Office of Research Facilities
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Planning and Space Management Supporting NIH priorities by providing safe, secure, sound, healthy, and attractive facilities

Real Property Portfolio

The Office of Research Facilities (ORF) is responsible for acquiring, constructing, renovating, operating and maintaining all NIH real property, owned and leased.  This responsibility encompasses facilities in Bethesda and other locations in the Washington Metropolitan area, as well as other locations in Maryland, North Carolina, and Montana.  In addition, NIH has space in buildings in Arizona, Louisiana, and Massachusetts.

The Real Property Portfolio table provides a summary of information on all NIH facilities, or you may use the drop-down menu to select a specific location.

Definitions of the gross square feet (gsf) and rentable square feet (rsf) measurements used on this page can be found on How Big is a Square Foot?

This page last updated on Jun 09, 2008