Health Disparities Toolbox
Outreach, Recruitment and Retention of Health Disparity Populations in Aging Research Adobe PDF (1.4M)
This document assists investigators to understand and comply with the NIH's inclusion policies for women and minorities when planning clinical research studies and submitting an application for NIH/NIA funding. The notebook presents advice on inclusion criteria, provides an overview of key elements in recruitment and retention processes, and includes suggestions on a number of practical applications, including ethical considerations.
The Science of Inclusion
A Gerontological Society of America publication, The Science of Inclusion, edited by Leslie Curry, PhD and James Jackson, PhD, offers guidance and lessons learned about recruitment and retention of diverse ethnic and racial groups in aging research from NIA-supported Resources Centers on Minority Aging Research.
Health Disparities Resource Persons Network (HDRPN)
The Health Disparities Resource Persons Network (HDRPN) is a NIA web-based resource consisting of research professionals in aging, geriatrics and gerontology who volunteer their services in support of research and NIA's goals to redress health disparities and to improve the health status of racial, ethnic and disadvantaged older adults.
An objective of the HDRPN is to provide technical and capacity-building assistance to NIA and our research constituency for the purpose of supporting efforts to improve minority health and reduce or eliminate health disparities and health inequities.
If you have expertise in minority aging research, health disparities or health inequities, you may register now to be a part of the resource network.
Page last updated Oct 20, 2008