Welcome to the NIH Multimedia gallery. Experience the National Institutes of Health through our selection of audio, video and interactive features. Audio
NIH Radio is a 24-hour audio service designed to provide radio stations with the latest information about NIH research findings, highlights of press conferences, and health campaigns. NIH Radio is a service of the Office of Communications and Public Liaison, Office of the Director. NIH Research Radio Podcast — from OD/OCPLUpdated every other Friday, this Podcast brings you information about the latest advances in medical research at NIH. The NIH Research Radio Podcast is a service of the Office of Communications and Public Liaison, Office of the Director. Podcasts — from CITThe Center for Information Technology (CIT) makes enhanced video and audio Podcast files available for download so you can access content whenever you want from your portable media player. Video
Half an hour, once a month, this vodcast brings you exciting information about medical research advances in all 27 Institutes and Centers at NIH . The "i on NIH" is a service of the Office of Communications and Public Liaison, Office of the Director. NIH Videocasting — from CITThe Center for Information Technology (CIT) makes special NIH events, seminars, and lectures available to viewers on the NIH network and the Internet from the VideoCast web site. NIH YouTube ChannelVideos from NIH's Vodcast available on YouTube Images
This section provides you access to the various image collections on the Web sites of institutes and centers in NIH. Other Multimedia Products
Published annually, the NIH Almanac contains pertinent facts about the National Institutes of Health. It is prepared by the Office of Communications and Public Liaison, Online Information Branch. The 2008-2009 NIH Almanac is now available on CD-ROM. Please contact the OD Online Information Branch (OLIB) to request your copy. This page was last reviewed on
November 21, 2008