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Continuous Development

Continuous Development: builds professional skills and competencies of self and others. The chart below outlines the training for this competency at each proficiency level.

Key Behaviors:

Recommended Training for Continuous Development

Proficiency Levels Program/Course Title & Info Contact Info/Vendor
Baseline (1) Leadership Foundations Seminar: Fundamentals for Aspiring Leaders Federal Executive Institute and the Management Development Centers
Leadership Foundations Seminar: Developing Future Leaders Federal Executive Institute and the Management Development Centers
Leadership Potential Seminar: Blended Course Federal Executive Institute and the Management Development Centers
Leadership Skills for Non-Supervisors/Non-Managers Lead Informally and Effectively Federal Executive Institute and the Management Development Centers
Baseline (1) or Progressing (2) Executive Leadership Program (ELPG9000D) USDA Grad School
Leadership & Management 360 Degree Assessment Workshop Management Concepts
Leadership Effectiveness Inventory (EVAL0113L) USDA Grad School
Leadership Skills and Techniques Management Concepts
Management Assessment Program: Assessment of Your Leadership Strengths Federal Executive Institute and the Management Development Centers
Management Development Seminar: Transition from Manager to Leader Federal Executive Institute and the Management Development Centers
Management Development Seminar: Blended Course Federal Executive Institute and the Management Development Centers
Essentials of Team Leadership (4005) NIH Training Center
NIH Supervisory Skills Training (9511) NIH Training Center
Leadership Skills for Non-Supervisors
NIH Training Center
Progressing (2) Coaching and Mentoring for Excellence: Maximizing Employee Development and Performance Federal Executive Institute and the Management Development Centers
Facilitative Leadership Seminar: Towards More Effective Work Groups, Teams, and Organizations Federal Executive Institute and the Management Development Centers
Peak Performance: Harnessing Your Full Potential - Increasing Your Power to Achieve Federal Executive Institute and the Management Development Centers
Progressing (2) or Proficient (3) Advanced Leadership Skills and Techniques Management Concepts
Proficient (3) Executive Potential (EPPG8400L) USDA Grad School
Essentials of Team Leadership (4005) NIH Training Center
NIH Supervisory Skills Training (9511) NIH Training Center
Leadership Skills for Non-Supervisors
NIH Training Center
Proficient (3) or Master (4) Executive Coaching (6200) NIH Training Center
Building a Great Place for People to Work: A Blueprint for Successful Human Capital Leadership Federal Executive Institute and the Management Development Centers
Coaching Skills for Federal Executives: Learn to Unleash the Best in All Members of Your Organization Federal Executive Institute and the Management Development Centers
Emotional Competence: Working with Others for Results Federal Executive Institute and the Management Development Centers
Master (4) Leaders Growing Leaders: Building Your Organization by Developing Leaders-At Every Level Federal Executive Institute and the Management Development Centers
All levels: Baseline (1) thru Master (4) Competency Training for Employees (5336) NIH Training Center

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