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Questions and Answers Table of Contents

What are initiatives?
Where can I find NIAID's initiatives?
How do initiative types differ?
Does NIAID use a major portion of its budget for initiatives?
Is knowing Institute priorities the key to getting a grant?
What are concepts?
Do concepts compete with each other for dollars?
Should I wait for a concept to become an initiative before I write an application?
Where do NIAID program officers get ideas for concepts?
How do NIAID managers determine priorities?
How long does it take to develop an initiative?
Does Council have to approve a concept before NIAID can publish an initiative?
What if my question wasn't answered here, or I'd like to suggest a question?

What are initiatives?

Initiatives are requests for applications (RFA), requests for proposals (RFP), and program announcements (PA) NIAID issues to stimulate research in high-priority or high-opportunity areas of science. RFAs and PAs are called funding opportunity announcements in

For some areas, the research is mandated by law. In other cases, the research community may identify a need, or the research may be in response to a public health event or crisis. Initiatives encourage investigators to apply because NIAID uses set aside funds to award grants or contracts and, for some PAs, funds applications beyond the payline.

For an overview, see Application Approach: What Are Your Choices? in the NIH Grant Cycle: Application to Renewal. Also see the following SOPs: Requests for Applications, Request for Proposals, and Program Announcements. For NIAID's active initiatives, go to the NIH Funding Opportunities Relevant to NIAID.

Where can I find NIAID's initiatives?

We post NIAID's initiatives on our NIH Funding Opportunities Relevant to NIAID. You can see all NIH initiatives in the NIH Guide.

How do initiative types differ?

While requests for applications (RFA) and requests for proposals (RFP) generally have money set aside to fund the research, program announcements (PA) may not. However even for PAs that do not have set aside funds, NIAID may fund applications with percentiles or priority scores beyond the payline.

Another key difference is that most RFAs have a single receipt date, so all applications for an RFA are reviewed at the same time by a single scientific review group convened by NIAID. Most PAs use regular NIH receipt or submission dates and are reviewed by Center for Scientific Review study sections.

Most program announcements identifying location of peer review (PAR), a type of PA, are reviewed by special emphasis panels. For a more complete comparison, go to Application Approach: What Are Your Choices? and Compare FOAs in the NIH Grant Cycle: Application to Renewal.

Does NIAID use a major portion of its budget for initiatives?

No. Targeted research is a small proportion of the total dollars NIAID funds. Each year, we set aside a certain amount of money for initiatives as part of our financial management plan. For details, go to Budget and Funding and the Financial Management Plan SOP.

Is knowing Institute priorities the key to getting a grant?

Not necessarily, though it can help. Your expertise, achievement of Specific Aims from a previous grant, and career level are key factors in getting a grant. Read Application Approach: What Are Your Choices? in the NIH Grant Cycle: Application to Renewal, as well as Five Steps to Finding NIAID's High-Priority Areas.

What are concepts?

A concept is an initiative in its planning stage and can signal our plans a year or two ahead of time. Read more at Concepts May Turn Into Initiatives and Application Approach: What Are Your Choices?

For concepts cleared at recent Council meetings, go to Concepts: Potential Opportunities.

Do concepts compete with each other for dollars?

Yes. Some concepts never develop into initiatives because the number of concepts identified by NIAID staff for potential initiatives usually exceeds NIAID's monies to fund applications and proposals in response to them.

NIAID determines an initiative's level of funding based on its relative priority and scientific needs. Go to Concepts: Potential Opportunities, Concepts May Turn Into Initiatives, and Application Approach: What Are Your Choices?, and the NIAID Funding Policy and Process SOP for more information.

Should I wait for a concept to become an initiative before I write an application?

No. Consider whether your expertise lends itself to any of the research topics and, if it does, contact the program officer for further discussion. Applications in high-priority areas may qualify for special, above-the-payline funding even if NIAID does not publish an initiative.

Read more in Concepts May Turn Into Initiatives and go to About Picking a Topic and Application Approach: What Are Your Choices? in the NIH Grant Cycle: Application to Renewal.

Where do NIAID program officers get ideas for concepts?

Program officers determine science areas suitable for an initiative by reading the scientific literature, participating in workshops and conferences, and communicating with investigators, health care professionals, and other experts.

How do NIAID managers determine priorities?

To evaluate and prioritize concepts and initiatives, NIAID holds two annual retreats, the Summer Policy Retreat and Winter Program Review, and uses other groups, including its Executive Committee to prioritize initiatives. For more information, see NIAID Funding Opportunity Planning and the Budget Cycle.

How long does it take to develop an initiative?

Budget and planning is a two- to three-year process. It starts with ideas that may be developed into concepts that NIAID staff present to our advisory Council. After Council approval, we may issue an initiative, depending on budgetary and programmatic factors.

For an overview, see the NIAID's Budget and Concept Planning Flowchart and the Phasing of Initiatives SOP. For more on initiative planning, see NIAID Funding Opportunity Planning and the Budget Cycle and Concept Development SOP.

Does Council have to approve a concept before NIAID can publish an initiative?

Yes. For more information on how NIAID approves initiatives, see Concepts May Turn Into Initiatives, the Advisory Council SOP, What Council Does, and What is concept clearance and Council's role in it? on our NIAID Advisory Council question and answer page.

What if my question wasn't answered here, or I'd like to suggest a question?

Email with the title of this page or its URL and your question or comment. We answer questions by email and post them here. Thanks for helping us clarify and expand our knowledge base.

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