Lifestyle Changes Help Prevent Diabetes
Surgeon General Calls for National Effort to Combat Obesity
Low-income Mothers Unconcerned About Children's Overweight
Patients Follow Activity Advice
Reducing Weight-gain Worries Helps Women Stop Smoking
FDA Approves Adjustable Stomach Band to Treat Severe Obesity
Partnership for Healthy Weight Management
Updated WIN Publications
Meeting Notes

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Materials from Other Organizations



Children and Teens Afraid to Eat: Helping Youth in Today’s Weight-Obsessed World. Frances M. Berg. Healthy Weight Network, 2001. This third edition addresses dysfunctional eating, undernourishment of teenage girls, hazardous weight loss, eating disorders, size prejudice, and overweight. The book offers guidelines for parents, teachers, and coaches, with practical information on how to establish positive environments for children and teens at home and in school. Available from the Healthy Weight Network, 402 South 14th St., Hettinger, ND 58639. (701) 567-2646.

Eat Well: Lighten Up at 50 Plus. American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), 1999. This 15-page booklet covers the basics of the USDA/DHHS Food Guide Pyramid and Dietary Guidelines for Americans to help older adults stay healthy and fit. Topics include reading food labels, estimating portion sizes, using food to fight disease, and evaluating the use of dietary supplements. The booklet offers practical tips on planning nutrient-rich, low-fat meals and snacks. Available from AARP, 601 E St., NW, Washington, DC 20049. 1-800-424-3410.

Diet and Your Arthritis. The Arthritis Foundation, 1999. This 20-page booklet describes the role of excess body weight in the development of osteoarthritis, and the importance of weight control and a balanced diet in managing various types of arthritis. It provides guidelines for healthy eating based on the USDA/DHHS Food Guide Pyramid. Available from the Arthritis Foundation, P.O. Box 7669, Atlanta, GA 30357-0669. 1-800-283-7800.

Inclusion of materials in WIN Notes is for information only and does not imply endorsement by NIDDK or WIN. s


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