Science of Science Management Meeting - October 2008 (Day 2)


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Air date: Friday, October 03, 2008, 8:00:00 AM
Category: Conferences
Description: The Science of Science Management strives to systematically study NIH’s management of biomedical research and development to improve decision making in planning, implementing, and disseminating biomedical research for the improvement of public health. Initial efforts will focus on the development of needed infrastructures and strategies in order to systematically study science management topics. The objectives below capture the initial focus. For instance, exploring patterns, pathways, and profiles may reveal more appropriate methods for assessing science. Findings from these efforts are likely to provide evidence-based results as a basis for decision making. As capacity is built to conduct assessment studies and the benefits of the results are distributed, it is likely that enhanced and more appropriate assessment metrics, strategies, and tools will emerge. These enhancements may help assess science and science management, especially for high reward/high risk, innovative, and transformative research.

For more information, visit
Author: The Office of Portfolio Analysis and Strategic Initiatives (OPASI)
Runtime: 270 minutes
CIT File ID: 14685
CIT Live ID: 7098
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