EHOPAC-L archives -- January 2007
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EHOPAC-L archives – January 2007

Table of contents:

  1. 2007 Global Health Summit agenda, call for posters

  2. Award Nominations: EHOPAC and APAOC

  3. Book a Hotel Room Online for USPHS Symposium

  4. CG Civilian GS-12 IH Billet Oakland, CA

  5. FW: Associate Recruiter Yearly Training and Introductory Trainings are available online

  6. FW: CG Civilian GS-12 IH Billet Oakland, CA

  7. FW: DC-COA Survey for Education Seminar - Federal Resume

  8. FW: HealthierFeds Physical Activity Challenge - message from Acting SG

  9. FW: JOAG memo on officers value

  10. FW: Request Immediate Placement of Attaches Personnel Announcement to MIS list serve/Website

  11. Leadership Development Seminar, August 7-9, 2007

  12. Readiness Numbers by Category and Agency

  13. Sanitation is #1!
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