Scientific Supercomputing at the NIH



PHYLIP (PHYlogeny Inference Package) is a package of programs for inferring phylogenies (evolutionary trees). Methods that are available in the package include parsimony, distance matrix, and likelihood methods, including bootstrapping and consensus trees. Data types that can be handled include molecular sequences, gene frequencies, restriction sites and fragments, distance matrices, and discrete characters.

PHYLIP was developed at the University of Washington. PHYLIP website.

PHYLIP is a single-threaded program, and is intended to be used interactively on helix. The PHYLIP package consists of a large number of individual programs. They are installed in /usr/local/phylip/exe. List of PHYLIP programs.

To run a PHYLIP program, log on to using ssh. Then type the name of the program.


The version of Phylip is displayed when any Phylip program is run.

Sample session

% /usr/local/phylip/exe/dnapars dnapars: can't find input file "infile" Please enter a new file name> seq DNA parsimony algorithm, version 3.65 Setting for this run: U Search for best tree? Yes S Search option? More thorough search V Number of trees to save? 10000 J Randomize input order of sequences? No. Use input order O Outgroup root? No, use as outgroup species 1 T Use Threshold parsimony? No, use ordinary parsimony N Use Transversion parsimony? No, count all steps W Sites weighted? No M Analyze multiple data sets? No I Input sequences interleaved? Yes 0 Terminal type (IBM PC, ANSI, none)? ANSI 1 Print out the data at start of run No 2 Print indications of progress of run Yes 3 Print out tree Yes 4 Print out steps in each site No 5 Print sequences at all nodes of tree No 6 Write out trees onto tree file? Yes Y to accept these or type the letter for one to change Y Adding species: 1. Archaeopt 2. Hesperorni 3. Baluchithe 4. B. virgini 5. Brontosaur 6. B.subtilis Doing global rearrangements on all trees tied for best !-----------! ........... ........... Collapsing best trees Output written to file "outfile" Tree also written onto file "outtree" Done. % ls outfile outtree seq % cat outfile DNA parsimony algorithm, version 3.65 One most parsimonious tree found: +---------------B.subtilis +-------------4 | +----------Brontosaur | | +-B. virgini | +-------------3 1--------2 +------Baluchithe | | | +-----------Hesperorni | +-----------Archaeopt requires a total of 21.000 between and length ------- --- ------ 1 4 0.230769 4 B.subtilis 0.269231 4 Brontosaur 0.192308 1 2 0.153846 2 3 0.230769 3 B. virgini 0.038462 3 Baluchithe 0.115385 2 Hesperorni 0.192308 1 Archaeopt 0.192308
Those who expect to use PHYLIP programs frequently can add the executables to their path by adding one of the following commands to their ~/.cshrc (csh or tcsh users) or ~/.bashrc (bash users) files.

setenv PATH /usr/local/phylip/exe:$PATH (csh or tcsh)
PATH=/usr/local/phylip/exe:$PATH; export PATH (bash)


A primer to phylogenetic analysis using PHYLIP, by Jarno Tuimala. (PDF)
Documentation for all PHYLIP programs