Lifestyle Changes Help Prevent Diabetes
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Partnership for Healthy Weight Management


Picture of the Partnership for Healthy Weight Management homepage.

For strategies to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, visit the Partnership for Healthy Weight Management website at The Partnership is a coalition of professional organizations from science, academia, government, health care, commercial enterprises, and other organizations dedicated to promoting a sensible approach to weight management. Take a look at:

  • Setting Goals for Weight Loss. This brochure encourages gradual weight loss through permanent lifestyle changes, including increased physical activity and healthy eating habits that follow the USDA/DHHS Dietary Guidelines for Americans. It describes how to determine health risk based on body mass index (BMI) and waist measurement, and where to get more help.
  • Business Guidelines. These guidelines encourage providers of weight loss products and services to offer prospective clients information on risks associated with overweight and obesity, benefits of modest weight loss, risks associated with the provider’s product or program, staff qualifications, and information about all program costs.
  • Public Service Announcement. This section describes a new public service announcement (PSA) from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) on behalf of the Partnership. Visitors can read, listen to, or view the PSA, which features men and women who are overweight performing synchronized swimming and encourages modest, gradual weight loss.
  • Ad Nauseam Campaign. In this new campaign, the Partnership will publish a list of unrealistic claims made in weight loss advertisements and the names of the publications in which the ads appear. The campaign is intended to encourage the media to be more responsible about ads accepted for publication.

Other features of the web site include a list of organizations involved in the Partnership, a list of weight loss brochures, and additional resources for consumers. s


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