Contact the Exclusion Program
Exclusions Program |
The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) provide answers to a variety of questions typically asked regarding the OIG Exclusion program. Please review the FAQs before contacting the OIG.>
If you do not find an answer to your question regarding content and information contained in the LEIE, contact the Exclusions Staff at:
E-mail Address: Telephone: Fax: |
Mailing Address: |
For members of the media or general public, contact the HHS, OIG External Affairs Office.
To Obtain Documentation on Excluded Individuals or Entities
If you have verified the identity of an excluded party and are seeking documentation of this action, you may submit a written request to the address listed above. Your request should include a copy of the LEIE page identifying the individual or entity. Requests without this information from the LEIE will be returned.
In most instances, the only documentation available will be the exclusion notice, which notifies the party of the exclusion, its effect and information concerning appeal rights. It does not contain specific details regarding the basis for the exclusion. If the excluded party has been reinstated, that notice may also be available. We recommend contacting an excluded individual or entity for additional information concerning any of these actions.