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Small Grants Program
For Behavioral Research in Cancer Control

Priorities for Research


You may choose any of the full range of scientific approaches to your work. Studies may contribute to the design, implementation, or evaluation of future phase III and V studies. Examples of potential activities are:

  • Development and conduct of descriptive baseline surveys
  • Testing, modification, and validation of surveys for use with specific populations
  • Testing, modification, and validation of program materials for use with specific populations
  • Testing of recruitment, intervention, or compliance procedures for specific populations

Proposals must:

  • Include justification of study design, methods, and sample size, including any relevant theoretical concepts that underlie the research, power analysis and plan for including women and minorities
  • Clearly indicate the research's significance and where it will lead
  • Have implications for behavioral research

Research studies that may be conducted under the Small Grants Program must address one of the following cancer and behavior program areas:

  • Screening and early detection - interventions to improve compliance with and use of current technologies (studies of breast self-examination as a single modality will not be accepted)

  • Cancer control sciences - studies to reduce incidence, morbidity, or mortality from cancer through
    • Changes in current behaviors
    • Institution of new behaviors
    • Health promotion interventions

  • Tobacco prevention and cessation - pilot studies aimed at improving use of current technologies in target populations or organizations

  • Applications research - modification, feasibility testing, and adoption of proven state-of-the-art intervention programs and strategies from other research projects (e.g., screening, smoking prevention) for use in special populations, state and local health agencies, or other organizational and community settings

  • Health communications and bioinformatics - message development, risk communication, and evaluation of health information delivery

  • Basic behavioral research - studies to improve cancer control interventions and related social policies through further understanding of fundamental mechanisms underlying behavioral and social functioning, including development of behavioral theory, models, methods, measures, or pre-intervention approaches

  • Surveillance - health services research and information database linkage studies to monitor cancer-related behaviors, especially innovative approaches that address surveillance problems using newly available data, and modern statistical tools and methods such as:
    • GIS
    • Microsimulation
    • Variance estimation for age-adjusted rate trends

  • Survivorship - psychosocial research to improve all aspects of the survivor experience and the development of behavioral, informational, or educational interventions to improve quality of life

Investigators may also propose high priority secondary analyses in these areas.

Last Updated: January 7, 2008


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