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Program Project Grants (P01)

For investigators and institutions with proven and long-established research programs, NINR will support Research Program Projects that will serve as platforms for conducting innovative, high-impact, and interdisciplinary research on topics of critical importance to the Institute.  A Research Program Project award, funded through the P01 grant mechanism, will support shared resources and a collaborative research effort for several large research projects that would ordinarily be supported through an R01 award.  These awards will allow a group of investigators, using multiple approaches funded as individual subprojects, to answer a single research question or address a common theme.  Common resources and a multidisciplinary research environment are expected to facilitate the long-term success of the individual projects.
Current center programs supported under this mechanism include:

  • NINR Nursing Science Research on Interventions in Chronic Illness (first awards to be made 4th quarter, FY 2008)

For more information about NINR Centers please visit the NINR Research Centers page.



Page last updated Aug 22, 2008
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