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Global Survey Reveals Significant Gap in Meeting World's Mental Health Care Needs
September 6, 2007 • Press Release
Mental disorders rank among the top ten illnesses causing disability—more than 37 percent worldwide—with depression being the leading cause of disability among people ages 15 and older, according to the Global Burden of Disease and Risk Factors published in 2006.
New Research to Help Youth with Mental Disorders Transition to Adulthood
September 5, 2007 • Science Update
As young people with mental health disorders transition from adolescence to adulthood, they frequently face new and difficult challenges such as the loss of state-issued benefits like Medicaid and foster care, or loss of family-based insurance coverage. Unfortunately, many are not prepared for the abrupt transition and may not be able to effectively manage their disorder on their own.
Rates of Bipolar Diagnosis in Youth Rapidly Climbing, Treatment Patterns Similar to Adults
September 3, 2007 • Press Release
The number of visits to a doctor's office that resulted in a diagnosis of bipolar disorder in children and adolescents has increased by 40 times over the last decade, reported researchers funded in part by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Studies Refine Understanding of Treatments for Bipolar Disorder
September 1, 2007 • Science Update
Two new studies provide additional details on best practices for treating people with bipolar disorder, a sometimes debilitating illness marked by severe mood swings between depression and mania. The two studies are part of the NIMH-funded Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for Bipolar Disorder (STEP-BD).
Bipolar Youth Show Distinct Pattern of Brain Development
August 28, 2007 • Science Update
The first picturess of the brain changing before-and-after the onset of pediatric bipolar disorder reveal a distinct pattern of development, when compared to that seen in healthy youth or in childhood onset schizophrenia.
Suspect Schizophrenia Genes Act Together to Thwart Working Memory
August 28, 2007 • Science Update
Two gene variants implicated in schizophrenia interact to degrade the brain's ability to process information, NIMH researchers have discovered. The interaction impaired working memory — retaining information from moment to moment. Such thinking problems are a hallmark of this severe mental illness that affects about one percent of the population.
Unpleasant Words Trigger Strong Startle Response in People with Borderline Personality Disorder
August 22, 2007 • Science Update
Adults with borderline personality disorder (BPD) showed excessive emotional reactions when looking at words with unpleasant meanings compared to healthy people during an emotionally stimulating task, according to NIMH-funded researchers. They also found that people with more severe BPD showed a greater difference in emotional responding compared to people with less severe BPD.
Gene Triggers Obsessive Compulsive Disorder-Like Syndrome in Mice
August 22, 2007 • Press Release
Using genetic engineering, researchers have created an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) - like set of behaviors in mice and reversed them with antidepressants and genetic targeting of a key brain circuit. The study, by NIH-funded researchers, suggests new strategies for treating the disorder.
Behavioral Interventions Effective for Preschoolers with ADHD
August 15, 2007 • Science Update
Two types of early interventions designed to reduce symptoms of attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in preschoolers may be effective alternatives or additions to medication treatment, according to a recent NIMH-funded study.
New Studies Search for Clues to Mental Illness in Gatekeepers of Gene Expression
August 10, 2007 • Science Update
What goes awry in the brain to cause mental illness may ultimately be traced to glitches in genes - but not necessarily the parts of genes commonly suspected. Rather than the areas of genes that code for proteins, the secrets may be hidden in mysterious short sequences of genetic material called microRNAs.
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