, and 
the public at large, and
    4. The extent to which the actions taken with respect to the 
incurrence of the cost are consistent with established hospital policies 
and practices applicable to the work of the hospital generally, 
including Government research.
    D. Allocable costs. 1. A cost is allocable to a particular cost 
center (i.e., a specific function, project, research agreement, 
department, or the like) if the goods or services involved are 
chargeable or assignable to such cost center in accordance with relative 
benefits received or other equitable relationship. Subject to the 
foregoing, a cost is allocable to a research agreement if it is incurred 
solely to advance the work under the research agreement; or it benefits 
both the research agreement and other work of the hospital in 
proportions that can be approximated through use of reasonable methods; 
or it is necessary to the overall operation of the hospital and, in 
light of the standards provided in this chapter, is deemed to be 
assignable in part to organized research. Where the purchase of 
equipment or other capital items are specifically authorized under a 
research agreement, the amounts thus authorized for such purchases are 
allocable to the research agreement regardless of the use that may 
subsequently be made of the equipment or other capital items involved.
    2. Any costs allocable to a particular research agreement under the 
standards provided in these principles may not be shifted to other 
research agreements in order to meet deficiencies caused by overruns or 
other fund considerations, to avoid restrictions imposed by law or by 
terms of the research agreement, or for other reasons of convenience.
    E. Applicable credits. 1. The term applicable credits refers to 
those receipts or negative expenditure types of transactions which 
operate to offset or reduce expense items that are allocable to research 
agreements as direct or indirect costs as outlined in paragraph V-A. 
Typical examples of such transactions are: purchase discounts, rebates, 
or allowances; recoveries or indemnities on losses; sales of scrap or 
incidental services; tuition; adjustments of overpayments or erroneous 
charges; and services rendered to patients admitted to federally funded 
clinical research centers, primarily for care though also participating 
in research protocols.
    2. In some instances, the amounts received from the Federal 
Government to finance hospital activities or service operations should 
be treated as applicable credits. Specifically, the concept of netting 
such credit items against related expenditures should be applied by the 
hospital in determining the rates or amounts to be charged to government 
research for services rendered whenever the facilities or other 
resources used in providing such services have been financed directly, 
in whole or in part, by federal funds. Thus, where such items are 
provided for or benefit a particular hospital activity, i.e., patient 
care, research, instruction and training, or other, they should be 
treated as an offset to the indirect costs apportioned to that activity. 
Where the benefits are common to all hospital activities they should be 
treated as a credit to the total indirect cost pool before allocation to 
the various cost objectives.

                            iv. direct costs

    A. General. Direct costs are those that can be identified 
specifically with a particular cost center. For this purpose, the term 
cost center refers not only to the ultimate centers against which costs 
are finally lodged such as research agreements, but also to other 
established cost centers such as the individual accounts for recording 
particular objects or items of expense, and the separate account 
groupings designed to record the expenses incurred by individual 
organizational units, functions, projects and the like. In general, the 
administrative functions and service activities described in paragraph 
VI are identifiable as separate cost centers, and the expenses 
associated with such centers become eligible in due course for 
distribution as indirect costs of research agreements and other ultimate 
cost centers.
    B. Application to research agreements. Identifiable benefit to the 
research work rather

[[Page 253]]

than the nature of the goods and services involved is the determining 
factor in distinguishing direct from indirect costs of research 
agreements. Typical of transactions chargeable to a research agreement 
as direct costs are the compensation of employees for the time or effort 
devoted to the performance of work under the research agreement, 
including related staff benefit and pension plan costs to the extent 
that such items are consistently accorded to all employees and treated 
by the hospital as direct rather than indirect costs (see paragraph V. 
B4b); the costs of materials consumed or expended in the performance of 
such work; and other items of expense incurred for the research 
agreement, such as extraordinary utility consumption. The cost of 
materials supplied from stock or services rendered by specialized 
facilities or other institutional service operations may be included as 
direct costs of research agreements provided such items are consistently 
treated by the institution as direct rather than indirect costs and are 
charged under a recognized method of costing or pricing designed to 
recover only the actual direct and indirect costs of such material or 
service and conforming to generally accepted cost accounting practices 
consistently followed by the institution.

                            v. indirect costs

    A. General. Indirect costs are those that have been incurred for 
common or joint objectives, and thus are not readily subject to 
treatment as direct costs of research agreements or other ultimate or 
revenue producing cost centers. In hospitals such costs normally are 
classified but not necessarily restricted to the following functional 
categories: Depreciation; Administrative and General (including fringe 
benefits if not charged directly); Operation of Plant; Maintenance of 
Plant; Laundry and Linen Service; Housekeeping; Dietary; Maintenance of 
Personnel; and Medical Records and Library.
    B. Criteria for distribution--1. Base period. A base period for 
distribution of indirect costs is the period during which such costs are 
incurred and accumulated for distribution to work performed within that 
period. The base period normally should coincide with the fiscal year 
established by the hospital, but in any event the base period should be 
so selected as to avoid inequities in the distribution of costs.
    2. Need for cost groupings. The overall objective of the allocation 
process is to distribute the indirect costs described in paragraph VI to 
organized research, patient care, instruction and training, and other 
hospital activities in reasonable proportions consistent with the nature 
and extent of the use of the hospital's resources by research personnel, 
medical staff, patients, students, and other personnel or organizations. 
In order to achieve this objective with reasonable precision, it may be 
necessary to provide for selective distribution by establishing separate 
groupings of cost within one or more of the functional categories of 
indirect costs referred to in paragraph V-A. In general, the cost 
groupings established within a functional category should constitute, in 
each case, a pool of those items of expense that are considered to be of 
like character in terms of their relative contribution to (or degree of 
remoteness from) the particular cost centers to which distribution is 
appropriate. Each such pool or cost grouping should then be distributed 
individually to the related cost centers, using the distribution base or 
method most appropriate in the light of the guides set out in B3 below. 
While this paragraph places primary emphasis on a step-down method of 
indirect cost computation, paragraph VIII provides an alternate method 
which may be used under certain conditions.
    3. Selection of distribution method. Actual conditions must be taken 
into account in selecting the method or base to be used in distributing 
to related cost centers the expenses assembled under each of the 
individual cost groups established as indicated under B2 above. Where a 
distribution can be made by assignment of a cost grouping directly to 
the area benefited, the distribution should be made in that manner. Care 
should be given, however, to eliminate similar or duplicative costs from 
any other distribution made to this area. Where the expenses under a 
cost grouping are more general in nature, the distribution to related 
cost centers should be made through use of a selected base which will 
produce results which are equitable to both the Government and the 
hospital. In general, any cost element or cost-related factor associated 
with the hospital's work is potentially adaptable for use as a 
distribution base provided:
    a. It can readily be expressed in terms of dollars or other 
quantitative measure (total direct expenditures, direct salaries, 
manhours applied, square feet utilized, hours of usage, number of 
documents processed, population served, and the like); and
    b. It is common to the related cost centers during the base period. 
The essential consideration in selection of the distribution base in 
each instance is that it be the one best suited for assigning the pool 
of costs to related cost centers in accord with the relative benefits 
derived; the traceable cause and effect relationship; or logic and 
reason, where neither benefit nor cause and effect relationship is 
    4. General consideration on cost groupings. The extent to which 
separate cost groupings and selective distribution would be appropriate 
at a hospital is a matter of judgment to be determined on a case-by-case 
basis. Typical situations which may warrant the

[[Page 254]]

establishment of two or more separate cost groups (based on account 
classification or analysis) within a functional category include but are 
not limited to the following:
    a. Where certain items or categories of expense relate solely to one 
of the major divisions of the hospital (patient care, sponsored 
research, instruction and training, or other hospital activities) or to 
any two but not all, such expenses should be set aside as a separate 
cost grouping for direct assignment or selective distribution in 
accordance with the guides provided in B2 and B3 above.
    b. Where any types of expense ordinary treated as indirect cost as 
outlined in paragraph V-A are charged to research agreements as direct 
costs, the similar type expenses applicable to other activities of the 
institution must through separate cost grouping be excluded from the 
indirect costs allocable to research agreements.
    c. Where it is determined that certain expenses are for the support 
of a service unit or facility whose output is susceptible of measurement 
on a workload or other quantitative basis, such expenses should be set 
aside as a separate cost grouping for distribution on such basis to 
organized research and other hospital activities.
    d. Where organized activities (including identifiable segments of 
organized research as well as the activities cited in paragraph II-E) 
provide their own purchasing, personnel administration, building 
maintenance, or housekeeping or similar service, the distribution of 
such elements of indirect cost to such activities should be accomplished 
through cost grouping which includes only that portion of central 
indirect costs (such as for overall management) which are properly 
allocable to such activities.
    e. Where the hospital elects to treat as indirect charges the costs 
of pension plans and other staff benefits, such costs should be set 
aside as a separate cost grouping for selective distribution to related 
cost centers, including organized research.
    f. Where the hospital is affiliated with a medical school or some 
other institution which performs organized research on the hospital's 
premises, every effort should be made to establish separate cost 
groupings in the Administrative and General or other applicable category 
which will reasonably reflect the use of services and facilities by such 
research. (See also paragraph VII-A.3)
    5. Materiality. Where it is determined that the use of separate cost 
groupings and selective distribution are necessary to produce equitable 
results, the number of such separate cost groupings within a functional 
category should be held within practical limits, after taking into 
consideration the materiality of the amounts involved and the degree of 
precision attainable through less selective methods of distribution.
    C. Administration of limitations on allowances for indirect costs. 
1. Research grants may be subject to laws and/or administrative 
regulations that limit the allowance for indirect costs under each such 
grant to a stated percentage of the direct costs allowed. Agencies that 
sponsor such grants will establish procedures which will assure that:
    a. The terms and amount authorized in each case conform with the 
provisions of paragraphs III, V and IX of these principles as they apply 
to matters involving the consistent treatment and allowability of 
individual items of cost; and
    b. The amount actually allowed for indirect costs under each such 
research grant does not exceed the maximum allowable under the 
limitation or the amount otherwise allowable under these principles, 
whichever is the smaller.
    2. Where the actual allowance for indirect costs on any research 
grant must be restricted to the smaller of the two alternative amounts 
referred to in C1 above, such alternative amounts should be determined 
in accordance with the following guides:
    a. The maximum allowable under the limitation should be established 
by applying the stated percentage to a direct cost base which shall 
include all items of expenditure authorized by the sponsoring agency for 
inclusion as part of the total cost for the direct benefit of the work 
under the grant; and
    b. The amount otherwise allowable under these principles should be 
established by applying the current institutional indirect cost rate to 
those elements of direct cost which were included in the base on which 
the rate was computed.
    3. When the maximum amount allowable under a statutory limitation or 
the terms of a research agreement is less than the amount otherwise 
allocable as indirect costs under these principles, the amount not 
recoverable as indirect costs under the research agreement involved may 
not be shifted to other research agreements.

           vi. identification and assignment of indirect costs

    A. Depreciation or use charge. 1. The expenses under this heading 
should include depreciation (as defined in paragraph IX-B.9a) on 
buildings, fixed equipment, and movable equipment, except to the extent 
purchased through federal funds. Where adequate records for the 
recording of depreciation are not available, a use charge may be 
substituted for depreciation (See paragraph IX-B.)
    2. The expenses included in this category should be allocated to 
applicable cost centers in a manner consistent with the guides set forth 
in paragraph V-B, on a basis that gives primary emphasis to (a) space 
utilization with respect to depreciation on buildings and fixed 
equipment; and (b) specific

[[Page 255]]

identification of assets and their use with respect to movable equipment 
as it relates to patient care, organized research, instruction and 
training, and other hospital activities. Where such records are not 
sufficient for the purpose of the foregoing, reasonable estimates will 
suffice as a means for effecting distribution of the amounts involved.
    B. Administration and general expenses. 1. The expenses under this 
heading are those that have been incurred for the administrative offices 
of the hospital including accounting, personnel, purchasing, information 
centers, telephone expense, and the like which do not relate solely to 
any major division of the institution, i.e., solely to patient care, 
organized research, instruction and training, or other hospital 
    2. The expenses included in this category may be allocated on the 
basis of total expenditures exclusive of capital expenditures, or 
salaries and wages in situations where the results of the distribution 
made on this basis are deemed to be equitable both to the Government and 
the hospital; otherwise the distribution of Administration and General 
expenses should be made through use of selected bases, applied to 
separate cost groupings established within this category of expenses in 
accordance with the guides set out in paragraph V-B.
    C. Operation of plant. 1. The expenses under this heading are those 
that have been incurred by a central service organization or at the 
departmental level for the administration, supervision, and provision of 
utilities (exclusive of telephone expense) and protective services to 
the physical plant. They include expenses incurred for such items as 
power plant operations, general utility costs, elevator operations, 
protection services, and general parking lots.
    2. The expenses included in this category should be allocated to 
applicable cost centers in a manner consistent with the guides provided 
in paragraph V-B, on a basis that gives primary emphasis to space 
utilization. The allocations should be developed as follows:
    a. Where actual space and related cost records are available or can 
readily be developed and maintained without significant change in the 
accounting practices, the amount distributed should be based on such 
    b. Where the space and related cost records maintained are not 
sufficient for purposes of the foregoing, a reasonable estimate of the 
proportion of total space assigned to the various costs centers normally 
will suffice as a means for effecting distribution of the amounts 
involved; or
    c. Where it can be demonstrated that an area or volume or space 
basis of allocation is impractical or inequitable, other bases may be 
used provided consideration is given to the use of facilities by 
research personnel and others, including patients.
    D. Maintenance of plant. 1. The expenses under this heading should 
    a. All salaries and wages pertaining to ordinary repair and 
maintenance work performed by employees on the payroll of the hospital;
    b. All supplies and parts used in the ordinary repairing and 
maintaining of buildings and general equipment; and
    c. Amounts paid to outside concerns for the ordinary repairing and 
maintaining of buildings and general equipment.
    2. The expenses included in this category should be allocated to 
applicable cost centers in a manner consistent with the guides provided 
in paragraph V-B. on a basis that gives primary emphasis to space 
utilization. The allocations and apportionments should be developed as 
    a. Where actual space and related cost records are available and can 
readily be developed and maintained without significant change in the 
accounting practices, the amount distributed should be based on such 
    b. Where the space and related cost records maintained are not 
sufficient for purposes of the foregoing, a reasonable estimate of the 
proportion of total space assigned to the various cost centers normally 
will suffice as a means for effecting distribution of the amounts 
involved; or
    c. Where it can be demonstrated that an area or volume of space 
basis of allocation is impractical or inequitable, other basis may be 
used provided consideration is given to the use of facilities by 
research personnel and others, including patients.
    E. Laundry and linen. 1. The expenses under this heading should 
    a. Salaries and wages of laundry department employees, seamstresses, 
clean linen handlers, linen delivery men, etc.;
    b. Supplies used in connection with the laundry operation and all 
linens purchased; and
    c. Amounts paid to outside concerns for purchased laundry and/or 
linen service.
    2. The expense included in this category should be allocated to 
related cost centers in a manner consistent with the guides provided in 
paragraph V-B. on a basis that gives primary emphasis to actual pounds 
of linen used. The allocations should be developed as follows:
    a. Where actual poundage and related cost records are available or 
can readily be developed and maintained without significant change in 
the accounting practices, the amount distributed should be based on such 
    b. Where it can be demonstrated that a poundage basis of allocation 
is impractical or inequitable other bases may be used provided 
consideration is given to the use of

[[Page 256]]

linen by research personnel and others, including patients.
    F. Housekeeping. 1. The expenses under this heading should include:
    a. All salaries and wages of the department head, foreman, maids, 
porters, janitors, wall washers, and other housekeeping employees;
    b. All supplies used in carrying out the housekeeping functions; and
    c. Amounts paid to outside concerns for purchased services such as 
window washing, insect extermination, etc.
    2. The expenses included in this category should be allocated to 
related cost centers in a manner consistent with the guides provided in 
paragraph V-B. on a basis that gives primary emphasis to space actually 
serviced by the housekeeping department. The allocations and 
apportionments should be developed as follows:
    a. Where actual space serviced and related cost records are 
available or can readily be developed and maintained without significant 
change in the accounting practices, the amount distributed should be 
based on such records;
    b. Where the space serviced and related cost records maintained are 
not sufficient for purposes of the foregoing, a reasonable estimate of 
the proportion of total space assigned to the various cost centers 
normally will suffice as a means for effecting distribution of the 
amounts of housekeeping expenses involved; or
    c. Where it can be demonstrated that the space serviced basis of 
allocation is impractical or inequitable, other bases may be used 
provided consideration is given to the use of housekeeping services by 
research personnel and others, including patients.
    G. Dietary. 1. These expenses, as used herein, shall mean only the 
subsidy provided by the hospital to its employees including research 
personnel through its cafeteria operation. The hospital must be able to 
demonstrate through the use of proper cost accounting techniques that 
the cafeteria operates at a loss to the benefit of employees.
    2. The reasonable operating loss of a subsidized cafeteria operation 
should be allocated to related cost centers in a manner consistent with 
the guides provided in paragraph V-B. on a basis that gives primary 
emphasis to number of employees.
    H. Maintenance (housing) of personnel. 1. The expenses under this 
heading should include:
    a. The salaries and wages of matrons, clerks, and other employees 
engaged in work in nurses' residences and other employees' quarters;
    b. All supplies used in connection with the operation of such 
dormitories; and
    c. Payments to outside agencies for the rental of houses, 
apartments, or rooms used by hospital personnel.
    2. The expenses included in this category should be allocated to 
related cost centers in a manner consistent with the guides provided in 
paragraph V-B. on a basis that gives primary emphasis to employee 
utilization of housing facilities. The allocation should be developed as 
    a. Appropriate credit should be given for all payments received from 
employees or otherwise to reduce the expense to be allocated;
    b. A net cost per housed employee may then be computed; and
    c. Allocation should be made on a departmental basis based on the 
number of housed employees in each respective department.
    I. Medical records and library. 1. The expenses under this heading 
should include:
    a. The salaries and wages of the records librarian, medical 
librarian, clerks, stenographers, etc.; and
    b. All supplies such as medical record forms, chart covers, filing 
supplies, stationery, medical library books, periodicals, etc.
    2. The expenses included in this category should be allocated to 
related cost centers in a manner consistent with the guides provided in 
paragraph V-B. on a basis that gives primary emphasis to a special time 
survey of medical records personnel. If this appears to be impractical 
or inequitable, other bases may be used provided consideration is given 
to the use of these facilities by research personnel and others, 
including patients.

    vii. determination and application of indirect cost rate or rates

    A. Indirect cost pools. 1. Subject to (2) below, indirect costs 
allocated to organized research should be treated as a common pool, and 
the costs in such common pool should be distributed to individual 
research agreements benefiting therefrom on a single rate basis.
    2. In some instances a single rate basis for use on all government 
research at a hospital may not be appropriate since it would not take 
into account those different environmental factors which may affect 
substantially the indirect costs applicable to a particular segment of 
government research at the institution. For this purpose, a particular 
segment of government research may be that performed under a single 
research agreement or it may consist of research under a group of 
research agreements performed in a common environment. The environmental 
factors are not limited to the physical location of the work. Other 
important factors are the level of the administrative support required, 
the nature of the facilities or other resources employed, the scientific 
disciplines or technical skills involved, the organizational 
arrangements used, or any combination thereof. Where a particular 
segment of government research

[[Page 257]]

is performed within an environment which appears to generate a 
significantly different level of indirect costs, provision should be 
made for a separate indirect cost pool applicable to such work. An 
example of this differential may be in the development of a separate 
indirect cost pool for a clinical research center grant. The separate 
indirect cost pool should be developed during the course of the regular 
distribution process, and the separate indirect cost rate resulting 
therefrom should be utilized provided it is determined that:
    a. Such indirect cost rate differs significantly from that which 
would have obtained under (1) above; and
    b. The volume of research work to which such rate would apply is 
material in relation to other government research at the institution.
    3. It is a common practice for grants or contracts awarded to other 
institutions, typically University Schools of Medicine, to be performed 
on hospital premises. In these cases the hospital should develop a 
separate indirect cost pool applicable to the work under such grants or 
contracts. This pool should be developed by a selective distribution of 
only those indirect cost categories which benefit the work performed by 
the other institution, within the practical limits dictated by available 
data and the materiality of the amounts involved. Hospital costs 
determined to be allocable to grants or contracts awarded to another 
institution may not be recovered as a cost of grants or contracts 
awarded directly to the hospital.
    B. The distribution base. Preferably, indirect costs allocated to 
organized research should be distributed to applicable research 
agreements on the basis of direct salaries and wages. However, where the 
use of salaries and wages results in an inequitable allocation of costs 
to the research agreements, total direct costs or a variation thereof, 
may be used in lieu of salaries and wages. Regardless of the base used, 
an indirect cost rate should be determined for each of the separate 
indirect cost pools developed pursuant to paragraph VII-A. The rate in 
each case should be stated as the percentage which the amount of the 
particular indirect cost pool is of the total direct salaries and wages 
(or other base selected) for all research agreements identified with 
such a pool.
    C. Negotiated lump sum for overhead. A negotiated fixed amount in 
lieu of indirect costs may be appropriate for self-contained or off-
campus research activities where the benefits derived from a hospital's 
indirect services cannot be readily determined. Such amount negotiated 
in lieu of indirect costs will be treated as an offset to the 
appropriate indirect cost pool after allocation to patient care, 
organized research, instruction and training, and other hospital 
activities. The base on which such remaining expenses are allocated 
should be appropriately adjusted.
    D. Predetermined overhead rates. The utilization of predetermined 
fixed overhead rates may offer potential advantages in the 
administration of research agreements by facilitating the preparation of 
research budgets and permitting more expeditious close out of the 
agreements when the work is completed. Therefore, to the extent allowed 
by law, consideration may be given to the negotiation of predetermined 
fixed rates in those situations where the cost experience and other 
pertinent factors available are deemed sufficient to enable the 
Government and the hospital to reach a reasonable conclusion as to the 
probable level of the indirect cost rate for the ensuing accounting 

             viii. simplified method for small institutions

    A. General. 1. Where the total direct cost of all government-
sponsored research and development work at a hospital in a year is 
minimal, the use of the abbreviated procedure described in paragraph 
VIII-B below may be acceptable in the determination of allowable 
indirect costs. This method may also be used to initially determine a 
provisional indirect cost rate for hospitals that have not previously 
established a rate. Under this abbreviated procedure, data taken 
directly from the institution's most recent annual financial report and 
immediately available supporting information will be utilized as a basis 
for determining the indirect cost rate applicable to research agreements 
at the institution.
    2. The rigid formula approach provided under the abbreviated 
procedure has limitations which may preclude its use at some hospitals 
either because the minimum data required for this purpose are not 
readily available or because the application of the abbreviated 
procedure to the available data produces results which appear 
inequitable to the Government or the hospital. In any such case, 
indirect costs should be determined through use of the regular procedure 
rather than the abbreviated procedure.
    3. In certain instances where the total direct cost of all 
government-sponsored research and development work at the hospital is 
more than minimal, the abbreviated procedure may be used if prior 
permission is obtained. This alternative will be granted only in those 
cases where it can be demonstrated that the step-down technique cannot 
be followed.
    B. Abbreviated procedure. 1. Total expenditures as taken from the 
most recent annual financial report will be adjusted by eliminating from 
further consideration expenditures for capital items as defined in 
paragraph IX-B.4 and unallowable costs as defined under various headings 
in paragraph IX and paragraph III-E.

[[Page 258]]

    2. Total expenditures as adjusted under the foregoing will then be 
distributed among (a) expenditures applicable to administrative and 
general overhead functions, (b) expenditures applicable to all other 
overhead functions, and (c) expenditures for all other purposes. The 
first group shall include amounts associated with the functional 
categories, Administration and General, and Dietary, as defined in 
paragraph VI. The second group shall include Depreciation, Operation of 
Plant, Maintenance of Plant, and Housekeeping. The third group--
expenditures for all other purposes--shall include the amounts 
applicable to all other activities, namely, patient care, organized 
research, instruction and training, and other hospital activities as 
defined under paragraph II-E. For the purposes of this section, the 
functional categories of Laundry and Linen, Maintenance of Personnel, 
and Medical Records and Library as defined in paragraph VI shall be 
considered as expenditures for all other purposes.
    3. The expenditures distributed to the first two groups in paragraph 
VIII-B.2 should then be adjusted by those receipts or negative 
expenditure types of transactions which tend to reduce expense items 
allocable to research agreements as indirect costs. Examples of such 
receipts or negative expenditures are itemized in paragraph III-E.1.
    4. In applying the procedures in paragraphs VIII-B.1 and B.2, the 
cost of unallowable activities such as Gift Shop, Investment Property 
Management, Fund Raising, and Public Relations, when they benefit from 
the hospital's indirect cost services, should be treated as expenditures 
for all other purposes. Such activities are presumed to benefit from the 
hospital's indirect cost services when they include salaries of 
personnel working in the hospital. When they do not include such 
salaries, they should be eliminated from the indirect cost rate 
    5. The indirect cost rate will then be computed in two stages. The 
first stage requires the computation of an Administrative and General 
rate component. This is done by applying a ratio of research direct 
costs over total direct costs to the Administrative and General pool 
developed under paragraphs VIII-B.2 and B.3 above. The resultant 
amount--that which is allocable to research--is divided by the direct 
research cost base. The second stage requires the computation of an All 
Other Indirect Cost rate component. This is done by applying a ratio of 
research direct space over total direct space to All Other Indirect Cost 
pool developed under paragraphs VIII-B.2 and B.3 above. The resultant 
amount--that which is allocable to research--is divided by the direct 
research cost base.
    The total of the two rate components will be the institution's 
indirect cost rate. For the purposes of this section, the research 
direct cost or space and total direct cost or space will be that cost or 
space identified with the functional categories classified under 
Expenditures for all other purposes under paragraph VIII-B.2.

            ix. general standards for selected items of cost

    A. General. This section provides standards to be applied in 
establishing the allowability of certain items involved in determining 
cost. These standards should apply irrespective of whether a particular 
item of cost is properly treated as direct cost or indirect cost. 
Failure to mention a particular item of cost in the standards is not 
intended to imply that it is either allowable or unallowable; rather, 
determination as to allowability in each case should be based on the 
treatment or standards provided for similar or related items of cost. In 
case of discrepancy between the provisions of a specific research 
agreement and the applicable standards provided, the provisions of the 
research agreement should govern. However, in some cases advance 
understandings should be reached on particular cost items in order that 
the full costs of research be supported. The extent of allowability of 
the selected items of cost covered in this section has been stated to 
apply broadly to many accounting systems in varying environmental 
situations. Thus, as to any given research agreement, the reasonableness 
and allocability of certain items of costs may be difficult to 
determine, particularly in connection with hospitals which have medical 
school or other affiliations. In order to avoid possible subsequent 
disallowance or dispute based on unreasonableness or nonallocability, it 
is important that prospective recipients of federal funds particularly 
those whose work is predominantly or substantially with the Government, 
seek agreement with the Government in advance of the incurrence of 
special or unusual costs in categories where reasonableness or 
allocability are difficult to determine. Such agreement may also be 
initiated by the Government. Any such agreement should be incorporated 
in the research agreement itself. However, the absence of such an 
advance agreement on any element of cost will not in itself serve to 
make that element either allowable or unallowable. Examples of costs on 
which advance agreements may be particularly important are:
    1. Facilities costs, such as;
    a. Depreciation
    b. Rental
    c. Use charges for fully depreciated assets
    d. Idle facilities and idle capacity
    e. Plant reconversion
    f. Extraordinary or deferred maintenance and repair
    g. Acquisition of automatic data processing equipment.
    2. Preaward costs

[[Page 259]]

    3. Non-hospital professional activities
    4. Self-insurance
    5. Support services charged directly (computer services, printing 
and duplicating services, etc.)
    6. Employee compensation, travel, and other personnel costs, 
    a. Compensation for personal service, including wages and salaries, 
bonuses and incentives, premium payments, pay for time not worked, and 
supplementary compensation and benefits, such as pension and retirement, 
group insurance, severance pay plans, and other forms of compensation
    b. Morale, health, welfare, and food service and dormitory costs
    c. Training and education costs
    d. Relocation costs, including special or mass personnel movement
    B. Selected items--1. Advertising costs. The term advertising costs 
means the costs of advertising media and corollary administrative costs. 
Advertising media include magazines, newspapers, radio and television 
programs, direct mail, exhibits, and the like. The only advertising 
costs allowable are those which are solely for;
    a. The recruitment of persons required for the performance by the 
institution of obligations arising under the research agreement, when 
considered in conjunction with all other recruitment costs as set forth 
in paragraph IX-B.34.
    b. The procurement of scarce items for the performance of the 
research agreement; or
    c. The disposal of scrap or surplus materials acquired in the 
performance of the research agreement.

Costs of this nature, if incurred for more than one research agreement 
or for both research agreement work and other work of the institution, 
are allowable to the extent that the principles in paragraphs IV and V 
are observed.
    2. Bad debts. Losses arising from uncollectible accounts and other 
claims and related collection and legal costs are unallowable except 
that a bad debt may be included as a direct cost of the research 
agreement to the extent that it is caused by a research patient and 
approved by the awarding agency. This inclusion is only intended to 
cover the situation of the patient admitted for research purposes who 
subsequently or in conjunction with the research receives clinical care 
for which a charge is made to the patient. If, after exhausting all 
means of collecting these charges, a bad debt results, it may be 
considered an appropriate charge to the research agreement.
    3. Bonding costs. a. Bonding costs arise when the Government 
requires assurance against financial loss to itself or others by reason 
of the act or default of the hospital. They arise also in instances 
where the hospital requires similar assurance.
    Included are such types as bid, performance, payment, advance 
payment, infringement, and fidelity bonds.
    b. Costs of bonding required pursuant to the terms of the research 
agreement are allowable.
    c. Costs of bonding required by the hospital in the general conduct 
of its business are allowable to the extent that such bonding is in 
accordance with sound business practice and the rates and premiums are 
reasonable under the circumstances.
    4. Capital expenditures. The costs of equipment, buildings, and 
repairs which materially increase the value or useful life of buildings 
or equipment should be capitalized and are unallowable except as 
provided for in the research agreement.
    5. Civil defense costs. Civil defense costs are those incurred in 
planning for, and the protection of life and property against the 
possible effects of enemy attack. Reasonable costs of civil defense 
measures (including costs in excess of normal plant protection costs, 
first-aid training and supplies, fire-fighting training, posting of 
additional exit notices and directions, and other approved civil defense 
measures) undertaken on the institution's premises pursuant to 
suggestions or requirements of civil defense authorities are allowable 
when distributed to all activities of the institution. Capital 
expenditures for civil defense purposes will not be allowed, but a use 
allowance or depreciation may be permitted in accordance with provisions 
set forth elsewhere. Costs of local civil defense projects not on the 
institution's premises are unallowable.
    6. Communication costs. Costs incurred for telephone services, local 
and long distance telephone calls, telegrams, radiograms, postage, and 
the like are allowable.
    7. Compensation for personal services-- a. General. Compensation for 
personal services covers all remuneration paid currently or accrued to 
employees of the hospital for services rendered during the period of 
performance under government research agreements. Such remuneration 
includes salaries, wages, staff benefits (see paragraph IX-B.10), and 
pension plan costs (see paragraph IX-B.25). The costs of such 
remuneration are allowable to the extent that the total compensation to 
individual employees is reasonable for the services rendered and 
conforms to the established policy of the institution consistently 
applied, and provided that the charges for work performed directly on 
government research agreements and for other work allocable as indirect 
costs to sponsored research are determined and supported as hereinafter 
provided. For non-profit, non-proprietary institutions, where federally 
supported programs constitute less than a preponderance of the activity 
at the institution the primary test of reasonableness will be to require 
that the institution's compensation policies be

[[Page 260]]

applied consistently both to federally-sponsored and non-sponsored 
activities alike. However, where special circumstances so dictate a 
contractual clause may be utilized which calls for application of the 
test of comparability in determining the reasonableness of compensation.
    b. Payroll distribution. Amounts charged to organized research for 
personal services, regardless of whether treated as direct costs or 
allocated as indirect costs, will be based on hospital payrolls which 
have been approved and documented in accordance with generally accepted 
hospital practices. In order to develop necessary direct and indirect 
allocations of cost, supplementary data on time or effort as provided in 
paragraph (c) below, normally need be required only for individuals 
whose compensation is properly chargeable to two or more research 
agreements or to two or more of the following broad functional 
categories: (1) Patient care; (2) organized research; (3) instruction 
and training; (4) indirect activities as defined in paragraph V-A; or 
(5) other hospital activities as defined in paragraph II-E.
    c. Reporting time or effort. Charges for salaries and wages of 
individuals other than members of the professional staff will be 
supported by daily time and attendance and payroll distribution records. 
For members of the professional staff, current and reasonable estimates 
of the percentage distribution of their total effort may be used as 
support in the absence of actual time records. The term professional 
staff for purposes of this section includes physicians, research 
associates, and other personnel performing work at responsible levels of 
activities. These personnel normally fulfill duties, the competent 
performance of which usually requires persons possessing degrees from 
accredited institutions of higher learning and/or state licensure. In 
order to qualify as current and reasonable, estimates must be made no 
later than one month (though not necessarily a calendar month) after the 
month in which the services were performed.
    d. Preparation of estimates of effort. Where required under 
paragraph (c) above, estimates of effort spent by a member of the 
professional staff on each research agreement should be prepared by the 
individual who performed the services or by a responsible individual 
such as a department head or supervisor having first-hand knowledge of 
the services performed on each research agreement. Estimates must show 
the allocation of effort between organized research and all other 
hospital activities in terms of the percentage of total effort devoted 
to each of the broad functional categories referred to in (b) above. The 
estimate of effort spent on a research agreement may include a 
reasonable amount of time spent in activities contributing and 
intimately related to work under the agreement, such as preparing and 
delivering special lectures about specific aspects of the ongoing 
research, writing research reports and articles, participating in 
appropriate research seminars, consulting with colleagues with respect 
to related research, and attending appropriate scientific meetings and 
conferences. The term ``all other hospital activities'' would include 
departmental research, administration, committee work, and public 
services undertaken on behalf of the hospital.
    e. Application of budget estimates. Estimates determined before the 
performance of services, such as budget estimates on a monthly, 
quarterly, or yearly basis do not qualify as estimates of effort spent.
    f. Non-hospital professional activities. A hospital must not alter 
or waive hospital-wide policies and practices dealing with the 
permissible extent of professional services over and above those 
traditionally performed without extra hospital compensation, unless such 
arrangements are specifically authorized by the sponsoring agency. Where 
hospital-wide policies do not adequately define the permissible extent 
of consultantships or other non-hospital activities undertaken for extra 
pay, the Government may require that the effort of professional staff 
working under research agreements be allocated as between (1) hospital 
activities, and (2) non-hospital professional activities. If the 
sponsoring agency should consider the extent of non-hospital 
professional effort excessive, appropriate arrangements governing 
compensation will be negotiated on a case by case basis.
    g. Salary rates for part-time appointments. Charges for work 
performed on government research by staff members having only part-time 
appointments will be determined at a rate not in excess of that for 
which he is regularly paid for his part-time staff assignment.
    8. Contingency provisions. Contributions to a contingency reserve or 
any similar provisions made for events the occurrence of which cannot be 
foretold with certainty as to time, intensity, or with an assurance of 
their happening, are unallowable.
    9. Depreciation and use allowances. a. Hospitals may be compensated 
for the use of buildings, capital improvements and usable equipment on 
hand through depreciation or use allowances. Depreciation is a charge to 
current operations which distributes the cost of a tangible capital 
asset, less estimated residual value, over the estimated useful life of 
the asset in a systematic and logical manner. It does not involve a 
process of valuation. Useful life has reference to the prospective 
period of economic usefulness in the particular hospital's operations as 
distinguished from physical life. Use allowances are the means of 
allowing compensation when depreciation or other equivalent costs are 
not considered.

[[Page 261]]

    b. Due consideration will be given to government-furnished research 
facilities utilized by the institution when computing use allowances 
and/or depreciation if the government-furnished research facilities are 
material in amount. Computation of the use allowance and/or depreciation 
will exclude both the cost or any portion of the cost of grounds, 
buildings and equipment borne by or donated by the Federal Government, 
irrespective of where title was originally vested or where it presently 
resides, and secondly, the cost of grounds. Capital expenditures for 
land improvements (paved areas, fences, streets, sidewalks, utility 
conduits, and similar improvements not already included in the cost of 
buildings) are allowable provided the systematic amortization of such 
capital expenditures has been provided in the institution's books of 
accounts, based on reasonable determinations of the probable useful 
lives of the individual items involved, and the share allocated to 
organized research is developed from the amount thus amortized for the 
base period involved.
    c. Normal depreciation on a hospital's plant, equipment, and other 
capital facilities, except as excluded by (d) below, is an allowable 
element of research cost provided that the amount thereof is computed:
    1. Upon the property cost basis used by the hospital for Federal 
Income Tax purposes (See section 167 of the Internal Revenue Code of 
1954); or
    2. In the case of non-profit or tax exempt organizations, upon a 
property cost basis which could have been used by the hospital for 
Federal Income Tax purposes, had such hospital been subject to the 
payment of income tax; and in either case
    3. By the consistent application to the assets concerned of any 
generally accepted accounting method, and subject to the limitations of 
the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 as amended, including--
    i. The straight line method;
    ii. The declining balance method, using a rate not exceeding twice 
the rate which would have been used had the annual allowance been 
computed under the method described in (i) above;
    iii. The sum of the years-digits method; and
    iv. Any other consistent method productive of an annual allowance 
which, when added to all allowances for the period commencing with the 
use of the property and including the current year, does not during the 
first two-thirds of the useful life of the property exceed the total of 
such allowances which would have been used had such allowances been 
computed under the method described in (ii) above.
    d. Where the depreciation method is followed, adequate property 
records must be maintained. The period of useful service (service life) 
established in each case for usable capital assets must be determined on 
a realistic basis which takes into consideration such factors as type of 
construction, nature of the equipment used, technological developments 
in the particular research area, and the renewal and replacement 
policies followed for the individual items or classes of assets 
involved. Where the depreciation method is introduced for application to 
assets acquired in prior years, the annual charges therefrom must not 
exceed the amounts that would have resulted had the depreciation method 
been in effect from the date of acquisition of such assets.
    e. Depreciation on idle or excess facilities shall not be allowed 
except on such facilities as are reasonably necessary for standby 
    f. Where an institution elects to go on a depreciation basis for a 
particular class of assets, no depreciation, rental or use charge may be 
allowed on any such assets that would be viewed as fully depreciated; 
provided, however, that reasonable use charges may be negotiated for any 
such assets if warranted after taking into consideration the cost of the 
facility or item involved, the estimated useful life remaining at time 
of negotiation, the actual replacement policy followed in the light of 
service lives used for calculating depreciation, the effect of any 
increased maintenance charges or decreased efficiency due to age, and 
any other factors pertinent to the utilization of the facility or item 
for the purpose contemplated.
    g. Hospitals which choose a depreciation allowance for assets 
purchased prior to 1966 based on a percentage of operating costs in lieu 
of normal depreciation for purposes of reimbursement under Pub. L. 89-97 
(Medicare) shall utilize that method for determining depreciation 
applicable to organized research.
    The operating costs to be used are the lower of the hospital's 1965 
operating costs or the hospital's current year's allowable costs. The 
percent to be applied is 5 percent starting with the year 1966-67, with 
such percentage being uniformity reduced by one-half percent each 
succeeding year. The allowance based on operating costs is in addition 
to regular depreciation on assets acquired after 1965. However, the 
combined amount of such allowance on pre-1966 assets and the allowance 
for actual depreciation on assets acquired after 1965 may not exceed 6 
percent of the hospital's allowable cost for the current year. After 
total depreciation has been computed, allocation methods are used to 
determine the share attributable to organized research.
    For purposes of this section, Operating Costs means the total costs 
incurred by the hospital in operating the institution, and includes 
patient care, research, and other activities. Allowable Costs means 
operating costs less unallowable costs as defined in

[[Page 262]]

these principles; by the application of allocation methods to the total 
amount of such allowable costs, the share attributable to Federally-
sponsored research is determined.
    A hospital which elects to use this procedure under Pub. L. 89-97 
and subsequently changes to an actual depreciation basis on pre-1966 
assets in accordance with the option afforded under the Medicare program 
shall simultaneously change to an actual depreciation basis for 
organized research.
    Where the hospital desires to change to actual depreciation but 
either has no historical cost records or has incomplete records, the 
determination of historical cost could be made through appropriate means 
involving expert consultation with the determination being subject to 
review and approval by the Department of Health and Human Services.
    h. Where the use allowance method is followed, the use allowance for 
buildings and improvements will be computed at an annual rate not 
exceeding two percent of acquisition cost. The use allowance for 
equipment will be computed at an annual rate not exceeding six and two-
thirds percent of acquisition cost of usable equipment in those cases 
where the institution maintains current records with respect to such 
equipment on hand. Where the institution's records reflect only the cost 
(actual or estimated) of the original complement of equipment, the use 
allowance will be computed at an annual rate not exceeding ten percent 
of such cost. Original complement for this purpose means the complement 
of equipment initially placed in buildings to perform the functions 
currently being performed in such buildings; however, where a permanent 
change in the function of a building takes place, a redetermination of 
the original complement of equipment may be made at that time to 
establish a new original complement. In those cases where no equipment 
records are maintained, the institution will justify a reasonable 
estimate of the acquisition cost of usable equipment which may be used 
to compute the use allowance at an annual rate not exceeding six and 
two-thirds percent of such estimate.
    i. Depreciation and/or use charges should usually be allocated to 
research and other activities as an indirect cost.
    10. Employee morale, health, and welfare costs and credits. The 
costs of house publications, health or first-aid benefits, recreational 
activities, employees' counseling services, and other expenses incurred 
in accordance with the hospital's established practice or custom for the 
improvement of working conditions, employer-employee relations, employee 
morale, and employee performance, are allowable. Such costs will be 
equitably apportioned to all activities of the hospital. Income 
generated from any of these activities will be credited to the cost 
thereof unless such income has been irrevocably set over to employee 
welfare organizations.
    11. Entertainment costs. Except as pertains to 10 above, costs 
incurred for amusement, social activities, entertainment, and any items 
relating thereto, such as meals, lodging, rentals, transportation, and 
gratuities are unallowable.
    12. Equipment and other facilities. The cost of equipment or other 
facilities are allowable on a direct charge basis where such purchases 
are approved by the sponsoring agency concerned or provided for by the 
terms of the research agreement.
    13. Fines and penalties. Costs resulting from violations of, or 
failure of the institution to comply with federal, state and local laws 
and regulations are unallowable except when incurred as a result of 
compliance with specific provisions of the research agreement, or 
instructions in writing from the awarding agency.
    14. Insurance and indemnification. a. Costs of insurance required or 
approved and maintained pursuant to the research agreement are 
    b. Costs of other insurance maintained by the hospital in connection 
with the general conduct of its activities are allowable subject to the 
following limitations: (1) Types and extent and cost of coverage must be 
in accordance with sound institutional practice; (2) costs of insurance 
or of any contributions to any reserve covering the risk of loss of or 
damage to government owned property are unallowable except to the extent 
that the Government has specifically required or approved such costs; 
and (3) costs of insurance on the lives of officers or trustees are 
unallowable except where such insurance is part of an employee plan 
which is not unduly restricted.
    c. Contributions to a reserve for an approved self-insurance program 
are allowable to the extent that the types of coverage, extent of 
coverage, and the rates and premiums would have been allowed had 
insurance been purchased to cover the risks. Such contributions are 
subject to prior approval of the Government.
    d. Actual losses which could have been covered by permissible 
insurance (through an approved self-insurance program or otherwise) are 
unallowable unless expressly provided for in the research agreement, 
except that costs incurred because of losses not covered under nominal 
deductible insurance coverage provided in keeping with sound management 
practice as well as minor losses not covered by insurance such as 
spoilage, breakage and disappearance of small hand tools which occur in 
the ordinary course of operations are allowable.
    15. Interest, fund raising and investment management costs. a. Costs 
incurred for interest on borrowed capital or temporary use of endowment 
funds, however represented, are unallowable.

[[Page 263]]

    b. Costs of organized fund raising, including financial campaigns, 
endowment drives, solicitation of gifts and bequests, and similar 
expenses incurred solely to raise capital or obtain contributions are 
not allowable.
    c. Costs of investment counsel and staff and similar expenses 
incurred solely to enhance income from investments are not allowable.
    d. Costs related to the physical custody and control of monies and 
securities are allowable.
    16. Labor relations costs. Costs incurred in maintaining 
satisfactory relations between the hospital and its employees, including 
costs of labor management committees, employees' publications, and other 
related activities are allowable.
    17. Losses on research agreements or contracts. Any excess of costs 
over income under any agreement or contract of any nature is 
unallowable. This includes, but is not limited to, the hospital's 
contributed portion by reason of cost-sharing agreements, under-
recoveries through negotiation of flat amounts for overhead, or legal or 
administrative limitations.
    18. Maintenance and repair costs. a. Costs necessary for the upkeep 
of property (including government property unless otherwise provided 
for), which neither add to the permanent value of the property nor 
appreciably prolong its intended life, but keep it in an efficient 
operating condition, are to be treated as follows:
    1. Normal maintenance and repair costs are allowable;
    2. Extraordinary maintenance and repair costs are allowable, 
provided they are allocated to the periods to which applicable for 
purposes of determining research costs.
    b. Expenditures for plant and equipment, including rehabilitation 
thereof, which according to generally accepted accounting principles as 
applied under the hospital's established policy, should be capitalized 
and subjected to depreciation, are allowable only on a depreciation 
    19. Material costs. Costs incurred for purchased materials, supplies 
and fabricated parts directly or indirectly related to the research 
agreement, are allowable. Purchases made specifically for the research 
agreement should be charged thereto at their actual prices after 
deducting all cash discounts, trade discounts, rebates, and allowances 
received by the institution. Withdrawals from general stores or 
stockrooms should be charged at their cost under any recognized method 
of pricing stores withdrawals conforming to sound accounting practices 
consistently followed by the hospital. Incoming transportation charges 
are a proper part of material cost. Direct material cost should include 
only the materials and supplies actually used for the performance of the 
research agreement, and due credit should be given for any excess 
materials retained or returned to vendors. Due credit should be given 
for all proceeds or value received for any scrap resulting from work 
under the research agreement. Where government donated or furnished 
material is used in performing the research agreement, such material 
will be used without charge.
    20. Memberships, subscriptions and professional activity costs. a. 
Costs of the hospital's membership in civic, business, technical and 
professional organizations are allowable.
    b. Costs of the hospital's subscriptions to civic, business, 
professional and technical periodicals are allowable.
    c. Costs of meetings and conferences, when the primary purpose is 
the dissemination of technical information, are allowable. This includes 
costs of meals, transportation, rental of facilities, and other items 
incidental to such meetings or conferences.
    21. Organization costs. Expenditures such as incorporation fees, 
attorneys' fees, accountants' fees, brokers' fees, fees to promoters and 
organizers in connection with (a) organization or reorganization of a 
hospital, or (b) raising capital, are unallowable.
    22. Other business expenses. Included in this item are such 
recurring expenses as registry and transfer charges resulting from 
changes in ownership of securities issued by the hospital, cost of 
shareholders meetings preparation and publication of reports to 
shareholders, preparation and submission of required reports and forms 
to taxing and other regulatory bodies, and incidental costs of directors 
and committee meetings. The above and similar costs are allowable when 
allocated on an equitable basis.
    23. Patient care. The cost of routine and ancillary or special 
services to research patients is an allowable direct cost of research 
    a. Routine services shall include the costs of the regular room, 
dietary and nursing services, minor medical and surgical supplies and 
the use of equipment and facilities for which a separate charge is not 
customarily made.
    b. Ancillary or special services are the services for which charges 
are customarily made in addition to routine services, such as operating 
rooms, anesthesia, laboratory, BMR-EKG, etc.
    c. Patient care, whether expressed as a rate or an amount, shall be 
computed in a manner consistent with the procedures used to determine 
reimbursable costs under Pub. L. 89-97 (Medicare Program) as defined 
under the ``Principles Of Reimbursement For Provider Costs'' published 
by the Social Security Administration of the Department of Health and 
Human Services. The allowability of specific categories of cost shall be 
in accordance with those principles rather than the principles for 
research contained herein. In the absence of participation in the

[[Page 264]]

Medicare program by a hospital, all references to the Medicare program 
in these principles shall be construed as meaning the Medicaid program.
    i. Once costs have been recognized as allowable, the indirect costs 
or general service center's cost shall be allocated (stepped- down) to 
special service centers, and all patient and nonpatient costs centers 
based upon actual services received or benefiting these centers.
    ii. After allocation, routine and ancillary costs shall be 
apportioned to scatter-bed research patients on the same basis as is 
used to apportion costs to Medicare patients, i.e. using either the 
departmental method or the combination method, as those methods are 
defined by the Social Security Administration; except that final 
settlement shall be on a grant-by-grant basis. However, to the extent 
that the Social Security Administration has recognized any other method 
of cost apportionment, that method generally shall also be recognized as 
applicable to the determination of research patient care costs.
    iii. A cost center must be established on Medicare reimbursement 
forms for each discrete-bed unit grant award received by a hospital. 
Routine costs should be stepped-down to this line item(s) in the normal 
course of stepping-down costs under Medicare/Medicaid requirements. 
However, in stepping-down routine costs, consideration must be given to 
preventing a step-down of those costs to discrete-bed unit line items 
that have already been paid for directly by the grant, such as bedside 
nursing costs. Ancillary costs allocable to research discrete-bed units 
shall be determined and proposed in accordance with Section 23.c.ii.
    d. Where federally sponsored research programs provide specifically 
for the direct reimbursement of nursing, dietary, and other services, 
appropriate adjustment must be made to patient care costs to preclude 
duplication and/or misallocation of costs.
    24. Patent costs. Costs of preparing disclosures, reports and other 
documents required by the research agreement and of searching the art to 
the extent necessary to make such invention disclosures are allowable. 
In accordance with the clauses of the research agreement relating to 
patents, costs of preparing documents and any other patent costs, in 
connection with the filing of a patent application where title is 
conveyed to the Government, are allowable. (See also paragraph IX-B.36.)
    25. Pension plan costs. Costs of the hospital's pension plan which 
are incurred in accordance with the established policies of the 
institution are allowable, provided such policies meet the test of 
reasonableness and the methods of cost allocation are not 
discriminatory, and provided appropriate adjustments are made for 
credits or gains arising out of normal and abnormal employee turnover or 
any other contingencies that can result in forfeitures by employees 
which inure to the benefit of the hospital.
    26. Plan security costs. Necessary expenses incurred to comply with 
government security requirements including wages, uniforms and equipment 
of personnel engaged in plant protection are allowable.
    27. Preresearch agreement costs. Costs incurred prior to the 
effective date of the research agreement, whether or not they would have 
been allowable thereunder if incurred after such date, are unallowable 
unless specifically set forth and identified in the research agreement.
    28. Professional services costs. a. Costs of professional services 
rendered by the members of a particular profession who are not employees 
of the hospital are allowable subject to (b) and (c) below when 
reasonable in relation to the services rendered and when not contingent 
upon recovery of the costs from the Government. Retainer fees to be 
allowable must be reasonably supported by evidence of services rendered.
    b. Factors to be considered in determining the allowability of costs 
in a particular case include (1) the past pattern of such costs, 
particularly in the years prior to the award of government research 
agreements on the institution's total activity; (2) the nature and scope 
of managerial services expected of the institution's own organizations; 
and (3) whether the proportion of government work to the hospital's 
total activity is such as to influence the institution in favor of 
incurring the cost, particularly where the services rendered are not of 
a continuing nature and have little relationship to work under 
government research agreements.
    c. Costs of legal, accounting and consulting services, and related 
costs incurred in connection with organization and reorganization or the 
prosecution of claims against the Government are unallowable. Costs of 
legal, accounting and consulting services, and related costs incurred in 
connection with patent infringement litigation are unallowable unless 
otherwise provided for in the research agreement.
    29. Profits and losses on disposition of plant equipment, or other 
assets. Profits or losses of any nature arising from the sale or 
exchange of plant, equipment, or other capital assets, including sales 
or exchange of either short- or long-term investments, shall be excluded 
in computing research agreement costs.
    30. Proposal costs. Proposal costs are the costs of preparing bids 
or proposals on potential government and non-government research 
agreements or projects, including the development of technical data and 
cost data necessary to support the institution's bids or proposals. 
Proposal costs of the current accounting period of both successful and 
unsuccessful bids and proposals normally

[[Page 265]]

should be treated as indirect costs and allocated currently to all 
activities of the institution, and no proposal costs of past accounting 
periods will be allocable in the current period to the government 
research agreement. However, the institution's established practices may 
be to treat proposal costs by some other recognized method. Regardless 
of the methods used, the results obtained may be accepted only if found 
to be reasonable and equitable.
    31. Public information services costs. Costs of news releases 
pertaining to specific research or scientific accomplishment are 
unallowable unless specifically authorized by the sponsoring agency.
    32. Rearrangement and alteration costs. Costs incurred for ordinary 
or normal rearrangement and alteration of facilities are allowable. 
Special rearrangement and alteration costs incurred specifically for a 
project are allowable only as a direct charge when such work has been 
approved in advance by the sponsoring agency concerned.
    33. Reconversion costs. Costs incurred in the restoration or 
rehabilitation of the institution's facilities to approximately the same 
condition existing immediately prior to commencement of government 
research agreement work, fair wear and tear excepted, are allowable.
    34. Recruiting costs. a. Subject to (b), (c), and (d) below, and 
provided that the size of the staff recruited and maintained is in 
keeping with workload requirements, costs of ``help wanted'' 
advertising, operating costs of an employment office necessary to secure 
and maintain an adequate staff, costs of operating an aptitude and 
educational testing program, travel costs of employees while engaged in 
recruiting personnel, travel costs of applicants for interviews for 
prospective employment, and relocation costs incurred incident to 
recruitment of new employees are allowable to the extent that such costs 
are incurred pursuant to a well managed recruitment program. Where an 
institution uses employment agencies, costs not in excess of standard 
commercial rates for such services are allowable.
    b. In publications, costs of help wanted advertising that includes 
color, includes advertising material for other than recruitment 
purposes, or is excessive in size (taking into consideration recruitment 
purposes for which intended and normal institutional practices in this 
respect) are unallowable.
    c. Costs of help wanted advertising, special emoluments; fringe 
benefits, and salary allowances incurred to attract professional 
personnel from other institutions that do not meet the test of 
reasonableness or do not conform with the established practices of the 
institution are unallowable.
    d. Where relocation costs incurred incident to recruitment of a new 
employee have been allowed either as an allocable direct or indirect 
cost, and the newly hired employee resigns for reasons within his 
control within twelve months after hire, the institution will be 
required to refund or credit such relocations costs as were charged to 
the Government.
    35. Rental costs (including sale and lease-back of facilities). a. 
Rental costs of land, building, and equipment and other personal 
property are allowable if the rates are reasonable in light of such 
factors as rental costs of comparable facilities and market conditions 
in the area, the type, life expectancy, condition, and value of the 
facilities leased, options available, and other provisions of the rental 
agreement. Application of these factors, in situations where rentals are 
extensively used, may involve among other considerations comparison of 
rental costs with the amount which the hospital would have received had 
it owned the facilities.
    b. Charges in the nature of rent between organizations having a 
legal or other affiliation or arrangement such as hospitals, medical 
schools, foundations, etc., are allowable to the extent such charges do 
not exceed the normal costs of ownership such as depreciation, taxes, 
insurance, and maintenance, provided that no part of such costs shall 
duplicate any other allowed costs.
    c. Unless otherwise specifically provided in the agreement, rental 
costs specified in sale and lease-back agreements incurred by hospitals 
through selling plant facilities to investment organizations such as 
insurance companies or to private investors, and concurrently leasing 
back the same facilities are allowable only to the extent that such 
rentals do not exceed the amount which the hospital would have received 
had it retained legal title to the facilities.
    36. Royalties and other costs for use of patents. Royalties on a 
patent or amortization of the cost of acquiring a patent or invention or 
rights thereto necessary for the proper performance of the research 
agreement and applicable to tasks or processes thereunder are allowable 
unless the Government has a license or the right to free use of the 
patent, the patent has been adjudicated to be invalid, or has been 
administratively determined to be invalid, the patent is considered to 
be unenforceable, or the patent has expired.
    37. Severance pay. a. Severance pay is compensation in addition to 
regular salaries and wages which is paid by a hospital to employees 
whose services are being terminated. Costs of severance pay are 
allowable only to the extent that such payments are required by law, by 
employer-employee agreement, by established policy that constitutes in 
effect an implied agreement on the institution's part, or by 
circumstances of the particular employment.

[[Page 266]]

    b. Severance payments that are due to normal, recurring turnover, 
and which otherwise meet the conditions of (a) above may be allowed 
provided the actual costs of such severance payments are regarded as 
expenses applicable to the current fiscal year and are equitably 
distributed among the institution's activities during that period.
    c. Severance payments that are due to abnormal or mass terminations 
are of such conjectural nature that allowability must be determined on a 
case-by-case basis. However, the Government recognizes its obligation to 
participate to the extent of its fair share in any specific payment.
    38. Specialized service facilities operated by a hospital. a. The 
costs of institutional services involving the use of highly complex and 
specialized facilities such as electronic computers and reactors are 
allowable provided the charges therefor meet the conditions of (b) or 
(c) below, and otherwise take into account any items of income or 
federal financing that qualify as applicable credits under paragraph 
    b. The costs of such hospital services normally will be charged 
directly to applicable research agreements based on actual usage or 
occupancy of the facilities at rates that (1) are designed to recover 
only actual costs of providing such services, and (2) are applied on a 
nondiscriminatory basis as between organized research and other work of 
the hospital including commercial or accommodation sales and usage by 
the hospital for internal purposes. This would include use of such 
facilities as radiology, laboratories, maintenance men used for a 
special purpose, medical art, photography, etc.
    c. In the absence of an acceptable arrangement for direct costing as 
provided in (b) above, the costs incurred for such institutional 
services may be assigned to research agreements as indirect costs, 
provided the methods used achieve substantially the same results. Such 
arrangements should be worked out in coordination with all government 
users of the facilities in order to assure equitable distribution of the 
indirect costs.
    39. Special administrative costs. Costs incurred for general public 
relations activities, catalogs, alumni activities, and similar services 
are unallowable.
    40. Staff and/or employee benefits. a. Staff and/or employee 
benefits in the form of regular compensation paid to employees during 
periods of authorized absences from the job such as for annual leave, 
sick leave, military leave and the like are allowable provided such 
costs are absorbed by all hospital activities including organized 
research in proportion to the relative amount of time or effort actually 
devoted to each.
    b. Staff benefits in the form of employer contributions or expenses 
for Social Security taxes, employee insurance, Workmen's Compensation 
insurance, the Pension Plan (see paragraph IX-B.25), hospital costs or 
remission of hospital charges to the extent of costs for individual 
employees or their families, and the like are allowable provided such 
benefits are granted in accordance with established hospital policies, 
and provided such contributions and other expenses whether treated as 
indirect costs or an increment of direct labor costs are distributed to 
particular research agreements and other activities in a manner 
consistent with the pattern of benefits accruing to the individuals or 
groups of employees whose salaries and wages are chargeable to such 
research agreements and other activities.
    41. Taxes. a. In general, taxes which the hospital is required to 
pay and which are paid or accrued in accordance with generally accepted 
accounting principles, and payments made to local governments in lieu of 
taxes which are commensurate with the local government services received 
are allowable except for (1) taxes from which exemptions are available 
to the hospital directly or which are available to the hospital based on 
an exemption afforded the Government and in the latter case when the 
sponsoring agency makes available the necessary exemption certificates, 
(2) special assessments on land which represent capital improvements, 
and (3) Federal Income Taxes.
    b. Any refund of taxes, interest, or penalties, and any payment to 
the hospital of interest thereon attributable to taxes, interest or 
penalties, which were allowed as research agreement costs will be 
credited or paid to the Government in the manner directed by the 
Government provided any interest actually paid or credited to a hospital 
incident to a refund of tax, interest, and penalty will be paid or 
credited to the Government only to the extent that such interest accrued 
over the period during which the hospital had been reimbursed by the 
Government for the taxes, interest, and penalties.
    42. Transportation costs. Costs incurred for inbound freight, 
express, cartage, postage and other transportation services relating 
either to goods purchased, in process, or delivered are allowable. When 
such costs can readily be identified with the items involved, they may 
be charged directly as transportation costs or added to the cost of such 
items. Where identification with the material received cannot readily be 
made, inbound transportation costs may be charged to the appropriate 
indirect cost accounts if the institution follows a consistent equitable 
procedure in this respect. Outbound freight, if reimbursable under the 
terms of the research agreement, should be treated as a direct cost.
    43. Travel costs. a. Travel costs are the expenses for 
transportation, lodging, subsistence, and related items incurred by 
employees who are in travel status on official business of the hospital. 
Such costs may be

[[Page 267]]

charged on an actual basis, on a per diem or mileage basis in lieu of 
actual costs incurred, or on a combination of the two provided the 
method used is applied to an entire trip and not to selected days of the 
trip, and results in charges consistent with those normally allowed by 
the institution in its regular operations.
    b. Travel costs are allowable subject to (c) and (d) below when they 
are directly attributable to specific work under a research agreement or 
when they are incurred in the normal course of administration of the 
hospital or a department or research program thereof.
    c. The difference in cost between first class air accommodations and 
less than first class air accommodations is unallowable except when less 
than first class air accommodations are not reasonably available to meet 
necessary mission requirements such as where less than first class 
accommodations would (1) require circuitous routing, (2) require travel 
during unreasonable hours, (3) greatly increase the duration of the 
flight, (4) result in additional costs which would offset the 
transportation savings, or (5) offer accommodations which are not 
reasonably adequate for the medical needs of the traveler.
    d. Costs of personnel movements of a special or mass nature are 
allowable only when authorized or approved in writing by the sponsoring 
agency or its authorized representative.
    44. Termination costs applicable to contracts. a. Contract 
terminations generally give rise to the incurrence of costs or to the 
need for special treatment of costs which would not have arisen had the 
contract not been terminated. Items peculiar to termination are set 
forth below. They are to be used in conjunction with all other 
provisions of these principles in the case of contract termination.
    b. The cost of common items of material reasonably usable on the 
hospital's other work will not be allowable unless the hospital submits 
evidence that it could not retain such items at cost without sustaining 
a loss. In deciding whether such items are reasonably usable on other 
work of the institution, consideration should be given to the hospital's 
plans for current scheduled work or activities including other research 
agreements. Contemporaneous purchases of common items by the hospital 
will be regarded as evidence that such items are reasonably usable on 
the hospital's other work. Any acceptance of common items as allowable 
to the terminated portion of the contract should be limited to the 
extent that the quantities of such items on hand, in transit, and on 
order are in excess of the reasonable quantitative requirement of other 
    c. If in a particular case, despite all reasonable efforts by the 
hospital, certain costs cannot be discontinued immediately after the 
effective date of termination, such costs are generally allowable within 
the limitations set forth in these principles, except that any such 
costs continuing after termination due to the negligent or willful 
failure of the hospital to discontinue such costs will be considered 
    d. Loss of useful value of special tooling and special machinery and 
equipment is generally allowable, provided (1) such special tooling, 
machinery or equipment is not reasonably capable of use in the other 
work of the hospital; (2) the interest of the Government is protected by 
transfer of title or by other means deemed appropriate by the 
contracting officer; and (3) the loss of useful value as to any one 
terminated contract is limited to that portion of the acquisition cost 
which bears the same ratio to the total acquisition cost as the 
terminated portion of the contract bears to the entire terminated 
contract and other government contracts for which the special tooling, 
special machinery or equipment was acquired.
    e. Rental costs under unexpired leases are generally allowable where 
clearly shown to have been reasonably necessary for the performance of 
the terminated contract, less the residual value of such leases, if (1) 
the amount of such rental claimed does not exceed the reasonable use 
value of the property leased for the period of the contract and such 
further period as may be reasonable; and (2) the hospital makes all 
reasonable efforts to terminate, assign, settle, or otherwise reduce the 
cost of such lease. There also may be included the cost of alterations 
of such leased property, provided such alterations were necessary for 
the performance of the contract and of reasonable restoration required 
by the provisions of the lease.
    f. Settlement expenses including the following are generally 
allowable: (1) Accounting, legal, clerical, and similar costs reasonably 
necessary for the preparation and presentation to contracting officers 
of settlement claims and supporting data with respect to the terminated 
portion of the contract and the termination and settlement of 
subcontracts; and (2) reasonable costs for the storage, transportation, 
protection, and disposition of property provided by the Government or 
acquired or produced by the institution for the contract.
    g. Subcontractor claims including the allocable portion of claims 
which are common to the contract and to other work of the contractor are 
generally allowable.
    45. Voluntary services. The value of voluntary services provided by 
sisters or other members of religious orders is allowable provided that 
amounts do not exceed that paid other employees for similar work. Such 
amounts must be identifiable in the records of the hospital as a legal 
obligation of the hospital. This may be reflected by an agreement 
between the religious order and the

[[Page 268]]

hospital supported by evidence of payments to the order.

                  Appendixes F-H to Part 74 [Reserved]