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::. EAP Services for Employees  

EAP services for employees include:
  1. Assessment
    The EAP Consultants work together with you to assess the situation and to determine the number of sessions needed. The number of sessions available at the EAP may vary from two to six sessions, depending upon need. In cases involving substance abuse or special accommodation, an extended time period and number of sessions may be necessary. photo of two people talking
  2. Consultation
    Stress, tension, and conflict- whether work related or personal - interfere with an individual's ability to do their job. When this happens, and it is likely to occur at some point in anyone's career, the EAP Consultants work with you to explore alternatives for resolving the situations.
    group of people sitting at a table talking
    Issues the EAP Consultants are available to assist with include, but are not limited to the following:
  3. Confidential Personal Assistance
    Anger Management
    Assertiveness Training
    Child/Dependent Issues
    Catastrophic Lost/Illness
    Domestic Violence Issues
    Eating Disorders
    Financial Crisis
    Gambling Addiction
    Grief/Loss Issues
    Legal Issues
    Marital/Relationship Issues
    Mental Health Issues
    Personal Crisis
    Physical Health/Accommodation Issues
    Stress Management
    Substance Abuse Issues
    Suicide Intervention
    Time Management
  4. Organizational
    Job Coaching
    Organizational Conflicts
  5. Problem Solving with Groups or Individuals
    Critical Incident/Stress Debriefing
    Team Building
    Workplace Violence
  6. Personal Growth and Development
    Burnout Prevention
    Career Change/Adjustment
    Communication Skills
    Gender Identity Issues
    Personal Hygiene Issues
    Self-Esteem Building

  7. Referral
    two women alking and looking at a book The EAP Consultants may refer you to one or more NIH and/or community resource(s) to receive services or treatment, as necessary. The EAP Consultants are available to actively provide liaison between you and the referral resources. Whenever possible, outside referral will be within your insurance coverage.

  8. Follow Up
    The EAP Consultants actively maintain contact with all employees and supervisors to ensure that your needs have been adequately and competently met. two people talking
  9. Training & Workshops
    The EAP Consultants are available, with prior notice, for planning to provide specific training and hands-on workshops in order to facilitate delivery of all the above services in a didactic or experiential manner. Workshops and training may take the form of former lecture or informal brown bag seminars depending upon the needs and organizational demands of the recipients.

Office of Research ServicesOffice of Research FacilitiesNational Institutes of HealthDepartment of Health and Human Services