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::. Helpful Phone Numbers for NIH Staff  

Bereavement, Death, and Dying
Jewish Social Service Agency (301)881-3700
Montgomery Hospice (301)279-2566
Seasons: Suicide Bereavement (301)493-8302
Children & Youth Services
Abuse Intake D.C. Family 1-800-MOM-BABY
Bethesda Youth Services (301)229-1347
Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Line(24 hours) (240)777-4417
Child Abuse Intake (202)671-7233
Childcare Referrals (301)279-1773
Children's Resource Center (301)279-1260
CH.A.D.D. (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder) (301)869-3628
City of Rockville Youth, Family, & Community Services (301)590-9864
Family & Child Services (202)289-1270
Locate Child Care (301)279-1773
Silver Spring Youth Services (301)593-1160
Working Parents Assistance Program (240)777-1155
Adult Protective Services (240)777-3000
Aging and Disability Services (240)777-3000
Legal Services for Seniors (301)942-3633
Hotlines: 24-Hour
Abused Persons Hotline (Adults) (240)777-3000
AIDS Hotline (National) 1-800-342-AIDS
AIDS Hotline (Spanish)-Daily 8 a.m. - 2 a.m. 1-800-344-7432
AIDS Hotline (TDD) M-F, 8 a.m. - 2 a.m. 1-800-234-7889
Cocaine Hotline 1-800-COCAINE
Crisis Center, Montgomery County 301-315-4000
Crisis Center, DC 1-888-793-4357
National Runaway Hotline 1-800-621-4000
Sexual Assault Hotline 301-315-4357
Youth Crisis Hotline
Single and Divorcing Parents
Children of Separation and Divorce Center (301)610-5666
Crossway Community (301)929-2505
Fathers United for Equal Rights (301)927-7638
Jewish Social Service Agency (301)881-3700
Parents Without Partners (202)638-1320
Project PRIDE (301)983-4200 ext.11
SPARK, Inc. (301)598-6395
Smoking Cessation
List of Websites for Smoking Cessation Information  
Tutoring and Mentoring Programs
Bridges to Pals Program (ages 7-17) (301)424-0656
Leaders for the 21st Century (grades 3-8) (301)622-5018
SHARP Suspension Programs (301)933-5691
Women's and Mother's Services
Commission for Women Counseling and Career Center (301)279-1800
La Leche League (202)269-4444
National Domestic Violence Hotlines (800)799-SAFE
Parent Education and Responsive Life Skills (PEARLS) (301)565-9333
Men's and Father's Services
DADS (Dads Advising Dads) (240)777-4453
Fathers United for Equal Rights (301)927-7638
National Domestic Violence Hotlines (800)799-SAFE
Self-Help and Support Groups
Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA) (202)882-1334
Alateen (202)882-1334
Al-Anon (202)882-1334
Alcoholics Anonymous (202)797-9738
AMICAN (301)949-5852
CH.A.D.D. (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder) (301)869-3628
Commission for Women Counseling and Career Center (301)279-1800
Crittenton Services of Greater Washington (301)565-9333
Ephesians 5:18 (301)439-7191
A Family Place (301)929-0262
Family Support Center (301)718-2467
Fathers United for Equal Rights (301)927-7638
Making a Better Choice (301)230-3088
Mental Health Association of Montgomery County (301)424-0656
M.O.M.S.: Mothers Offering Maternal Support (301)424-0656
The Open Door 24-Hour Crisis Line: (301)770-0193
Toll-Free Line: 1-800-486-6736
Operation Runaway (301)251-4545
Parent Education/Family Support Program,
Montgomery County Public Schools,
Department of Adult Education
Parents Anonymous (301)941-8316
In Espanol: (301)941-8317
Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (301)424-3524
Parents Supporting Parents (301)424-0656
Parent Survival Training (301)770-0194
Project Family Outreach (301)656-5220
Survivors of Incest, Anonymous (202)298-9750

Office of Research ServicesOffice of Research FacilitiesNational Institutes of HealthDepartment of Health and Human Services