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The NIH Office of Education
The Office of Education (OE) plans, develops, and coordinates comprehensive science education activities at the NIH. Research training sponsored by OE is for individuals at the high school through postdoctoral levels.

Selected OE intramural research training includes:

  • The Summer Internship Program offers individuals the opportunity to work on a project in an NIH research laboratory and present the project to the NIH scientific community upon completion.
  • The NIH Academy Fellowship allows recent college graduates to be engaged in a biomedical investigation with an emphasis on health disparities while working side by side with leading scientists in the world.
  • The Technical Intramural Research Fellowship Program is designed to train individuals with bachelor and masters degrees as support professionals capable of performing the advanced techniques in research laboratories.
  • The Graduate Partnerships Program partners with universities to link NIH as a provider for graduate level research training of students who will be the scientists of the future. The National Institutes of Nursing Research has launched a new project, the Graduate Partnership Program in Biobehavioral Research, with a consortium of universities.

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Page last updated Jul 22, 2008
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