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All Publications related to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

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Health Publications
Beyond Infertility: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Beyond Infertility: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
This booklet explains the possible causes, treatments, resources related to, and disorders associated with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), a condition in which women have high levels of certain hormones, may be infertile, and may have cysts on their ovaries. More Info

Publish Date: 05/26/2008
Pages: 32

Price: Free

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Tengo Falla Ovarica Prematura? Tengo Falla Ovarica Prematura?
Este folleto para las mujeres y sus familias explica los síntomas, las causas, los tratamientos, y las investigaciones del Instituto Nacional de Salud Infantil y Desarrollo Humano (NICHD por sus siglas en Ingles) relacionadas con la falla ovárica prematura (POF) o Insuficiencia Ovárica. More Info

Publish Date: 08/03/2006
Pages: 28

Price: Free

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Do I have Premature Ovarian Failure (POF)? Do I have Premature Ovarian Failure (POF)?
This booklet for women and their families explains the symptoms, causes, treatments, and NICHD research related to premature ovarian failure (POF)/ovarian insufficiency. More Info

Publish Date: 08/01/2003
Pages: 24

Price: Free

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La Endometriosis La Endometriosis
Este folleto para mujeres y sus familias describe las causas, los sintomas, los tratamientos, y las investigaciones relacionadas con la endometriosis apoyadas por el NICHD. More Info

Publish Date: 02/26/2003
Pages: 12

Price: Free

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Endometriosis Endometriosis
This booklet for women and their families describes the causes, symptoms, treatments, and NICHD-supported research related to endometriosis. More Info

Publish Date: 09/25/2002
Pages: 12

Price: Free

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Facts About Vasectomy Safety Facts About Vasectomy Safety
This brochure for men and their families outlines some of the risks and benefits of vasectomy and answers some of the more common questions about this procedure. More Info

Publish Date: 04/01/1996
Pages: 8

Price: Free

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Scientific Publications
Contraception and Reproductive Health Branch (CRHB), NICHD, Report to the NACHHD Council, June 2008 Contraception and Reproductive Health Branch (CRHB), NICHD, Report to the NACHHD Council, June 2008
This scientific report describes research and research training supported by the NICHD Contraception and Reproductive Health Branch as of 2008. More Info

Publish Date: 07/02/2008
Pages: 62

Price: Free

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Demographic and Behavioral Sciences Branch, NICHD, Report to the NACHHD Council, September 2007 Demographic and Behavioral Sciences Branch, NICHD, Report to the NACHHD Council, September 2007
This scientific report outlines the research initiatives and results of research supported by the NICHD Demographic and Behavioral Sciences Branch as of 2007. More Info

Publish Date: 11/15/2007
Pages: 80

Price: Free

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Neuroscience Research Support at the NICHD Neuroscience Research Support at the NICHD
This brochure describes the research efforts of NICHD extramural Centers and Branches in the neurosciences. More Info

Publish Date: 10/25/2007
Pages: 1

Price: Free

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Division of Intramural Research (DIR) Annual Report 2006 Division of Intramural Research (DIR) Annual Report 2006
This volume documents the research accomplishments and scientific discoveries of the NICHD Division of Intramural Research (DIR) for 2006. More Info

Publish Date: 03/01/2007
Pages: 350
Not available for order at this time
Price: Free

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Reproductive Sciences Branch, NICHD Report to the NACHHD Council, January 2007 Reproductive Sciences Branch, NICHD Report to the NACHHD Council, January 2007
This scientific report describes the research and research training supported by the NICHD Reproductive Sciences Branch as of 2007. More Info

Publish Date: 01/26/2007
Pages: 60

Price: Free

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Division of Intramural Research (DIR) Annual Report 2005 Division of Intramural Research (DIR) Annual Report 2005
This volume documents the research accomplishments and scientific discoveries of the NICHD Division of Intramural Research (DIR) for 2005. More Info

Publish Date: 04/01/2006
Pages: 378
Not available for order at this time
Price: Free

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Division of Epidemiology, Statistics, and Prevention Research (DESPR), NICHD, Report to the NACHHD Council, September 2005 Division of Epidemiology, Statistics, and Prevention Research (DESPR), NICHD, Report to the NACHHD Council, September 2005
This scientific report describes the research and research training conducted by the NICHD Division of Epidemiology, Statistics, and Prevention Research (DESPR) as of 2005. More Info

Publish Date: 09/19/2005
Pages: 88

Price: Free

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Division of Intramural Research (DIR) Annual Report 2004 Division of Intramural Research (DIR) Annual Report 2004
This volume documents the research accomplishments and scientific discoveries of the NICHD Division of Intramural Research (DIR) for the year 2004. More Info

Publish Date: 06/21/2005
Pages: 350
Not available for order at this time
Price: Free

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No Image Small Division of Intramural Research (DIR) Annual Report 2003
This volume documents the research accomplishments and scientific discoveries of the NICHD Division of Intramural Research (DIR) for 2003. More Info

Publish Date: 06/21/2004
Pages: 350
Not available for order at this time
Price: Free

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