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Request For Applications (RFA) Archive
This page lists expired Requests for Applications (RFAs). The NINR invites grant proposals in the following defined areas of research. RFAs are one-time opportunities with one submission date. The RFA is closed after it's expiration date. All RFAs, active or inactive, may be viewed in current or previous issues of the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts.

RFA Number and Title Contact Expiration Date
RFA-RM-08-012: Human Microbiome Demonstration Projects (UH2/UH3)

Dr. Jane L. Peterson

RFA-RM-08-001: Construction of a Reference Sequence Data Set for the Human Microbiome Project (U54)

Dr. Jane L. Peterson

RFA-RM-08-014: 2008 NIH Director's New Innovator Award Program (DP2)

Dr. Judith H. Greenberg

RFA-RM-07-014: Epigenomics Data Analysis and Coordination Center EDACC (U01)

Dr. Joni Rutter

RFA-RM-07-013: Reference Epigenome Mapping Centers (U01)

Dr. Frederick Tyson

RFA-RM-08-006: Studies of the Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications (ELSI) of Human Microbiome Research (R01)

Dr. Jean E. McEwen

RFA-RM-07-016: Discovery of Novel Epigenetic Marks in Mammalian Cells (R21)

Dr. Philip Smith

RFA-RM-07-015: Discovery of Novel Epigenetic Marks in Mammalian Cells (R01)

Dr. Philip Smith

RFA-RM-07-012: Technology Development in Epigenetics (R21)

Dr. John Sattterlee

RFA-RM-07-011: Technology Development in Epigenetics (R01)

Dr. John Sattterlee

RFA-RM-08-011: Development of New Technologies for Studying the Human Microbiome (R21)

Dr. Jeffery A. Schloss

RFA-RM-08-010: Development of New Technologies for Studying the Human Microbiome (R01)

Dr. Jeffery A. Schloss

RFA-RM-08-009: Development of New Tools for Computational Analysis of Human Microbiome Project Data (R21)

Dr. Vivien Bonazzi

RFA-RM-08-008: Development of New Tools for Computational Analysis of Human Microbiome Project Data (R01)

Dr. Vivien Bonazzi

RFA-RM-08-007: A Data Analysis & Coordination Center (DACC) for the Human Microbiome Project (U01)

Dr. Vivien Bonazzi

RFA-NS-08-005: Centers for Evaluation of Neurodevelopmental Antibodies (CENA, U24)

Dr. Robert Riddle

RFA-RM-08-013: 2008 NIH Director's Pioneer Award Program (DP1)

Dr. Ravi Basavappa

RFA-RM-08-004: New Methodologies for Natural products Chemistry (R01)

Dr. John L. Bowers

RFA-RM-08-005: Molecular Libraries Probe Production Centers Network (MLPCN) (U54) - Limited Competition Dr. Ingrid Li 01/11/2008
RFA-OD-07-001: NIH Partners in Research Program (R03) Dr. Alexis Bakos 01/12/2008
RFA-NR-08-001: NINR Nursing Science Research on Interventions in Chronic Illness (P01) Dr. Kathy Mann Koepke 11/27/2007
RFA-RM-07-009: 2007 NIH Director's New Innovator Award Program (DP2) Dr. Yvonne Bryan 05/23/2007
RFA-NR-07-005: Nursing Science Centers of Excellence in Self-Management or End-of-Life Research (P30)  Dr. Kathy Mann Koepke 05/11/2007
RFA-NR-07-004: Nursing Science Centers in Self-Management or End-of-Life Research:  Building Research Teams for the Future (P20) Dr. Kathy Mann Koepke 05/11/2007

RFA-RM-07-004: Facilitating Interdisciplinary Research via Methodological and Technological innovation in the Behavioral and Scocial Sciences (R21)

Dr. Paul Cotton 02/24/2007
RFA-NR-07-002 Culturally Appropriate Research to Prevent HIV Transmission and Infection in Young People (R21) Dr. Martha Hare 12/22/2006

RFA-NR-07-003 Culturally Appropriate Research to Prevent HIV Transmission and Infection in Young People (R01) Dr. Martha Hare 12/22/2006
RFA-HG-06-014 Genome-wide Association Studies in the Genes and Environment Initiative - Genotyping Facilities (U01) Dr. Alexis Bakos 11/30/2006
RFA-HG-06-032 Genome-wide Association Studies in the Genes and Environment Initiative -Coordinating Center (U01) Dr. Alexis Bakos 11/30/2006
RFA-HG-06-033 Genome-wide Association Studies in the Genes and Environment Initiative - Study Investigators (U01) Dr. Alexis Bakos 11/30/2006
RFA-NR-07-001 Research on Research Integrity (R01) Dr. Alexis Bakos 9/15/2006


Page last updated Jun 30, 2008
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