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National Cancer Institute U.S. National Institutes of Health
Radiation Epidemiology Branch

Spotlight on Staff

Lindsay Morton

Lindsay Morton REB is pleased to announce the appointment of Lindsay Morton, Ph.D. as a new tenure-track investigator. In 2004, Dr. Morton received her doctorate in Epidemiology from Yale University, with a focus on cancer epidemiology. She subsequently joined the Hormonal and Reproductive Epidemiology Branch in DCEG as a Post-Doctoral Fellow and became a Research Fellow in 2005. During her doctoral and postdoctoral training, she concentrated her research on the etiology of lymphoid neoplasms and expanded her training in molecular epidemiology.

As a tenure-track investigator, Dr. Morton will continue to research the etiology of lymphoid neoplasms, focusing on identifying the molecular subtypes of lymphoma with prognostic and etiologic significance, and evaluating etiologic heterogeneity among lymphoma subtypes. In addition, she will expand her research to the study of multiple primary cancers, including investigating late effects from radiotherapy and chemotherapy, as well as shared risk factors for multiple primary malignancies. In this new area of research for Dr. Morton, will take a lead role in REB’s international, multi-center study of second gastrointestinal cancers.

Lindsay Morton’s full biography