The NIH main campus is in its second month of being tobacco-free. However, there are still issues to be resolved and we are addressing them as expeditiously as possible.
The NIH continues to encourage and support employees who request assistance in eliminating dependence on the use of tobacco products. The NIH, through the HHS Federal Occupational Health (FOH) service, provides free tobacco cessation treatment to Federal employees who wish to quit. The program is available at no cost if an employee’s current health insurance does not cover over-the-counter treatment options for tobacco addiction. To access the electronic sign-up form, please visit:
An Institute or Center may also pay the full cost of an employee’s use of an NIH-approved or sponsored Smoking Cessation Product (SCP) or reimburse the employee up to $200 for any prescription or over-the-counter SCP used in conjunction with an NIH-sponsored or approved SCP. Additional information can be found at
We are concerned by the number of complaints we continue to receive at regarding smoking in buildings, stairwells, mechanical rooms and garages. As a reminder, smoking in buildings and garages is a fire hazard and is prohibited on the NIH campus by NIH policy manual 1301 and Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 3. A person found guilty of violating the provision of this regulation is subject to a fine of not more than $50 or imprisonment of not more than 30 days or both, for each violation (40 U.S.C. 318c).
The NIH seeks to create a healthy atmosphere and to protect the health of all who work at or visit the agency. It is imperative that we respect others and adhere to the regulations and policies that make the campus tobacco-free.
Alfred C. Johnson, Ph.D.
Director, Office of Research Services