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April 2008 Newsletter

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Please note that all NCCAM publications are also available in printed form from the NCCAM Clearinghouse.

NCCAM's Congressional Justification 2009 is now available at Prepared each year for the consideration of the U.S. Congress, the publication outlines NCCAM's plans, priorities, and proposed budget for fiscal year 2009, which begins October 1, 2008.

Various NIH institutes and centers are building upon the findings from an NIH 2005 State-of-the-Science Conference on the management of menopausal symptoms. As part of this effort, NCCAM cosponsored meetings of an expert panel charged with developing follow-on recommendations from the conference findings. The panel's report is now available at Among its conclusions relevant to CAM are

In addition, NCCAM recently cosponsored an initiative to develop a Menopausal Symptoms Analytical Research Network (see

Copyright Bob Stockfield
A yoga class
© Bob Stockfield

The NCCAM Image Gallery offers professional-quality photographs of selected CAM therapies. The images are for use in noncommercial or educational projects, and currently include acupuncture, herbs, massage, Reiki, tai chi, and yoga. See