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Protein Structure Initiative

Better Tools and Better Knowledge for Structural Genomics

Protein Structure Initiative (PSI)

The Protein Structure Initiative (PSI) is a federal, university, and industry effort aimed at dramatically reducing the costs and lessening the time it takes to determine a three-dimensional protein structure. The long-range goal of the PSI is to make the three-dimensional, atomic-level structures of most proteins easily obtainable from knowledge of their corresponding DNA sequences.

Expected benefits from the PSI include: structural descriptions to help researchers discover the functions of proteins, design experiments, and solve other key biomedical problems; faster identification of promising new structure-based medicines; better therapeutics for treating both genetic and infectious diseases; and development of technology and methodology for protein production and crystallography.

The PSI actively engages the scientific community in the selection of proteins for structure determination and is increasing its outreach, accessibility, and impact on biomedical research  via the PSI-Nature Structural Genomics Knowledgebase, a continually updated portal to PSI data, resources, and latest developments. 

For more details about the PSI's goals, organization, and benefits, see the PSI Mission Statement. Additional information about the PSI can be found under the links listed below.

Background Information

Learn about the PSI through answers to frequently asked questions, fact sheets, and other background material.

PSI-2 Network

Discover more about the PSI-funded centers, steering committee, program staff, and advisory committee.


Find out detailed information about the funded centers, their missions, and principal investigators.

Funding Opportunities

View PSI-related listings from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts, the official publication for NIH research grant policies, guidelines, and funding opportunities.


Read PSI announcements and results.

Media Mentions

Find articles and other news coverage featuring PSI-supported advances.


Find out about PSI meetings.


Read PSI meeting reports.

Contact Us

Reach PSI program staff.

This page last updated December 24, 2008