

Issues (Archived 12/05/2008)

Eleven OTT Staff Members Receive Technology Transfer Instructional Awards

Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) staff members Sue Ano, Mojdeh Bahar, Steven Ferguson, Bruce Goldstein, George Keller, Ajoy Prabhu, Uri Reichman, Richard Rodriguez, Mark Rohrbaugh, David Sadowski and Jeff Walenta have received "2008 Team Teaching Awards" for volunteering their time to organize and conduct evening training programs in technology transfer during FY’08 for the local community. The courses were conducted through the Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences (FAES) Graduate School at NIH as part of its new educational "Certificate in Technology Transfer Program". As a result of these efforts, more than 100 persons received various semester-long training courses in technology transfer conducted at NIH. Many individuals who have received such training have been hired into the field by OTT, technology development offices at NIH institutes as well as university or corporate programs in biomedical technology transfer. Further details about the Certificate in Technology Transfer Program and upcoming technology transfer course offerings at NIH can be found through the FAES Graduate School.

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