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Gene Info

Gene Information For:Hs. DOHH, Deoxyhypusine hydroxylase/monooxygenase, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:16388 IMAGE:3938535)
Sequence ID:NM_031304

Database Links

UniGeneEntrez GeneOMIMSNPViewerAssembliesRNAi

Gene Expression Data

Cytogenetic Location (from UniGene)

Cytogenetic Location:19p13.3Mitelman Breakpoint Data

Chromosomal Position (from UCSC)

Chromosomal Position:19: 3441823 - 3451621

Full-Length MGC Clones for This Gene

IMAGE IdStatusAccession GenBank Def Line
3635058Full LengthBC002817deoxyhypusine hydroxylase/monooxygenase
3938535Full LengthBC009863deoxyhypusine hydroxylase/monooxygenase

Protein Similarities Based on Shared Motif Content

Find gene products sharing protein motifs with:  NP_112594  

Protein Infomation


mRNAProteinSwissProtEnzymePfam Motifs
NM_031304 NP_112594 Q9BU89 EC HEAT_PBS

Related Sequences

BC002817 AAH02817 Q9BU89 EC
BC009863 AAH09863 Q9BU89 EC

Homologs (from HomoloGene)

Note: Both orthologs and paralogs are included.
Organism Symbol Protein Homolog Similarity
(% aa unchanged)
Organism Symbol Entrez
Gene Info Protein
H.sapiens DOHH NP_112594 M.musculus Dohh 102115 Gene Info NP_598725 85
R.norvegicus Dohh 314644   NP_001020177 83
A.gambiae AgaP_AGAP002129 1281347   XP_320906 60
D.melanogaster l(3)s1921 43740   NP_651887 59
C.elegans tag-242 3565578   NP_496279 58
A.thaliana AT3G58180 824987   NP_567062 53
S.cerevisiae LIA1 853534   NP_012604 52
M.grisea MGG_01725 2679781   XP_363799 49
N.crassa NCU05252.1 2706416   XP_324609 49
S.pombe mmd1 2541465   NP_594654 48

Gene Ontology
Gene classification by the European Bioinformatics Institute, as recorded in GOA (GO Annotation@EBI)

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