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Authors: Goldstein AM, Chan M, Harland M, Hayward NK, Demenais F, Timothy BD, Azizi E, Bergman W, Bianchi-Scarra G, Bruno W, Calista D, Cannon Albright LA, Chaudru V, Chompret A, Cuellar F, Elder DE, Ghiorzo P, Gillanders EM, Gruis NA, Hansson J, Hogg D, Holland EA, Kanetsky PA, Kefford RF, Teresa LM, Lang J, Leachman SA, Mackie RM, Magnusson V, Mann GJ, Newton BJ, Palmer JM, Puig S, Puig-Butille JA, Stark M, Tsao H, Tucker MA, Whitaker L, Yakobson E
Title: Features associated with germline CDKN2A mutations: a GenoMEL study of melanoma-prone families from three continents.
Journal: J Med Genet 44(2):99-106
Year: 2007
Month: February
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