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Phase II Awards (RFA 2006) (RFA 2004) (RFA 2003)

Country Proposal Institution Principal Investigator CRISP Database
Brazil The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in partnership with Johns Hopkins University will create a training program that will allow investigators from Brazil to obtain research training experiences in operational and health services investigation that will strengthen the overall tuberculosis research capacity in Brazil. The program includes partnerships with the Weill Medical College of Cornell University and the University of California, Berkeley and, in Brazil, Federal University of Espirito Santo, the Adolpho Lutz Institute and the Municipal Health Department of Rio de Janeiro Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Jose R. Lapa e Silva Innovative Approaches for Tuberculosis Control in Brazil
Johns Hopkins University Richard Chaisson  
China The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, with the assistance of UCLA and Yale University, will develop a research training program to address the challenges of the HIV epidemic in China. Other partners in China include Peking Union Medical College and Peking University. Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention Zunyon Wu China Multidisciplinary AIDS Prevention Training Program
University of California, Los Angeles Roger Detels  
Haiti The GHESKIO-Cornell ICOHRTA training program will increase the capacity in clinical, operational and health services research in support of Haiti's national scale-up of HIV prevention and care services. Other partners in Haiti include Quisqueya University, Hospital Albert Schweitzer, Management and Resources for Community Health (MARCH), Hospital Bienfaisance, Promotion for the Objective of Zero AIDS (POZ) and Zanmi Lasante; other partners in the U.S. include Harvard University/Partners in Health, the Hastings Center, and Vanderbilt University Medical Center. GHESKIO Jean Pape Haiti AIDS Research Training: Models to Implementation
Weill Medical College of Cornell University Warren Johnson
Peru The Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH) in partnership with University of Washington is a research training program at UPCH to increase the cadre of Peruvian and other Latin American scientists active in clinical, operational, and health services research in HIV/AIDS and TB and to catalyze and guide the application of research expertise in Latin America for scale-up, cost-effective delivery, and continuous improvement of treatment, care, and prevention services for HIV/AIDS and TB. The program will implement an innovative, locally-directed educational curriculum at UPCH of a Graduate Certificate Program in HIV/AIDS and TB at UPCH, focused on clinical, operational, and health services research and related prevention research; provide training, mentoring and small grants for Graduate Certificate Program trainees to perform clinical, operational, and health services research and related prevention research for treatment, care and prevention of HIV/AIDS and TB; and provide long term research and training experience and career mentoring for current or potential UPCH faculty members. Other partners include University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB); and the Peruvian research NGO IMPACTA. Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia Eduardo Gutozzo Peru ICOHRTA Network for AIDS/TB Research Training
University of Washington King Holmes  
Russia The Biomedical Center in collaboration with Yale University will develop a research training program in integrated clinical, operational and health services research in support of Russia's scale-up of HIV/TB prevention and care services. Other St. Petersburg partners include St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg City TB Center, Pavlov State Medical University, Prison Heath Care System and TB Research Institute, and other U.S. partners include SUNY Downstate Medical Center and Wadsworth Center. Biomedical Center Andrei P. Kozlov TB-AIDS Clinical Training and Research Unit, Russia
Yale University Robert Heimer  
South Africa South Africa is one of the five countries worldwide that rank in the top ten of highest TB burden, highest TB/HIV burden and highest HIV burden. Wits Health Consortium of the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa, in partnership with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, will design a research training program to address the lack of experienced investigators in clinical, operational and health services research, identified as one of the main reasons behind the failure of South Africa to meet its tuberculosis control targets. The program will include short term courses in HIV, TB, research methods and research ethics in South Africa, and will identify talented South Africans for intermediate and long term training in South Africa and the U.S. These trainees will be mentored throughout their training and provide support for preliminary research after completion of training to help them establish independent careers in South Africa. Other partners include University of Cape Town, Stellenbosch University and Johns Hopkins University. Wits Health Consortium Neil Martinson South African Tuberculosis AISD Training (SATBAT)
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Charles van der Horst  
Uganda The Joint Clinical Research Centre in collaboration with Case Western Reserve University will develop a research training program that will contribute to the expansion of the national capacity to address the public health and scientific challenges of the evolving HIV and TB epidemics within the context of increasing opportunities for care and treatment in Uganda. Other partners include Makerere University, National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Programme, Mbarara University, and the Kampala City Council and University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. Joint Clinical Research Centre Peter N. Mugyenyi Uganda HIV-TB COHRE Training Program
Case Western Reserve University Christopher Whalen  
Zimbabwe The collaboration between the Biomedical and Research Training Institute (BRTI), University of Zimbabwe (UZ) and Stanford University will provide clinical, laboratory, epidemiological, statistical and operational research training in an academic framework and increased opportunities for researchers to develop internationally competitive skills essential for effective responses to the HIV and TB epidemics. Biomedical Research and Training Institute Peter R. Mason African Programe for Training in HIV/TB Research
Stanford University David Katzenstein  

Phase I Planning Grants (PA 2003) (PA 2002)


Country Institution Principal Investigators CRISP Database
Russia Samara Regional TB Dispensary Yanina Balabanova Development of Research capacity for AIDS and TB in Samara Oblast, Russia


Country Institution Principal Investigators CRISP Database
Malawi University of Malawi Chrissie Kaponda Developing ICOHRTA Program in the University of Malawi
Tanzania Muhimbili University, College of Health Sciences Ferdinand Mugusi HIV/AIDS & TB Research Training in Tanzania


Country Institution Principal Investigators CRISP Database
Mexico Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Rafael Laniado-Laborin UABC Center for Clinical Research Training in AIDS & TB


Country Institution Principal Investigators CRISP Database
Botswana University of Botswana Sheila Tlou AIDS and TB Research Training Program for Botswana
Brazil Federal University of Bahia Carlos Brites Research Training Program in AIDS Malignancies in Brazil
India All-India Institute of Medical Sciences Naveet Wig Planning Grant for ICOHRTA AIDS/TB Program in India
Mexico Mexico National Institute of Public Health Ma. De. Garcia-Garcia Mexican Tuberculosis/HIV/AIDS Capacity Program
Philippines Tropical Disease Foundation Thelma Tupasi Private-Public Collaboration in DOTS & DOTS-Plus TB
South Africa University of KwaZulu-Natal Salim Abdool Karim Natal-Columbia Clinical AIDS/TB Training Program

Updated July 2008


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